Product Name: Headphone
Product Description: If you love music
Price: 319 A$
There is a poll on this new because I think that the result can be interesting! ::)
I voted NO and I think there is nothing to explain...
LOL Nat. *Kisses*
They're not for Girls or Gurls but what the hell, I'm voting.
" VOTED, will waste no more energy on "HEADPHONES"? "
Nobody needs this senseless junk
Only wasting money!!!
Cause I thought you would be able to listen to some other music :'(
Voted just because.... NO!
Because COLLARS!! That's why!
I struggle to find words that are adequate to express the utter worthlessness of this article.
If you have this piece of crap around your neck, you're banned.
No point of these at all.
Please can we have collars and leads.
I vote NO cuz there no need of head phone there NO sound IN IT
PELASE make COLLARE for male and femal thats a add to role plays
for what you are charging you should at least have music streamed to them from internet radio