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Off-Topic => Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... => Topic started by: jayc on August 11, 2015, 11:48:06 PM
A local radio host has been talking about this website for the last few nights, and interviewed the great man behind this effort. please take a few moments to go to his website and read what he is trying to do. The story is heart breaking and horrible but we can help stop this unspeakable terror.
War and what conquerors do to captives is always awful.
Rape, beatings and torture more commonplace than not. Probably because, they believe the liklihood of being caught and punished is negligable.
Well hopefully with people who are willing to help and turning the victims into strong survivors, this will change...
Isis have no excuse for the brutality, murder, rape and crimes they are commiting. Their time will come and they will face the consequences.
Good Luck to all those who help.
I prolonged my post for this . Now that I am here I like to say
Any person that hurts a another human being , Child adult women or male
Is not human it is clear as day it is a brutal beast especially when they hurt children ..
Why do bad things Happen ..I tell you Because there is a lot of bad in the world
It is unspeakable what Isis is doing and like so many other cruel animal that has no feeling or emotions
to feel the hurt and pain they terrorize their victims
They need to be stopped and not be ignored
My GOD is Love
I am not afraid to speak about my faith
Their is a GOD
and there is also a Devil that is here to steal kill and destroy
My GOD is a GOD of Love if people dont know him or seek him they do not understand
there so Much to see here and what It is going on as I am still growing in my Christian faith I see a lot understand a lot .
But am still growing
A lot will ask you if he is GOD why is all this bad things happen
I will tell you it happened from the start
and the only why any one will know is if they let God in to their heart ..
I ran away from him a long time or I did not know him but he was always there calling me from childhood
not knowing he was there taking care of me ..I be dead by now. I look back in time know , The time the car moved I was inches from death but I felt some
force pull that car to the said I know now it was the angels ...Or the time the car hit me but came out of it .. or was it the time My life was in danger as a child and he was there yes bad things happen and we come out of them stronger there is always a way out at times ..
After being so angry I was full of it I finely gave up and asked him to come in I got on my knees and screamed at GOD and asked
if you are God why why why come I want to know you are real ,..That day was the day I welcomed him in my life it will not be easy
but every one grows at there time I see miracles all around me even in the darkness I understand thing most don't I been given gift that
are not of this world ....
Most of you think I am Nuts but its ok
as long as I live I will never give my faith or turn from my Father
He is Real his Alive
and he is there for any one that lets him in .....
Now all this Isis most of them are Blinded and Bondage to not see what they do is wrong
( all they hear is what they teach them from young age they teach them to hurt kill hate this is all they know all they are )
.. Like so many that see it and dont do any thing
there so much pain hurt going on always has been
Now what can we do
that know
For me its to Pray
for others it is to
speak and spread all this injustices in the world
For others is how GOD but it in your heart to do
God Bless them and have mercy for all that are in this to save souls .....