AChat Forum
Support => Slip of the pen (Report bugs) => Topic started by: bozorg on October 30, 2015, 07:51:25 AM
I'm not sure if it is the right place to post this but since the last update I can't launch Achat.
At first I had an error message telling me I was missing a .dll file (msvcr120d.dll). I downloaded it and put it in the right repertories but I get another error message telling me the application couldn't start (0xc000007b).
I tried to reinstall Achat but it didn't work. If you have any idea on how to solve this, thanks in advance.
The same here :/ Yesterday speed bar wasn't working, now it doesent starts at all... ::)
It seems there is a bug now. I've reported it.
I think no need to report it since theres a message on main page ...
*** Adding new system features. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause. ***
Thanks Maron. But it was too late, I already had reported it :D Or they were fast in answering...but it would have been VERY fast lol
What is the version of Windows you use?
The message on main page was there yesterday too...
I use windows 7, but I don't think windows is the reasons since your last uptdate broke the app I used without problm for 2 years
Here the fastest solution
Got the same problem but solved oit downloading the .dll and installing it on my machine.
here where you can find it
here a video guide to isntall it
Important note? the .dll must be placed in two folders for 64 bit systems! the video explain it with a write
They have fixed it. Now you just have to update and it's working
Yes I've just started the game and the update work fine but the meeting room not, for the moment :)