AChat Forum
Support => Slip of the pen (Report bugs) => Topic started by: Levianne on January 16, 2015, 07:20:13 AM
Can't log in the Town Square with my forum's and game's login and password. The sign in option's telling me, that the name was taken already, meaning my account there (the forum's login) might exist/is connected to this (I hope at least) already, but the log in function keeps telling me, the name and password doesn't match (I am sure to type both correctly, even with caps). I don't wanna use another versions like for example Levianne1 or something on the line, I would be glad for being there under the same name as on the forum and in the game.
To login to the square, you have to create a new accout there. The place is not running under AChat development team management, it's a chat one of us havd created several months ago
Yes I know that, Hukk did created the TS, but I thought it is connected. Well then I am not the only person with that name in the Chatango community, I guess. Oki, thank you for the answer, I'll have to go with some strange variant of my fave nick then.