AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: naomi84 on February 03, 2016, 07:14:04 PM

Title: sell clothes
Post by: naomi84 on February 03, 2016, 07:14:04 PM
                                                 I think you have an option sell unwanted clothes.
Title: Re: sell clothes
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 04, 2016, 10:31:36 AM
will never happen 

they are here to sell  , to have reseller's
Title: Re: sell clothes
Post by: zuzannah on February 04, 2016, 04:36:22 PM
  It is a good idea I think.

  Maybe have a sell and a borrow.  If you have a friend that hasn't got a particular outfit then you could lend it to them for say........what?   24 hours, maybe less, to see if they like it or not. 

  I have certain pieces of clothing that I'll never wear.  Selling them would be better than them clogging up my wardrobe, especially if you have a lot of clothing.  It's hard to find what you want at the best of times.  Getting rid of some would help.

  Just a thought.  I know someone I have talked to recently suggested gifting clothes.  Think they mentioned it a long time ago in here too.  But, I suppose what would help all of us not buying clothes we don't like after we buy them is a changing room, were we can actually see what we look like before we buy them.
Title: Re: sell clothes
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 04, 2016, 11:34:40 PM
Will not happen 

they will  not make money off of it
Title: Re: sell clothes
Post by: maron211177 on February 05, 2016, 01:02:56 AM
of course its a good idea but i m with roxxy here.
its achat ...
first .. they wont make money out of it
second ... they struggle with the easiest programming
( i ll get myself banned one day  ;D )
ideas like sharing clothes , reselling or a try them on option
... not going to happen anytime soon
Title: Re: sell clothes
Post by: Lover on February 05, 2016, 02:09:58 AM
What Roxxy and maron said. This idea has been mentioned several times and it never will happen. A changing room would be a 1st step but even this... I don't believe. This is the reason we started the thread about new clothes, so you can see how it looks "in real".
Title: Re: sell clothes
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 05, 2016, 02:15:03 AM
Yep, sad to admit but Roxxy, Maron and Lover are right, anyway asking again and again bust be done, as for collars and many other stuff we waited for 3 years.

C'mon AChat itttt!