Letting every one know
Well you my not know Me (Tangoracer) or Jingerbird But if you do its time to let everyone Know.
We met on Achat after months of looking at her profile and not getting the courage to talk to her (and she was always in a room) we met in the town square and we just clicked.
We spoke more and more on Achat and moved on to yahoo and then skype. After a month or so of this I took the chance and asked to meet which she said yes. We spent the weekend together and knew we couldn't spend anymore time with out each other. A month later we made the decision for me to move in and live together.
We have been together now for six month and we are both happier then we have been for a long time.
I can honestly say that I have never been happier. It took me a long time to find him but the second I walked into the Square, (thank you Woody...MUWAHHHHH) I knew that I had found the man that I was looking for. The last 6 months have changed my life completely, thank you My Love
Congratulations to you Both, couldnt happen to a nicer couple :)
Throws rice
Congrats Y'all
Congratulations the both of you
Damn you never asked me!!!
Hugs & mwahhhhhhhhhs.
Hearty congratulations :) Great going guys!!!
Congratulations be happy and have lots more happy yrs to come x
Congrats to my good friends Tango and Jinger, that you might be happy ever after.
Thank you all very much for your kind words. It means so much to Tango and I. We had a bit of a celebration last night so we are a little delicate, well I am anyway..... lol
late as always ;)
Congrats Tango and Jinger best wishes
Stone & jayc
Congrat Sisssssssssss and Cowboy love ya both of you so much <3 , just be happy always and of course you know my numb ;) wedding planner is waiting always <3 for you two 10 % down price lol
What a wonderful story. Congratulations to you both!
One year ago today, I woke up next to the love of my life and I realised that it was never going to be the same again. I have found my best friend, lover and the perfect man for me (except when he is driving, the only time he gets angry lol)
This year has gone so fast but I know that he will always be by my side and I will never have to look too far to find him. I have never felt so happy or safe and I just want the world to know how much I love him
Thank you My Love, Tango
Stone & jayc
Congratulations to you, Jinger and Tango.
I wish you many happy, joy filled years together.
Fixxgiggle :D
Thank you to all that have congratulated us on our One year Anniversary
But the biggest thanks is to Jingerbird for putting up with me for this year MMMWAHHHHHH Love you so much and heres to the next great year together.
So a whole year huh ? good job :)
look forward to saying the same in 50 yrs
On your anniversary