AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: zuzannah on January 07, 2016, 06:13:43 AM

Title: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: zuzannah on January 07, 2016, 06:13:43 AM
  Just a simple idea for the Meeting Place.

  Change the colour of the names above Shemales so I don't have to say that I'm a Shemale, like all the bloody time.  Change it to any other colour.  Pink Perhaps.  (Sorry Peeka)  :D

  And also while I'm here, a notice saying that this is a virtual site and people might not be what they seem.  I.E. Shemales might be Guys in RL.

  The amount of peeps saying hi to me and then just leaving when I say I'm a shemale (and then a Guy in RL) is, well, annoying.  It is getting a little depressing now and I like the Meeting Places.  This little addition of the colour would make all our lives in there so much better.

  Oh, one more thing.  Off topic. (Sorry)  ::)  I saw a Guy who was going around every single Girl / Gurl and cold calling.  Until he got to a group of girls. LOL.  They accepted the Call and started to dance.  And then just continuously started to slap the Bastard. Saying "Cold Calling is Rude."  LOL.  I couldn't stop laughing.  Thing is, the idiot still carried on cold calling.   :D :D :D :D :D  (I still have a little laugh to myself when I think of this).  :D

  So, yeah change the Text Colour for Shemales..  Make it easier to spot us.  Or avoid us.  Take your pick.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Nat33 on January 07, 2016, 07:38:33 AM
Hi Zuzannah,

Yes they are a problem with shemales like in real life, we have a... " surprise"   8)
I don't like too much the idea for a différent color I prefered to see the profil or a little profil with "Shemale" "Girl" or "Man" for example or behind the name, S, G, M .
But the different color for the different gender is good too.
I don't play in the FCA '"Fucking Colds Arena" I only accept dance and drink at the table and look all these people naked on a bed under tbe snow  ;D

I accept sometimes the colds invites and I fuck the guy direct in room, I don't like that ( I'm passive) but I have all the poses of the game and some MS pose are very hard for an 100% hétéro man ;D
For some it's the first time with a TS, some don't like and others loves it's the life  8)
The slap in dance is very good too  ;)
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Brandybee on January 07, 2016, 11:31:44 AM
Hey Zuz,   the colour coding is a good idea  (but wickedly, I must admit I say I'm a shemale if asked  lol )

I have seen those girls in action too.  They surround the culprit and he either has to log out or accept the pose and gets  wacked   LMAO

Perfect lesson in manners if you ask me.   :o :o

Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: cd_whore on January 07, 2016, 12:02:55 PM
  Just a simple idea for the Meeting Place.

  Change the colour of the names above Shemales so I don't have to say that I'm a Shemale, like all the bloody time.  Change it to any other colour.  Pink Perhaps.  (Sorry Peeka)  :D

  And also while I'm here, a notice saying that this is a virtual site and people might not be what they seem.  I.E. Shemales might be Guys in RL.

  The amount of peeps saying hi to me and then just leaving when I say I'm a shemale (and then a Guy in RL) is, well, annoying.  It is getting a little depressing now and I like the Meeting Places.  This little addition of the colour would make all our lives in there so much better.

  Oh, one more thing.  Off topic. (Sorry)  ::)  I saw a Guy who was going around every single Girl / Gurl and cold calling.  Until he got to a group of girls. LOL.  They accepted the Call and started to dance.  And then just continuously started to slap the Bastard. Saying "Cold Calling is Rude."  LOL.  I couldn't stop laughing.  Thing is, the idiot still carried on cold calling.   :D :D :D :D :D  (I still have a little laugh to myself when I think of this).  :D

  So, yeah change the Text Colour for Shemales..  Make it easier to spot us.  Or avoid us.  Take your pick.

i agree with the color coding. a lot of sites use blue for men, pink for girls, and purple for shemales. i don't go in the meeting place because of this problem. had a guy invite me for sex not realizing i was a shemale. i don't like to disappoint people and i really don't like having my time wasted.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Lover on January 07, 2016, 04:54:12 PM
The colouring is a great idea. They also could show letters in diff colours, like F, S M

LMAO..those girls are great. What a pity I haven't seen it :D
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 08, 2016, 02:51:55 AM
Best thing can be to have access to bio when we are in the meeting place, I think!

Ok, color help, but the orientation still remain a problem to solve or you want to add color even for ethero, bi and gay/lesbian!? awww....c''s a pain!
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: zuzannah on January 08, 2016, 03:04:39 AM
  Adding a bio would be ok.  But it has to be quick doesn't it.  At least with a colour scheme you would instantly know if that person is Female or Shemale.  HB you must have had a guy come up to you thinking that you are a Girl. (If you have ever been in there that is).

  If there would be a little note about yourself it's got to be like the one in the square.  And not took off your profile.  Maybe activated by a double click on the person you are interested in, instead of putting in on the menu when you single click a person.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Nat33 on January 08, 2016, 04:46:06 AM

Don't forget that 90% of people don't read/listen/talk and want to fuck right away because it is urgent for them to empty their balls or... not but they want to play quickly  ::)

Long live to the colds and quickies !
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Rukya on January 08, 2016, 05:57:48 AM
Hmmm... not sure it's a goos idea to have colors for names . I mean , in real life you dont walk in the street with a sign "i'm a trans" over your head . :)
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: cd_whore on January 08, 2016, 08:20:00 AM

Don't forget that 90% of people don't read/listen/talk and want to fuck right away because it is urgent for them to empty their balls or... not but they want to play quickly  ::)

Long live to the colds and quickies !

Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: cd_whore on January 08, 2016, 08:21:22 AM
Best thing can be to have access to bio when we are in the meeting place, I think!

Ok, color help, but the orientation still remain a problem to solve or you want to add color even for ethero, bi and gay/lesbian!? awww....c''s a pain!

in theory a good idea but 80% of the people don't fill out their profiles anyway. and even then a lot of it is all fake.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Lover on January 08, 2016, 10:12:35 AM
Rukya, in real you don't go to the arket to fuck with everyone lol... here it's the only reason for many to go there
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: zuzannah on January 08, 2016, 12:26:17 PM
  Showing a profile is probably the way forward.  BUT, my idea of the colours is what.......?  A step in the right direction.

  Start showing different colours for different genders.  Hey,  It's a start.

  As for RL.  This isn't.  Having these colours will stop guys, girls, gurls even,  asking or even cold calling the wrong person.  All the ACHAT team need to do is try it.  After all the Meeting place is still in Test Phase.  If it works Cool.  If it doesn't (And why shouldn't it) remove it, simple.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Rukya on January 10, 2016, 08:54:37 AM
Well if they add colors , they need to add one for hétéro men , one for gays , one for hétéro women , one for lesbians , one for hétéro shemales , one for gay shemales ( sorry i dont know if we say gay or lesbian for shemales ) , and of course , one each for bisex ( men , women , shemales ).

This way it could avoid an hétéro man to ask sex to a lesbian by exemple . It seem little complicated to me to do so many colors .
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: zuzannah on January 10, 2016, 01:16:29 PM
  All I am saying is FOR A START.  Different colours for each Gender.

  Do that first.  Then worry about the orientation for peeps later on.  (I'll let someone else Suggest that).

  Little Steps.  Not huge big ones.

  All I was suggesting was people could recognise who is a girl and who is a Shemale.  Not their Sexual orientation!  I haven't even mentioned that in this post. 

  Three Colours.  Three Genders.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Nat33 on January 10, 2016, 03:04:45 PM
Of course Rukya you're right but for a start Zuzannah have a good idea with the 3 colors.
Before the action I allways say that I like or not and if the partner don't talk I exit the room  8)

You know a lot of men and also girls don't know what is a shemale, so sometimes I explain my life but it's not really exciting for me and... very long so after I don't want and don't need sex  ;)
In the meeting room like in game I never invite and I allways say "I'm a shemale" some guys are very polite, some are very interested and some don't answer me  ;D

With these 3 colors I hope that resolve a lot of problems like that but I don't know.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: cd_whore on January 10, 2016, 05:12:58 PM
i think the three colors is a good idea, as i mentioned before. in response to adding bisex, straight, etc... almost all the guys that want to have sex with me have hetro in their profile. but really they are versatile. meaning they are top and bottom. so the profiles even as they exist now are not accurate. if you had top, bottom, versatile, (in combination with bisex) it would be more clear. so you could be bisex top, or bisex bottom, or bisex versatile. here is the problem, a lot of guys don't know what they are and almost no one on here has an accurate profile. so ultimately it is a waste of time for the devs to add features like the one requested by a user in this thread. you were assuming people fill out their profile correctly and that is far from the case. i think the three colors is enough. most people understand male, female, and shemale. the three color system would prevent a lot of issues for men and shemales in the meeting place. that is what the original poster was saying and I agree.

the thing that sucks about this place is every time someone suggests something they have to defend themselves constantly. i wish people here would just let people suggest something and if you agree say you agree and leave it at that. i don't know why everyone here feels the need to shit on every idea that comes along. they are proposing things for the devs consideration not for the peanut gallery. you are making it so no one wants to propose something because it isn't worth the effort to defend and clarify it for 25 posts.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Concerto on January 19, 2016, 04:37:14 AM
I don't understand why you can't click on someone and have their bio, as in the main game (or "Sex experience with partners" as it appears to be referred to now), displayed. I would have thought that would be as simple as anything and it would be consistent.

Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Nexe on January 20, 2016, 06:22:08 PM
Because in Achat nothing is simple, even if it is simple (say, adapting wine drinking pose for every orientation seems to be very easy, but it was never done).

Anyway, meeting place is still in very alpha stage, so profiles might be added later.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: zuzannah on January 21, 2016, 04:12:42 AM
  Yes,  something has to be done.  The amount of guys thinking that I'm a female is really getting out of control now.  And more than once the same guy asking.   You'd think they would remember wouldn't you ?  ::)

  I still think colours first.  (Easier).  And then profiles later.  But that would mean some people (including myself I suppose) would have to change my profile.  (Because I don't say I'm a guy in RL on the Free Chat Profile.  I don't like the text to go past the Profile Box. Yeah I know, I'm Obsessive Compulsive)  ::)

   Maybe a smaller separate profile could be created for the Meeting Place instead of the one you have in Free Chat.  Just a couple of lines.  Saying Gender and then something about yourself.  Maybe like the ACHAT Square has got.

  Something, anything to stop people from chatting up people that they don't want to chat with.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Concerto on January 21, 2016, 07:01:31 AM
err... the poses are ported from the main game, what could be any more complex than that. There is no reason that a textual bio, that is probably held in the same database as pose ownership anyway, can't easily be displayed as an overlay.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: zuzannah on January 21, 2016, 12:13:23 PM
  What's with the err..... ?   >:( >:( >:( >:(

  All I am suggesting is colours for different genders.  That's all.  Not profiles. 

  If you want to suggest profiles do it on another Post.

  I'm locking this one.
Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Brandybee on January 22, 2016, 02:00:15 AM
Both ideas would be useful as a quick guide.

A colour code such as purple for S's to distinguish between F & S   would be useful for both.  Although I do enjoy the fun of telling an eager suitor I'm shemale LOL.

A quick bio as Concerto suggested would also be useful. It would be nice to know the girl or guy you are chatting up is not gay when you are hetero.

What I have noticed though, and I think its a good thing for the game, there is a lot more interaction between players and prejudices that existed in the game are slowly being broken down.  I think this is in part due to the fact you cant distinguish between F & S's.
It would be a pity if the separation of the two allowed it to continue and flourish.

Now, i'm talking myself out of it being a good idea   LOL.   But that's what Forum is for ... hammering out ideas and everyone putting their views and ideas up.

It's a good topic Zuz.   Nice one.

Title: Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
Post by: Concerto on January 22, 2016, 12:27:33 PM
Glad to see it has been unlocked :)

I don't particularly like the current color coding. However, it is being used to differentiate between those that are nearby and others so, unless that is changed, it would make gender color coding more difficult to implement.