AChat Forum

Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: zuzannah on June 06, 2015, 06:39:17 AM

Title: Shown as Busy when not
Post by: zuzannah on June 06, 2015, 06:39:17 AM
   Don't know if this is the right part of the Forum.  But something strange has happened. 

   I invited someone over nothing happened.  Then I was shown to be Busy.   >:(  You know the Amber Button next to my name And I  WASN'T 
   Also got a message from that person.  So I was Busy because they couldn't contact me directly.
   Has this happened before ?  Anyway I'm changing my password to be on the safe side.
Title: Re: Shown as Busy when not
Post by: Brandybee on June 06, 2015, 09:50:15 AM
It sounds like you had a lagging type glitch.

Hopefully it sorted itself out now when you refreshed.
Title: Re: Shown as Busy when not
Post by: zuzannah on June 06, 2015, 11:02:35 AM
  Yeah its all ok now Thanks  BB     :-*