AChat Forum

Organizations & Events => Personal Ads => Topic started by: AnniSilver on October 28, 2015, 05:16:15 PM

Title: R.I.P. Scott Marshall
Post by: AnniSilver on October 28, 2015, 05:16:15 PM
I'm a big fan of Tattoos and I love to watch "Ink Master" in TV

Today I learned that Scott Marschall, the winner of the season 4 passed away at age of only 41  ???

He was at far one of our (my family) favourits ever and we were so shocked when we heard about his death

Our deepest thoughts and wishes go out to his whole family, he leaves his wife Johanna and their 3 young children

I'm only so shocked and sad, sorry

*Photo from the facebook page of Ink Master*
