As the stories of contest 9 - “OUT OF THIS WORLD “ are posted and the poll is opened for voting, I wanted to start discussing a new Theme for the next contest 10. I suggest to gather ideas for Contest 10, then make a poll and the theme with the most votes, will be the theme for the contest.
It may seem early to start such a discussion, but, to ensure that 3 Story Contests a year can be organised, it is imperative that members get an opportunity to discuss, vote and be involved with the contest’s every step of the way.
Open for theme suggestions :- Friday 1 May 2015 to Sunday 31 May 2015.
Poll Open :- Mon 1 June 2015 to Tuesday 30 June 2015.
So without further ado, Please could I have suggestions for the next Erotic Story Contest 10
All ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The following themes have already been covered in previous contests :-
1 - New Years Resolution
2 - In The Summer
3 - Time Travel
4 - First Time
5 - Public Event
6 - Medieval
7 - Journey.
8. - Cheating & Infidelity.
9 – Out of this World.
As in line with TOS ( Terms of Service ) no themes will be accepted involving bestiality or anything under --- age.
Time Line for Contest 10
1. The new Topic for Erotic Story Contest 10 - theme suggestions will be opened from Friday 1 May 2015 - Sunday 31 May 2015.
2. The poll will be opened Mon 1 June 2015 to Tuesday 30 June 2015 for Forum Members to decide the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest
3. Submitting: Opening date for submitting stories is Wed 1 July 2015.
4. Deadline: The Deadline for submitting your stories is Wed 30 September 2015. ( 7pm UK Time )
5. Voting: The poll will be opened Thurs 1 Oct 2015 ( Or following the publishing of the stories on Wed 30 Sept 2015 ) .
6. Thurs 1 Oct 2015 - Sat 31 Oct 2015. New Topic opened for ideas for themes for Erotic Story Contest 11
7. Voting. The poll will be opened Sun 1 Nov 2015 to Mon 30 Nov 2015 to vote on the theme for Erotic Story Contest 11
8. Closing: The Erotic Story Contest 10 stories poll will be closed Mon 30 Nov 2015 ( 7pm UK time )
9. Winners of Erotic Story Contest 10 will be announced Tues 1 Dec 2015. ( Or following the close of the poll on Mon 30 Nov 2015 )
10. The new theme for Erotic Story Contest 11 will be known and open for story submissions Tues 1 Dec 2015 until Mon 29 Feb 2016 (Leap Year)
I wish all contestants good luck, and all Forum Members, Guests and Achat Gods a lot of enjoyment when reading...
Happy writing, reading and other things ...... hehe
thinking about a Rebellion or a rebel
or some type of mickey spillane crime thriller?
I would like music themed keeping it broad gives all the authors the chance to spin it how they like and let us enjoy the ride ;D this might even let the ACHAT gods allow us to add a playlist to our rooms :o
for instance being in a band, or a band groupie. a night at the opera. a diskotec, dance club, or even a car with the radio going.
that's my suggestion ;)
An idea can be interracial, considering the fact that AChat is a place where people from all around the world can meet.
Another one....mmmm.......what about the old good myths and legends!?
Aaaanyway, till now we have:
- 1. - Thriller/Twisted heroes
- 2. - Musical events (looking for a better name)
- 3. - Interracial
- 4. - Myths and legends
How about "every picture tells a story"
the author finds a picture or painting and writes a story about it.
An old creative writing exercise.
EXAMPLE "Surf rumble at Biker Beach" ;D
I still like the idea of a War Time Romance/Raw Lust story.
So I am throwing it in the mix again.
I second Jayc's idea.
yes JayC great idea, tho we all write a story on the SAME picture??
I still would like "War Time Romance".
The picture thing is cool, but yes, it should be the same picture for all.
I think Stone is right
It's been in every vote so I think we should write a War time Romance
Its the only topic to always be there but we have never done it
No...he said the author would find a picture and write about it.
We could do both for the vote :)
1. - Thriller/Twisted heroes
2. - Musical events (looking for a better name)
3. - Interracial
4. - Myths and legends
5 - Writers Own Pic
6 - Contest Managers Pic
7 - War Time Romance / Lust.
i do like wartime romance.
makes my job easier to design a new poster :P
Don't be lazy, Martin! we all like to see your new posters!
I agree on the fact that the pic must be the same for everyone, if we go with it!
You could always post several pictures and let the writer's vote on which the story should be about.
As I said before, I agree with you, LovingSir! We have to chose a picture to use as reference and it must be the same ofr any writer!
I think each writer should be able to choose their own picture because it will make the creativity and story more intense and personal...I think it would be an unfair advantage to peoples tastes if they all have to use the same one ...
But if everyone can chose by himself the pictures, it will be no longer a contest!
The solution can be to do a raffle with pics choosen by the contest manager and names of writers, but it's impossible
I think each writer should be able to choose their own picture because it will make the creativity and story more intense and personal...I think it would be an unfair advantage to peoples tastes if they all have to use the same one ...
wouldn't that make the contest who finds the best picture?
using the same picture you get a wide range of interpretation
then the story they write i support a single picture for all entries
not at all woody ..it depends how creative a person can be ...its not about the picture but about the creative mind ...the writer ...but whatever ..It was just my opinion ..I'm sure there will be many more come along 8)
Amethyst, everyone here can express his personal opinion, we encourage it! Of course, when idea are in contrast, we valuate them all and chose the best one, evwen askibng to every member with a poll, if needed! This is how our forum works, so fill free to express your idea, my friend!
How about "every picture tells a story"
the author finds a picture or painting and writes a story about it.
An old creative writing exercise.
EXAMPLE "Surf rumble at Biker Beach" ;D
I like Jays Idea
We can put both in the poll. Its not a problem and the Forum village can decide. :)
I was thinking, maybe a Mind Control story would be interesting.
1. - Thriller/Twisted heroes
2. - Musical / Song
3. - Interracial
4. - Myths and legends
5 - Writers Own Pic
6 - Contest Managers Pic
7 - War Time Romance / Lust.
8 - Mind Control.
I would like to see a steampunk story
Amethyst, everyone here can express his personal opinion, we encourage it! Of course, when idea are in contrast, we valuate them all and chose the best one, evwen askibng to every member with a poll, if needed! This is how our forum works, so fill free to express your idea, my friend!
Thank you :-)
Jays idea is cool.....but i think "War Time Romance" is a good option....it has been in the mix for a long time....
In a war zone the terrain can be changed accordingly...but with a same pic you can only imagine and go beyond the pic for a certain limit
I go with Stone, tangoracer, mrsexlover and other soldiers including me who are desperate to let steam out than to kick enemy's ass ;)
Well, Alan.....it's all up to your fantasty to insert the same picture in different stories and this is where a good writer can show his/her best!
aaaanyway, it's too early to talk about it, first of all we must start the poll for the theme
Of course I am all for Interracial
Theme ideas for Contest 10.
1. - Thriller/Twisted heroes
2. - Musical / Song
3. - Interracial
4. - Myths and legends
5 - Writers Own Pic
6 - Contest Managers Pic
7 - War Time Romance / Lust.
8 - Mind Control.
9 - Steam punk.
I think at 10, I'll put it up for a vote. That way if 5 & 6 steam ahead, we have the option of discussing it further before a decision is made.
Looking at a 3d pic, I got an idea......false identity!
Theme ideas for Contest 10.
1. - Thriller/Twisted heroes
2. - Musical / Song
3. - Interracial
4. - Myths and legends
5 - Writers Own Pic
6 - Contest Managers Pic
7 - War Time Romance / Lust.
8 - Mind Control.
9 - Steam punk.
10 - False identity.
Ok Theres 10 ideas up now and due to the pic ideas where we may or may not need another vote, I will close the ideas for theme suggestions and open the poll for voting.
I would like a decision to the theme by the end of June.
Thank you everyone who put their ideas forward and may the best theme win.
Back to Enter the Writing Competition .... ;)
welcome back Amethyst :)
Welcome home, sweety! hope you will stay not only for the contest!
thank you .. :)
Deadline is IS TODAY 7pm UK TIME ( GMT+1 ) TUESDAY 30 JUNE 2015.
Please take the time to decide what kind of story you would like our authors to write for your enjoyment. Your vote is important. It shows support for our little contest & recognises the valiant efforts of all the authors who choose to take part. :)
The Voting For the Theme of EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 is now Closed.
The Forum Village have decided the new theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 is
As before, this title has a wide range of subjects that may inspire our authors here in the village.
It can cover a story, about WAR, a past war - real or fictional; a present war - terrorists have made the news lately, again real or fictional or a future war on earth or even between other worlds and aliens.
As long as it fits the rules and theme, I will most likely accept it.
And as is usual, if in doubt … ask. As Contest Manager my decision will be final. Without further ado.
Here is the launch of Erotic Contest 10 - WAR TIME ROMANCE (or Lust )
Good Luck Everyone. May the theme give you inspiration and your Naughty Erotic Thoughts be whetted.
The Erotic Story Contest is now open for submissions from Wed 1 July 2015. As before, Please send them to me by PM to protect the integrity of the voting.
The Deadline for submitting your stories is WEDNESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2015. ( 7pm UK Time )
Special Thanks to mrsexlover for his fabulous poster design. He always comes through and is truly amazing. :-* :-* :-*
Rules can be found here -
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.
Time Line for Contest 10
1. The new Topic for Erotic Story Contest 10 - theme suggestions will be opened from Friday 1 May 2015 - Sunday 31 May 2015.
2. The poll will be opened Mon 1 June 2015 to Tuesday 30 June 2015 for Forum Members to decide the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest
3. Submitting: Opening date for submitting stories is Wed 1 July 2015.
4. Deadline: The Deadline for submitting your stories is Wed 30 September 2015. ( 7pm UK Time )
5. Voting: The poll will be opened Thurs 1 Oct 2015 ( Or following the publishing of the stories on Wed 30 Sept 2015 ) .
6. Thurs 1 Oct 2015 - Sat 31 Oct 2015. New Topic opened for ideas for themes for Erotic Story Contest 11
7. Voting. The poll will be opened Sun 1 Nov 2015 to Mon 30 Nov 2015 to vote on the theme for Erotic Story Contest 11
8. Closing: The Erotic Story Contest 10 stories poll will be closed Mon 30 Nov 2015 ( 7pm UK time )
9. Winners of Erotic Story Contest 10 will be announced Tues 1 Dec 2015. ( Or following the close of the poll on Mon 30 Nov 2015 )
10. The new theme for Erotic Story Contest 11 will be known and open for story submissions Tues 1 Dec 2015 until Mon 29 Feb 2016 (Leap Year)
I wish all contestants good luck, and all Forum Members, Guests and Achat Gods a lot of enjoyment when reading...
Happy writing, reading and other things ...... hehe
Story might be written, and might be submitted soon. ;D ;D ;D
I can have an idea, the problem is time.......between Chronicles, Elves and the maps of those stories.....I'm quite sure I'll going to submit my entry at the last minute!
You can do it HB, the least you can do as I read all your stories. :-*
Meanwhile, Jay is scribbling down ideas and me ... well I have ideas too while sucking my pen thoughtfully ....
1 month left to write your story and get it to me by PM. That's 31 Days to write that story.
Deadline is Wed 30 Sept 2015.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
So far, I have two completed stories with a few promised and in the making.
If you are one of my regular authors, I await your story in anticipation and thank you for supporting me and our little story contest.
If you are an author, who enters when the theme inspires, I hope this one whets your juices and again I look forward to reading your creations. Thank you for supporting the story contest and I hope you enter many more.
If you are new to the contest and unsure whether to or not, I say ... Go for it. I'm sure you can write a good story and will step up to the challenge. Everyone has to start somewhere and Forum always welcomes new writers and new talent.
Every qualifying story gets 600A$ , more if you are voted in the top 3.
Just read the rules and send your story to me by PM.
Good Luck everyone.
COUNT DOWN - 18 Days to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 4 stories to date with more promised.
To those writing in earnest, I thank you for your efforts and look forward to receiving your finished story soon.
To those unsure, go for it.
Put that naughty mind to work and transfer it to the written word.
You can do it.
You can write it.
You can see it published here in forum and
other members will delight in reading your story.
Deep down I know you want to,
Deep down you know you can write it.
I know you can.
Do it, write it, send it to me.
Achieve & be proud of YOU.
Show me your work,
Show Forum you are a Writer.
(http://media.giphy.com/media/yoJC2K6rCzwNY2EngA/giphy.gif) (http://i.imgur.com/nU5cR3C.gif)
Story complete and submitted, with a few weeks to go ;)
To those unsure, go for it.
Put that naughty mind to work and transfer it to the written word.
You can do it.
You can write it.
You can see it published here in forum and
other members will delight in reading your story.
Deep down I know you want to,
Deep down you know you can write it.
I know you can.
Do it, write it, send it to me.
Achieve & be proud of YOU.
Show me your work,
Show Forum you are a Writer.
(http://media.giphy.com/media/yoJC2K6rCzwNY2EngA/giphy.gif) (http://i.imgur.com/nU5cR3C.gif)
Hi not sure if I am missing something .. but can you tell me the rules for submitting my story please and in what format etc .. or direct me to the right place? ... Much Appreciated
Rules can be found here -
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.
Momma_Andrea is right Amethyst. Everything you need to know is in the link above. Thank you Momma_Andrea.
If you high light the url link above, by holding your left click down on your mouse and dragging your cursor to the end it shows blue ;
then hold your cursor over the high light and right click, a drop down menu will appear
Click on the 2nd one down " go to http...."
And voila ... a new topic and page opens up for you, taking you right there :)
3rd post down in that topic shows the format for submitting your story to me.
COUNT DOWN - 11 Days to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 4 stories to date with more promised.
To those writing in earnest, I thank you for your efforts and look forward to receiving your finished story soon.
To those unsure, go for it.
Put that naughty mind to work and transfer it to the written word.
You can do it.
You can write it.
You can see it published here in forum and
other members will delight in reading your story.
Deep down I know you want to,
Deep down you know you can write it.
I know you can.
Do it, write it, send it to me.
Achieve & be proud of YOU.
Show me your work,
Show Forum you are a Writer.
(http://media.giphy.com/media/yoJC2K6rCzwNY2EngA/giphy.gif) (http://i.imgur.com/nU5cR3C.gif) (http://40.media.tumblr.com/55e38f270f641fad9aabb21e6747e944/tumblr_n70jdhtcex1sag14uo1_500.jpg) (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/92/75/3e/92753eb923babf02a08f15fa7bc7061c.jpg)
COUNT DOWN - 9 Days to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
(http://24.media.tumblr.com/b980a319933c2ab5e49efeba0c8c44af/tumblr_mxjmc5MyA11t15xv3o5_250.gif) (http://25.media.tumblr.com/8cc1cc9473546c17fc720df42b0350e2/tumblr_mxjmc5MyA11t15xv3o6_250.gif) (https://24.media.tumblr.com/be334eceae0d55aeafdb349d4250f333/tumblr_mxjmc5MyA11t15xv3o2_250.gif)
COUNT DOWN - 7 Days, yes that's 1 week left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 5 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
(http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1042/10429256/2789980-1397332925-87550.gif) (http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g246/sey115/Photobucket%20Desktop%20-%20Sage%20Youngs%20MacBook/Funny%20and%20Random/justdoit_zps7f14e39d.gif)
COUNT DOWN - 6 Days left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 5 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
(http://www.nkayesel.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/i-can-do-anything.gif) (http://thats-normal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/rob-yeah-gif.gif) (http://media.giphy.com/media/wi8Ez1mwRcKGI/giphy.gif)
COUNT DOWN - 5 Days left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 6 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
While I get on with my breakdown ... write that story...
(http://media.giphy.com/media/3UlGOj3c0jYZy/giphy.gif) (http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/tumblr_m0828nelSS1rovmado1_500.gif) (https://readunwritten.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/tumblr_inline_mudc4gmhse1s7qcxy1.gif)
COUNT DOWN - 4 Days left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 6 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
While I get on with my breakdown ... write that story...
(http://firstandmonday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Keep-working.gif) (https://blog.signifyd.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/spn-0-dustily-we-got-work-to-do.gif)
COUNT DOWN - 3 Days left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 6 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
While I get on with my breakdown ... write that story... finish it and get it to me by PM. You know you can do it :)
Blowing magic fairy dust to keep you inspired and focused ...
(http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac283/ioanagheorghe/glitter_roses_gif.gif) (http://i653.photobucket.com/albums/uu254/OnThInIcE911/2p2%20random/Alison%20Brie/Yay.gif) (http://www.sharonjoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/YAY-Hedgehog-300x294.gif)
COUNT DOWN - 2 Days left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
EROTIC STORY DEADLINE is WED 30 SEPT 2015 19.00 hrs BST / GMT+1.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 6 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
While I get on with my breakdown ... write that story... finish it and get it to me by PM.
You know you can do it :)
And then you can say ... I did it, I wrote it and I got published here in Forum...
And no one can take that away from you, you can say it for ....
COUNT DOWN - 1 Day left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 6 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
(https://d.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1425267997ra/13869845.gif) (http://gifsec.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/12/Breakdown-Emo-Emotional-Feels-Frustrated-Meltdown-Nervous-Breakdown-Stress-Stressed-Stressing-GIF-2015.gif?gs=a)
While I get on with my breakdown ...
Write that story... finish it and get it to me by PM.
You know you can do it :)
The yeast & inspiration helps
(https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-CEkWwmlxDOutQZQHtTp_dg48ChqW8UexI3bwKB4vaCd3ANnqwRZIZw) (http://www.chud.com/community/content/type/61/id/17394/width/500/height/211)
COUNT DOWN - 7.5 hrs left to finish that story and get it to me by PM.
The theme is War Time Romance or Lust.
I have 7 stories so far and am thirsty for more. Come on you writers ...
(https://d.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1425267997ra/13869845.gif) (http://gifsec.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/12/Breakdown-Emo-Emotional-Feels-Frustrated-Meltdown-Nervous-Breakdown-Stress-Stressed-Stressing-GIF-2015.gif?gs=a)
While I get on with my breakdown ...
Just Do it - Send it in. :P
The stories will be posted some time this evening
Happy reading everybody :)
May I remind all contestants of Rule 7.
7. Due to fairness of voting, contestants should not unduly influence voters, in any way, in their decision to vote for their favourite story , or to disclose they are the author of their story prior to votes being cast... Thank you. This could result in your story being disqualified.
Well, the time is here once again for the launch of the voting for The Erotic Contest Story -
The stories for Erotic Contest 10 – War Time are now published.
I have 10 stories that have been entered in the Erotic Story Contest. Thank you all so much for entering.
May I personally thank each and every one of you for your help and support for making Erotic Story Contest 10 the success it is. Thank you to mrsexlover for the poster, he created to launch this contest. Hugs & Mwahhhhhh.
Many Thanks to the Achat Gods who sponsor the story contests and provide the prizes.
Thank You to ALL the authors who decided to compete, the ones who tried to beat the deadline but real life issues intervened- it happens ( BUT, I will get you next time ) – and all of you who will take the time to read and vote for your favourite story, another Big Thank You.
Every vote is important, it shows the authors you really do care for their efforts and that their stories are very much appreciated.
All of the stories are unique and fantastic in their own right. Each is an achievement in their own right. So Thank You on my behalf and that of Forum for entering the Erotic Story Contest 10.
There are a mix of authors as usual.
You all know who you are and I extend a personal Thank you to you, for your support and courageous efforts.
Thank you to my “Anchor Authors" who always enter a story to show support for me, for Forum and for unwavering support for the Erotic Story Contests ... Thank you so much. You make the contest successful, your continuing support is very much appreciated and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And Thank You to new authors who decided to push themselves on this occasion and submit their very first story for the contest. Well done and no matter what the outcome of the voting, you are now a published Erotic Author for Achats Forum… Well done and I hope you enter future contests.
No matter, how the voting falls, and there are always surprises in the Forum Village, as it should be, Please, do not ever be disheartened if your story only attracts a few votes – remember, only one story can be voted for by each Forum Member as a favourite. Your goal has in fact, already been achieved – you HAVE reached your personal goal of your story being entered and published and you will receive a minimum of A$600, when the voting is concluded. That makes you a winner already in my eyes.
The top 3 prizes are always a bonus though and with that said,
I proudly present the published stories - “War Time” – THE STORIES. EROTIC CONTEST 10 open for voting...
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > "WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
*** Due to a technical error, Part 2 of the last contest story will not post in the topic. It has been reported & is the reason why at this moment in time the voting has not as yet been opened up.
Thank you all for patience.
Due to a technical issue, I am not able to post or publish Part 2 of the story - A Ring for a Tanner - as yet.
I am trying to address this.
Thank you for your patience.
Until we can resolve it, I am not in a position to open the voting. In the meantime, please enjoy the stories that are posted.
Can you believe the word that was stopping the post from Publishing was Weight--- loss. I changed it to loss of weight and everything posted fine. Yet, it was received ok by PM ???
It only took me 2 days to discover grrrrrrrrrrrr - apologises to the author effected by the change.
Now that all the stories are fully posted, may I apologise for the delay and declare the stories open to the voting process. Enjoy Every one.
YAAAYYYY Congrats Brandy :) You found the bad words lmao.... who would ever think that these 2 words are causing troubles? AChat doesn't want that there is a ............ members may not lose weight ;)
Well done for finding such a terrible word it had to be struck from our forum language!
Now I can look forward to reading all the stories.
Congratulations to the 10 authors who entered.
Just 20 days left to read & Vote. DEADLINE is MONDAY 30 NOV.
Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us. Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment. Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
Here's the links for you to check out -
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
Please vote and show your support.
Summaries of the War Stories – Erotic Story Contest 10.
Vote for your Favourite Story. Voting Ends Mon 30 Nov 2015.
1. A Woman Always Helps.
A delightful story of a wounded marine, a warrior finding faith again in life with the help of his naughty nurse. Maybe, he’s not so broken after all! Well written and very hot.
2. Soumatou Phenomenon.
A sad story with a life lesson that war has heavy loses and should never be forgotten. Hot sex remembered as life flashes before their eyes, hence the name of the title. It’s an interesting and different angle to the theme and time appropriate as Armistice Day has just been remembered.
3. War Romance is Hell.
A couple meet in a war zone and make plans for the future, but then the battle starts to rage. It’s hot and erotic and a little sad.
4. Helmand's Secret.
A helicopter crashes in the Afghanistan desert and two soldiers are alone in the dark trying to keep warm. They do get warm and the temperature rises. A naughty little story that will leave you wanting more.
5. Semper Fi.
A romantic marine story based in WW2. It captures the anxieties of those at home waiting for news of lovers on active duty perfectly. Well written with hot sex and boppy tunes that are hard to get out your head. The story grips the reader.
6. War of Species.
Terrans (Earth/humans) are at war with aliens trying to take over the planet. A war hero is injured in the fighting and enjoys the pampering of his nurse. He shows his appreciation of her care one night. It’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship and time for new discoveries. Sensuously exciting and has the promise of more to come.
7. Two Birds, One Stone.
Another unusual angle about the theme – the secret world of spies working against terrorism. The lead man is suave and sophisticated and will keep you safe. Such a man also has to assuage his carnal desires and he does so with the same exciting class and mystery.
8. Escape!
A man runs for his life from the enemy. He is breathing hard; his heart is racing and not just from his flight. The love scene is exciting and well worth the read.
9. It’s a hard Knight's life, for me
A time of medieval wars. A knight is victorious and battle weary but his betrothed’s father and King lays dead. He returns to his princess, hoping he has not lost favour with her and can claim what is promised.
10. A Ring for a Tanner.
A story set in WW2 and tells of the love and strength of will of a POW held captive in the Far East. The love scene is a hot seduction of a virgin. Despite the odds, will he survive his ordeal and return home to his mom’s rice pudding?
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
Just 9 days left to read & Vote. DEADLINE is MONDAY 30 NOV.
Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us.
Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.
Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
Here's the links for you to check out -
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
Please vote and show your support.
Just 6 days left to read & Vote. DEADLINE is MONDAY 30 NOV.
Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us.
Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.
Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
Here's the links for you to check out -
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
Please vote and show your support.
Just 6 days left to read & Vote. DEADLINE is MONDAY 30 NOV.
Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us.
Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.
Please show your support by voting for your favourite story.
Here's the links for you to check out -
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
Just 4 days left to read & Vote. DEADLINE is MONDAY 30 NOV.
Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us.
Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.
Please show your support by voting for your favourite story.
Here's the links for you to check out -
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
Just 2 days left to read & Vote. DEADLINE is MONDAY 30 NOV. 8.00pm GMT
Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us.
Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.
Please show your support by voting for your favourite story.
It's so exciting. Three stories are vying for first place and positioning on the podiums. Please vote. It is important to our authors. It is neck and neck!
Here's the links for you to check out -
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
Just 1 day left to read & Vote. DEADLINE is tomorrow MONDAY 30 NOV. 8.00pm GMT
Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us.
Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.
Please show your support by voting for your favourite story.
It's so exciting. Three stories are vying for first place and positioning on the podiums. Please vote. It is important to our authors. It is neck and neck!
Here's the links for you to check out -
EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 - War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.
The voting to Erotic Contest 10 - War Time Romance is now closed. Thank you to all the authors & voters. The results are in ....
Special Thanks & a big kiss to Martinus for this fabulous poster. He always comes through & never lets me down. Thank you so much.
Congratulations to the winners.
Three cheers for JAYC & MOMMA_ANDREA Great Stories you two.
A request has been forwarded to the Achat Gods to award your accounts the prizes.
Submission rewards have also been requested and should also be in your accounts soon.
Yay CONGRATULATIONS to Jayc, Momma Andrea and BrandyBee
well done authors well deserved success
Congratulation for winning another edition, Jayc!
And thanks to all of you who joined the 10th edition of the story contest! NOW GO TO WORK TO THE NEW ONEEEEE!
Jayc, Andrea and Brandy
Big thanks to all who wrote a story and voted!!!
Great stories. Thoroughly deserved.
Congratulations to Jayc, Momma_Andrea and Brandybee for winning.
Congratulations to everyone else for taking part and having their story published on forum. See you in future contests.
Thank you to all the voters, especially the ones who voted for my story. Kiss to each of you.
I want to thank all the writers and all the people who read the stories and took the time to vote. A big hug to Brandybee for running the contest. And last but not least my spouse Stone, who is my biggest critic and even bigger supporter.
In my opinion this was one of the best lot of stories. Each contest the bar get raised a little higher and its a massive honor to win.
To All the Winners
and you are
Well done everyone
Special congratz to my spouse. Proud of you darling.
Contest been over for 2 weeks...
I still have no money :(
Brandy has messaged the A-Team twice. We hope, it will be sent to your account soon. We're sorry for the delay.
Hi, I apologise for the delay in updating contestants accounts. I have forwarded a third request today to the Achat Gods.
Hopefully we will have positive news soon.
The prizes and submission rewards have now paid into the contestants accounts.
So sorry for the delay. Enjoy & MERRY CHRISTMAS
Please check your accounts. See below :
When the end of the contest comes & winners announced, to confirm you have received your prize you have to go into... "Shop" ( And log in your details ) / " Your Profile" / " Recent Purchases " and then scroll down....
You will find a different boxed section that itemises all " Funding" received from Achat Gods including subscription information, and " Gifts" you have received and given. Green are credits - Gifts / Prizes received , Blue are debits - Gifts given.
Your prize will show as " The date " / " White box with a blue A S inside " / " Funding " / Account Funding by AS Purchase / The prize amount in Green eg 600
The Contest Manager will PM ( Personal Message in Forum ) the winner when their account has been awarded the Prize and you can check and confirm as above. If it is not shown for any reason and you do not receive your winnings, Please PM the Contest Manager as soon as possible.
Other participants in the story contest will also show their A$ 600 as received in their account in this same way too.