AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: hapax on February 20, 2010, 02:52:25 PM
un canapé dans la 'room' serait le bienvenu. Pour discuter en tete a tete acec quelques actions de base comme:
caresser la poitrine, sexe, cuisses
assis dans les bras l'un de l'autre
pour la suite il y a les positions au choix !!!
Merci de me lire
in english ?
please, add a settee in the room to discuss with some basic actions :
- cherish breasts, legs and so on
- kissing
- intertwined
Yes, a sette would be nice. To talk, to cherish, to kiss.... and maybe with new positions for sex like girl sitting on your knee (face/face and face/back) and from behind while she is kneewing, blowjob while she is sitting.... :)
Or another room, like living room...
AChat will grow bigger and I think someday we will have this. But please, A-Team, dont let us wait to long :(