I am opening this topic to discuss new themes for Erotic Story Contest 13.
To ensure that 3 Story Contests a year can be organised, it is imperative that members get an opportunity to discuss, vote and be involved with the contest’s every step of the way.
Open for theme suggestions :- Mon 31 October 2016 to Wednesday 30 November 2016.
Poll Open :- Thursday 1 December 2016 to Friday 30 December 2016.
So without further ado, Please could I have suggestions for the next Erotic Story Contest 13
All ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The following themes have already been covered in previous contests :-
1 - New Years Resolution
2 - In The Summer
3 - Time Travel
4 - First Time
5 - Public Event
6 - Medieval
7 - Journey.
8. - Cheating & Infidelity.
9 – Out of this World.
10 - War Time.
11 - Christmas Time.
12 - Opposites Attract.
As in line with TOS ( Terms of Service ) no themes will be accepted involving bestiality or anything under --- age.
Some where in your story is a multi-partner sex scene
Meeting with a stranger
Encounter with an unknown person, thunderbolt, blow of sex!...
We need some more ideas you story fans
So far we have :
2. Meeting with a stranger
3. Toy, in the story an erotic sex toy must make an appearance.
4. Mind Control
5. Fettish, one of your characters enjoys a sexy fettish - stockings, feet, silk...
6. Free Style - Write any erotic story you want. (No Child. No Animal)
When we get to 10, I'll put it up for a forum vote :)
SteveW suggested "Abduction"
My suggestion is "Celebration" - birthday, anniversary, passing exams, passing driving test, christmas, new year, halloween, bonfire night, thanksgiving. Somewhere in the story has to contain a celebration.
Another Idea:
Meeting with an AChat Mentor !
The work, the advice, the opinions ... the sex ;D
Reality: A story about something that has happened in real. Of course it may be exxagerated ;D
A story that describes the first kiss between a couple ... the paragraph describing such has to contain these words... genders or first/third person can be changed as appropriate to fot the writers story -
I (or name) realized that (s)he was going to kiss me (him / her ) then.
I fluttered my lashes shut and parted my lips invitingly. I felt my heart race and the anticpation hang heavy in the air. His mouth touched my eager lips, kissing me tenderly. My arms slid around his neck and I responded to him. My lips returned a very loving kiss that I'm sure betrayed my deep desire. His arms tightened around me as he felt my response. I melted against him. This is what I had wanted all along, to be in his arms, to feel him next to me, to be kissed as a woman should be kissed!
We have these suggestions for the vote :
2. Meeting with a stranger
3. Toy, in the story an erotic sex toy must make an appearance.
4. Mind Control
5. Fettish, one of your characters enjoys a sexy fettish - stockings, feet, silk...
6. Free Style - Write any erotic story you want. (No Child. No Animal)
7. Abduction - A persons fantasy for their birthday, a sinister kidnap or maybe an alien abduction ....
8. First kiss (paragraph included)
10. Authority. Somewhere in the story, there has to be sex with someone in authority - A policeman, A doctor, A lecturer, A teacher - not under age. 18+ only ; A security guard,
11. Reality.
12. Celebration.
Please Vote for the one you would like our Achat writers to write a story about for Contest 13. VOTING CLOSES FRIDAY 27 January 2017.
Did you forget my Reality Brandy?
Edit. I missed your Reality & Vaughan's Celebration. Both now added. Sorry about that. BB
Voted 8)
i never mind a good group so guess what i have voted for ;D
I like both leading topics because a Strapon is a sextoy and I can work with that ;D
COUNTDOWN TO DEADLINE 8 hrs Left. Voting for the new them will close 8pm UK (GMT) Time .
Vote for your fantasy theme for the Achat writers to titillate your senses with. HURRY HURRY.
(https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mc28ec7e00f7ea5cdcf6025942a587762o2&pid=Api) (https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Pujfp8L3gFZh4HhdEVTEpQD1Es&pid=Api) (https://www.bing.com/cr?IG=8EBCD8F13AA24E869AFF7962C7D6B9C0&CID=0D94D0046FDF68431AEBDA136EEE691B&rd=1&h=R-9o-GJTrzVuiDt1ZYor09Kcw1Q9qTr2zw74NfFV8tw&v=1&r=https%3a%2f%2fxiaochaboh.files.wordpress.com%2f2009%2f12%2fgorilla-deep-in-thought.jpg&p=DevEx,5146.1)
Erotic Story Contest 13 coming your way soon.
The voting Forum Village have decided. The new theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 13 is
Group Sex - Threesones, Foursome, Moresomes.
Whether its an intimate threesome or a mass orgy , we want to read your stories for this contest.
Special Thanks to Martinus for yet another fabulous poster at short notice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Here are the rules to enter :
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.
Time Line for Contest 12
1. The new Topic for Erotic Story Contest 13 - theme suggestions will be opened from Tuesday 1 November 2016 to Tuesday 27 December 2016.
2. Poll Open for Forum Members to decide the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest 13 :- Tuesday 27 December 2016 to Friday 27 January 2017.
3. Submitting: Opening date for submitting stories is Saturday 28 January 2017.
4. Deadline: The Deadline for submitting your stories is Sunday 30 April 2017 - ( 7pm UK Time )
5. Voting: The poll will be opened Monday 1 May 2017 (Or following the publishing of the stories on Sunday 30 April 2017).
6. Monday 1 May 2017 - Wednesday 31 May 2017. New Topic opened for ideas for themes for Erotic Story Contest 14
7. Voting. The poll will be opened Thursday 1 June 2017 to Friday 30 June 2017 to vote on the theme for Erotic Story Contest 14
8. Closing: The Erotic Story Contest 13 stories poll will be closed Friday 30 June 2017 ( 7pm UK time )
9. Winners of Erotic Story Contest 13 will be announced Monday 1 July 2017. ( Or following the close of the poll on Friday 30 June 2017 )
10. The new theme for Erotic Story Contest 14 will be known and open for story submissions Monday 1 July 2017 until Sunday 30 Sept 2017
I wish all contestants good luck, and all Forum Members, Guests and Achat Gods a lot of enjoyment when reading...
Happy writing, reading and other things ...... hehe
The thought process begins.
Happy writing everybody ;)
Good luck to all writers.. sorry brandy, I will respectfully decline to enter.. although I have a story already written, I do not feel welcomed here so I will not post it here.. Thanks anyways..
Everyone is welcome. This is a forum for all our members. The more the merrier.
I do hope you change your mind. Every qualifying story will get a minimum of A$1,000 ; more if you are voted in the top 3.
Its certainly worth thinking about and I know your stories are fabulous to read. Go on ... enter :) (Send to me by PM, do not post yourself)
20 Days to Story DEADLINE.
The theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 13 is Group Sex - Threesones, Foursome, Moresomes.
Whether its an intimate threesome or a mass orgy , we want to read your stories for this contest.
Get your stories to me. The Deadline for submitting your stories is Sunday 30 April 2017 - ( 7pm UK Time )
Here are the rules to enter :
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.
First looking at the Erotic stories i thought
But for the last two months i have been like this
Now i've finished
Just a little editing to do
I commend all those that do these regularly, and actually having read some and really impressed by some of your imaginations
15 Days to Story DEADLINE.
The theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 13 is Group Sex - Threesones, Foursome, Moresomes.
Whether its an intimate threesome or a mass orgy , we want to read your stories for this contest.
Get your stories to me. The Deadline for submitting your stories is Sunday 30 April 2017 - ( 7pm UK Time )
Here are the rules to enter :
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.
5 Days to Story DEADLINE.
The theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 13 is Group Sex - Threesones, Foursome, Moresomes.
Whether its an intimate threesome or a mass orgy , we want to read your stories for this contest.
Get your stories to me. The Deadline for submitting your stories is Sunday 30 April 2017 - ( 7pm UK Time )
Here are the rules to enter :
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.
1 Day to Story DEADLINE.
The theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 13 is Group Sex - Threesones, Foursome, Moresomes.
Whether its an intimate threesome or a mass orgy , we want to read your stories for this contest.
Get your stories to me. The Deadline for submitting your stories is TOMORROW - Sunday 30 April 2017 - ( 7pm UK Time )
Here are the rules to enter :
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.
4 hrs 15 mins TILL THE DEADLINE
DEADLINE is 7pm (UK (GMT) time) Sun 30 April 2017
To check times, try this link. Thank you GsCougar.
Hurry hurry. Get those fabulous erotic stories / poems to me by PM in Forum.
Last minute check -
1. Make sure the theme is covered ... what is your Group Sex : MMF ; FFM ; FFMM etc... ?
2. Is your Achat component covered - Out of the shop - a room; an outfit ; a background ?
To fit the rules, the achat component needs to be a room, or an outfit or a background to cleverly slip into the story and described in enough detail for the reader to recognise.
They are fun to hide in the story and fun to find.
Here is one of the best examples I have :)
Jayc's Adraste's Gift in Contest 6. Although you only need one component, the way he incorporates 3 - the Skeletons ; Flaming Skull and Flaming dragon backgrounds is quite ingenious. He has great inventive skill and imagination. See the below quote.
Quote from Adraste's Gift :
The Norseman needed her attention now and was delirious in the days and nights to come. She fed him broth and water in his semi wake moments. She soothed and bathed his sweat soaked body and trimmed his beard and moustache and nails. She cared for him, in between doing her chores, and she settled into a new routine around him.
Aluric ran through the surf, running for his life.
White skeletons chased him and were gaining ground. The sand under his feet glowed like embers, his feet burned but he ran on. Familiar voices called his name with forlorn sorrow.
Hiding in the tall grass, out of breath he looked up. The moon was a flaming skull which bellowed his name, the sound shook the ground.
The sea vanished and Aluric was on a dark plain with a flame in the distance. He ran, images of his life flashed before him like bolts of lightning.
He found himself standing in front of Yggdrasil, the ash tree of the world. And guarding it was Nidhogg the Dragon who fed on the wicked. The dragon was of orange flames, spitting fire in the pitch black. Then he opened his right talon to reveal the shining sun, opening its left talon it revealed the stars and the moon.
“Valhalla awaits you Aluric but this is not the time” Nidhogg hissed.
The Dragon's chest swelled with a mighty breath, then exhaled, engulfing Aluric in flames and sent him back to the living.
She awoke that dawn and checked on the Norseman. The night before he was near death. She had done all she could for him and expected the worse. Lighting a lamp, she was surprised to find him sleeping peacefully. She touched his forehead, he was still feverish but the color in his skin was coming back. There was hope for him, he was through the worst...
3. To present your story in the format required, You will also have to send by 1 post or if need be split your story into 2 posts and forward it to me via PM here in readiness to be published for voting.
Each post holds 20,000 characters including spaces (about 3,000 words ish )
I will need a resume at the beginning of the story completed :
Title : ----------
Pages: ----
Words: -------
Characters (with Spaces): ---------
Included Components: (What outfit / room / background) ----------
Please also describe briefly the story's theme and the opposite: -------------
Story submissions for Erotic Contest 13 – Group Sex is now closed. The deadline has passed.
Congratulations to the contestants who made the deadline and commiserations to the ones who tried their best but just got pipped by the time running out. Hopefully I will get you next contest.
The Stories for Erotic Contest 13 will be published by me soon.
Public Vote
The public vote will open once all the stories are published. Voting Ends Friday 30 June 2017 (7pm UK time.)
Please take your time, enjoy the stories and vote for your favourite. Each forum member has 1 vote each, so use it wisely.
Author Judges.
Each Contestant is expected to read all the entry stories and put them in order of preference.
Favourite story at the top of the list ( #1 )in descending order, till their least favourite (#11) is at the bottom.
This will earn your own story 40 points – the equivalent of 4th position - as you are not allowed to vote for your own story. If you choose not to judge your peers, then you will not receive these points.
Points are awarded in multiples of 5s. They start with the least favourite story receiving 5 points, the next story receiving 10 ; the next 15 etc… in ascending order until all the stories have been awarded points.
Please ensure you also VOTE in the public vote.
Please PM your list once completed to me - Brandybee - as soon as you have read all the stories and are satisfied with your judging decisions but in any case by 6pm UK time Friday 30 June 2017.
Independent Judges.
An Independent Judge has no story entered in the contest and has agreed to read all the stories and put them in order of preference.
Please check your Forum PM’s. You might have received an invite to be an Independent Judge already. Please keep this secret till the contest has concluded and the winners announced.
Please list your Favourite story at the top of the list ( #1 )in descending order, till your least favourite (#9) is at the bottom.
Please VOTE in the public vote.
Please PM your list once completed to me - Brandybee - as soon as you have read all the stories and are satisfied with your judging decisions but in any case by 6pm UK time Friday 30 June 2017.
Thank you to all the supporters of our little contest.
Well, the time is here once again for the launch of the voting for The Erotic Contest Story -
The stories for Erotic Contest 13 – Group Sex are now published.
I have 11 stories, including 1 poem, that have been entered in the Erotic Story Contest. Thank you all so much for entering.
May I personally thank each and every one of you for your help and support for making the deadline of Erotic Story Contest 13. Your contributions make it the success it is.
Thank you to martinus for the poster, he created to launch this contest. Without fail, he always comes up with the goods. Hugs & Mwahhhhhh.
Many Thanks to the Achat Gods who sponsor the story contests and provide the prizes.
Thank You to ALL the authors who decided to compete, the ones who tried to beat the deadline but real life issues intervened- it happens ( BUT, I will get you next time ) – and all of you who will take the time to read and vote for your favourite story, another Big Thank You.
Every vote is important, it shows the authors you really do care for their efforts and that their stories are very much appreciated.
We also have a Judging System that was tried for the first time in Contest 12.
As it worked very successfully, this format will continue in future contests. Thank you to those past Story Judges.
For those who don’t know:
1. We will have the public vote known as the Public Judge where every Forum member can vote;
2. Author Judges, who will be the story contestants and will be expected to judge their peers in this contest. This will earn them points equivalent to 4th place, points they would otherwise not receive as they CAN NOT vote for their own story. Their identities will only be disclosed at the end of the contest when it is revealed who wrote what story along with the winners
3. Secret Independent Judges who will also judge their favourite stories.
Their identities will only be revealed at the end of the contest if they wish to disclose it themselves in this topic. They will be known to the Forum Moderators of course who can act as adjudicators and ensure their judging is authentic.
Over the coming weeks, members, if not already chosen and invited, will be asked to become Independent Judges to judge and list their favourite stories in order of preference. This is important to keep the voting fair and the integrity of the contest intact.
Please check your Forum PM’s to see if an invite has been forwarded to you and respond to Brandybee as appropriate. Thank you.
All of the stories received in this contest are unique and fantastic in their own right. Each is an achievement in their own right.
So Thank You on my behalf and that of Forum for entering the Erotic Story Contest 13.
There are a mix of authors as usual.
You all know who you are and I extend a personal Thank you to you, for your support and courageous efforts. Each contest, I lose and gain authors but I will try and keep the contest alive for as long as you are all interested.
Thank you to my “Anchor Authors" who always enter a story to show support for me, for Forum and for unwavering support for the Erotic Story Contests ... Thank you so much. You make the contest successful, your continuing support is very much appreciated and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
There are our none native English speakers - To write a story in a second language and to put it up for a contest against Native English Speakers is an achievement in itself. I know, I could never accomplish such a feat or even have the confidence to then put it up for a vote and critique.
So, as Contest Manager – I would like to commend each and every one of you. You have my utmost respect and admiration. Well Done You.
There are also authors who have the disadvantage of suffering from conditions such as Dyslexia and Asperger’s Syndrome. Again, to enter a story for the contest when words & concentration are not easy for you, is a FANTASTIC achievement. You also have my utmost respect and admiration to overcome the difficulties you have & then to reach your goal of a published story entry is awesome.
Well Done You.
You all know who you are, and I extend a personal Thank you to you, for your support and courageous efforts.
And Thank You to OUR New Writers who decided to push themselves on this occasion and submit their very first story for the contest. Well done and no matter what the outcome of the voting, you are now a PUBLISHED Erotic Author for Achat’s Forum…
Well done and I hope you enter future contests.
No matter, how the voting falls, and there are always surprises in the Forum Village, as it should be, Please, do not ever be disheartened if your story only attracts a few votes – remember, only one story can be voted for by each Forum Member as a favourite. Your goal has in fact, already been achieved – you HAVE reached your personal goal of your story being entered and published and you will receive a minimum of A$1,000, when the voting is concluded. That makes you a winner already in my eyes.
The top 3 prizes are always a bonus though and with that said,
I proudly present the published stories - “Group Sex” – THE STORIES. EROTIC CONTEST 13 open for reading, judging and voting...
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13.
Well done Brandybee, Martinus and anyone else who helps out.
11 is a nice turn out.
Good Luck to all the contestants.
We are nearly half way through the voting period for the Erotic story contest.
At this stage, I have some Judges results in and as you can see, it’s anyone's race.
To those who haven't voted yet, please do.
To those judges who have not yet listed their story preference 1 to 11 please do so. Deadline is FRIDAY 30 June 2017 but I'd obviously like them ASAP. 1 listed is your favourite ; 2 is your second favourite, right down to 11 = least favourite of the 10 stories & 1 poem.
To those Author Judges who have not as yet sent their list in, it is worth 40 points for your story, so don’t miss out.
And a Big THANK YOU to Everyone, Reading, Voting and Judging.
HALF WAY SCORING. Deadline 30 June 2017.
1. 3. Hangover Remedy 225
2. 6. A Night With Two Friends 220
3. 9. Deflowered Rosa 210
4. 2. A Wolves Sweet Butt 185
5. 7. Cab-Ride 170
5. 10. Her Birthday Treat 170
7. 5. The Anniversary Gift 140
8. 1. The Invitation 130
9. 11. The Farmers Dream 125
10. 4. Take Five 105
11. 8. Tormented 75
Here's the link to Erotic Story Contest 13 - Group Sex THE STORIES.
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
We are nearly half way through the voting period for the Erotic story contest 13 - Group SEX.
At this stage, I have some more Judges results in and as you can see, it’s anyone's race.
To those who haven't voted yet, please do.
To those Judges who have not yet listed their story preference 1 to 11 please do so. Deadline is FRIDAY 30 June 2017 but I'd obviously like them ASAP. 1 listed is your favourite ; 2 is your second favourite, right down to 11 = least favourite of the 10 stories & 1 poem.
To those Author Judges who have not as yet sent their list in, it is worth 40 points for your story, so don’t miss out.
And a Big THANK YOU to Everyone, Reading, Voting and Judging.
HALF WAY SCORING 2 . Deadline 30 June 2017.
1. 3. Hangover Remedy 410
2. 2. A Wolves Sweet Butt 390
3. 1. The Invitation 360
4. 6. A Night With Two Friends 345
4. 5. The Anniversary Gift 345
6. 9. Deflowered Rosa 325
7. 11. The Farmers Dream 305
7. 10. Her Birthday Treat 305
9. 7. Cab-Ride 270
9. 4. Take Five 270
11. 8. Tormented 245
Here's the link to Erotic Story Contest 13 - Group Sex THE STORIES.
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
24 Days for voting and judging DEADLINE.
Please READ & VOTE for your favourite GROUP SEX story. Story JUDGES, please may I have your preference list ASAP
The Deadline for voting & Judging is Friday 30 JUNE 2017 - (7pm UK Time)
And the Naughty Erotic Story Contest!! I See You! Haha
Here are the EROTIC STORIES to read and judge :
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
19 Days for voting and judging DEADLINE.
Please READ & VOTE for your favourite GROUP SEX story. Story JUDGES, please may I have your preference list ASAP
The Deadline for voting & Judging is Friday 30 JUNE 2017 - (7pm UK Time)
(https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPIeFpeIAGAtTzEGtZh-ztZzeztIebGFhb%26eKIPbZppTZzzTEITZGeGFTFZTeA_THIzZF-z%26N4Pz%26XP2YmgNuC1SCzu54QxSEbeTR%3DViCl-_INX%3DToViwFzT5U%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ5vg.N3%25GQWV1sf9%25GQGbzGzG%25GQQ5vg.N3oEEETT.%3Dgs%26gPIfm-Y%2CHGTG.z) (https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPEeEh-IZAhHAhE-eFtAT-AAZb-bH-Tpze%26eKIPzHHHhHIeb-eeZ-e-FpETh_EGb_epZ_ee%26N4Pz%26XPm4-FLkeqt+EcZHrW67pR-vq%3D4H9fsc+2Ol8WquYGWfE%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ1g.5v%25GQWV1sf9%25GQET%25GQGbGtZEHHbT%25GQs1qcgvNB%25GQ0v5clfBcl1953N%2F15WBscOK_9cG.sWQ%26gPIfm-Y%2CHbAb.z)
Those Naughty Erotic Story Contest!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Here are the EROTIC STORIES to read and judge :
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
13 Days for voting and judging DEADLINE.
Please READ & VOTE for your favourite GROUP SEX story. Story JUDGES, please may I have your preference list ASAP
The Deadline for voting & Judging is Friday 30 JUNE 2017 - (7pm UK Time)
(https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPIeFpeIAGAtTzEGtZh-ztZzeztIebGFhb%26eKIPbZppTZzzTEITZGeGFTFZTeA_THIzZF-z%26N4Pz%26XP2YmgNuC1SCzu54QxSEbeTR%3DViCl-_INX%3DToViwFzT5U%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ5vg.N3%25GQWV1sf9%25GQGbzGzG%25GQQ5vg.N3oEEETT.%3Dgs%26gPIfm-Y%2CHGTG.z) (https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPEeEh-IZAhHAhE-eFtAT-AAZb-bH-Tpze%26eKIPzHHHhHIeb-eeZ-e-FpETh_EGb_epZ_ee%26N4Pz%26XPm4-FLkeqt+EcZHrW67pR-vq%3D4H9fsc+2Ol8WquYGWfE%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ1g.5v%25GQWV1sf9%25GQET%25GQGbGtZEHHbT%25GQs1qcgvNB%25GQ0v5clfBcl1953N%2F15WBscOK_9cG.sWQ%26gPIfm-Y%2CHbAb.z)
Those Naughty Erotic Story Contest!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Here are the EROTIC STORIES to read and judge :
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
We are nearing the end of the voting process for the Erotic story contest 13 - Group SEX.
I have some more Judges results in and as you can see, it’s anyone's race. They are all good stories and the points are quite close.
To those who haven't voted yet, please do.
To those Judges who have not yet listed their story preference 1 to 11 please do so. Deadline is FRIDAY 30 June 2017 but I'd obviously like them ASAP. 1 listed is your favourite ; 2 is your second favourite, right down to 11 = least favourite of the 10 stories & 1 poem.
To those Author Judges who have not as yet sent their list in, it is worth 40 points for your story, so don’t miss out.
And a Big THANK YOU to Everyone, Reading, Voting and Judging.
SCORING 3rd quarter . Deadline 30 June 2017.
1. 3. Hangover Remedy 600
2. 6. A Night With Two Friends 580
3. 1. The Invitation 540
4. 9. Deflowered Rosa 485
5. 2. A Wolves Sweet Butt 475
6. 5. The Anniversary Gift 455
6. 11. The Farmers Dream 455
6. 10. Her Birthday Treat 455
9. 7. Cab-Ride 440
10. 4. Take Five 400
11. 8. Tormented 380
Here's the link to Erotic Story Contest 13 - Group Sex THE STORIES.
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
10 Days for voting and judging DEADLINE.
Please READ & VOTE for your favourite GROUP SEX story. Story JUDGES, please may I have your preference list ASAP
The Deadline for voting & Judging is Friday 30 JUNE 2017 - (7pm UK Time)
(https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPIeFpeIAGAtTzEGtZh-ztZzeztIebGFhb%26eKIPbZppTZzzTEITZGeGFTFZTeA_THIzZF-z%26N4Pz%26XP2YmgNuC1SCzu54QxSEbeTR%3DViCl-_INX%3DToViwFzT5U%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ5vg.N3%25GQWV1sf9%25GQGbzGzG%25GQQ5vg.N3oEEETT.%3Dgs%26gPIfm-Y%2CHGTG.z) (https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPEeEh-IZAhHAhE-eFtAT-AAZb-bH-Tpze%26eKIPzHHHhHIeb-eeZ-e-FpETh_EGb_epZ_ee%26N4Pz%26XPm4-FLkeqt+EcZHrW67pR-vq%3D4H9fsc+2Ol8WquYGWfE%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ1g.5v%25GQWV1sf9%25GQET%25GQGbGtZEHHbT%25GQs1qcgvNB%25GQ0v5clfBcl1953N%2F15WBscOK_9cG.sWQ%26gPIfm-Y%2CHbAb.z)
Those Naughty Erotic Story Contest!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Here are the EROTIC STORIES to read and judge :
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
1 WEEK for voting and judging DEADLINE.
Please READ & VOTE for your favourite GROUP SEX story. Story JUDGES, please may I have your preference list ASAP
The Deadline for voting & Judging is Friday 30 JUNE 2017 - (7pm UK Time)
(https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPIeFpeIAGAtTzEGtZh-ztZzeztIebGFhb%26eKIPbZppTZzzTEITZGeGFTFZTeA_THIzZF-z%26N4Pz%26XP2YmgNuC1SCzu54QxSEbeTR%3DViCl-_INX%3DToViwFzT5U%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ5vg.N3%25GQWV1sf9%25GQGbzGzG%25GQQ5vg.N3oEEETT.%3Dgs%26gPIfm-Y%2CHGTG.z) (https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPEeEh-IZAhHAhE-eFtAT-AAZb-bH-Tpze%26eKIPzHHHhHIeb-eeZ-e-FpETh_EGb_epZ_ee%26N4Pz%26XPm4-FLkeqt+EcZHrW67pR-vq%3D4H9fsc+2Ol8WquYGWfE%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ1g.5v%25GQWV1sf9%25GQET%25GQGbGtZEHHbT%25GQs1qcgvNB%25GQ0v5clfBcl1953N%2F15WBscOK_9cG.sWQ%26gPIfm-Y%2CHbAb.z)
Those Naughty Erotic Story Contest!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Here are the EROTIC STORIES to read and judge :
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
2 DAYS for voting and judging DEADLINE.
Please READ & VOTE for your favourite GROUP SEX story. Story JUDGES, please may I have your preference list ASAP
The Deadline for voting & Judging is Friday 30 JUNE 2017 - (7pm UK Time)
(https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPIeFpeIAGAtTzEGtZh-ztZzeztIebGFhb%26eKIPbZppTZzzTEITZGeGFTFZTeA_THIzZF-z%26N4Pz%26XP2YmgNuC1SCzu54QxSEbeTR%3DViCl-_INX%3DToViwFzT5U%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ5vg.N3%25GQWV1sf9%25GQGbzGzG%25GQQ5vg.N3oEEETT.%3Dgs%26gPIfm-Y%2CHGTG.z) (https://results.searchlock.com/image.php?encI=X55g%3ADDiii.%2FWBs.JvVDJN%3FKOPEeEh-IZAhHAhE-eFtAT-AAZb-bH-Tpze%26eKIPzHHHhHIeb-eeZ-e-FpETh_EGb_epZ_ee%26N4Pz%26XPm4-FLkeqt+EcZHrW67pR-vq%3D4H9fsc+2Ol8WquYGWfE%26mPz%26NPX55g%25F1%25GQ%25GQQ1g.5v%25GQWV1sf9%25GQET%25GQGbGtZEHHbT%25GQs1qcgvNB%25GQ0v5clfBcl1953N%2F15WBscOK_9cG.sWQ%26gPIfm-Y%2CHbAb.z)
Those Naughty Erotic Story Contest!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Here are the EROTIC STORIES to read and judge :
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
We are nearing the end of the voting process for the Erotic story contest 13 - Group SEX.
I have some more Judges results in and as you can see, it’s anyone's race. They are all good stories and the points are quite close.
To those who haven't voted yet, please do.
To those Judges who have not yet listed their story preference 1 to 11 please do so. Deadline is TODAY -
FRIDAY 30 June 2017 in just over 7 hours time. I'd obviously like them ASAP. 1 listed is your favourite ; 2 is your second favourite, right down to 11 = least favourite of the 10 stories & 1 poem.
To those Author Judges who have not as yet sent their list in, it is worth 40 points for your story, so don’t miss out.
And a Big THANK YOU to Everyone, Reading, Voting and Judging.
SCORING 3rd quarter . Deadline 30 June 2017. 7pm (UK TIME)
1. 3. Hangover Remedy 800
2. 6. A Night With Two Friends 730
3. 1. The Invitation 725
3. 2. A Wolves Sweet Butt 725
5. 10. Her Birthday Treat 620
6. 9. Deflowered Rosa 615
7. 5. The Anniversary Gift 610
8. 11. The Farmers Dream 585
9. 7. Cab-Ride 550
10. 4. Take Five 535
11. 8. Tormented 490
Here's the link to Erotic Story Contest 13 - Group Sex THE STORIES.
Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13
The Public vote was closed on the deadline yesterday and will determine the outcome of the PUBLIC JUDGE SCORING.
Result of Public vote. 58 votes were cast.
The Story. Votes Postion Points.
1. The Invitation. 10 (2) 50
2. A Wolves Sweet Butt. 8 (3) 45
3. Hangover Remedy. 7 (4) 40
4. Take Five. 2 (7) 25
5. The Anniversary Gift. 2 (7) 25
6. A Night With Two Friends 11 (1) 55
7. Cab-Ride. 1 (10) 10
8. Tormented. (Free Verse) 1 (10) 10
9. Deflowered Rosa. 7 (4) 40
10. Her Birthday Treat. 7 (4) 40
11. The Farmer's Dream. 2 (7) 25
Total Voters: 58
Points are awarded thus :
1st place = 55 points ; 2 = 50 ; 3 = 45 ; 4 = 40 ; 5 = 35 ; 6 = 30 ; 7 = 25 ; 8 = 20 ; 9 = 15 ; 10 = 10 ; 11= 5.
This will be added to the other Judges scores and the winners announced ASAP.
Thank you to all the writers for taking part, all the judges for forwarding me their ranking lists and to all the Forum members who took the time to read and vote.
Good Luck to all the contestants.
The JUDGES Results listed 2 to 26.
28 is the PUBLIC JUDGE (Decided from the public vote)
The Judges have been given a number by the Contest Manager when they were thanked for their ranking list for the stories.
It corresponds to the number above.
They will remain anonymous in public unless they wish to identify themselves in the Erotic Story Contest 13. O.T. Topic. See below for directions:
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 13. O.T.
Some of the Judges may post and are willing to be identified. Others are not.
Some who do identify themselves may be willing to give feedback by Forum PM (Private Messaging), if authors should request it.
Feedback will not be posted in public.
Thank you each & everyone sincerely for your help in this judging process. Without you and all your efforts, this contest would not have been successful.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Achat has been notified and prizes & submission awards will be awarded to accounts as soon as practicable.
Thank you to ALL who took part in the process, from writers, to advertisers & readers & voters and to our Judges.
Well done to the winners & all who were involved.
Without you, this Erotic Story Contest would not be possible.
Thank you each and every one.
I must say I am a bit shocked at who wrote what
But there ya go, another one complete. Congrats to the winners
On coming first and second in the contest with two great well written stories I well have to up my game a little for the next one
And big well done to all the other authors that entered hope to see you all again in the next one
With special thanks to Brandybee for running it and to Martinus for doing the posters
Congratulations to the 3 Winners Jayc , Brandybee & Tangoracer.
Looks like it was a close call,
Just 10 points between 1 and 2 postion ;
Just 35 points between 2 and 3 position and
just 5 points between 3 and 4th position. What a race to the finish!
I think the 3 best stories got it though and deservedly so.
Echoes Tangoracer, Special thanks to all who took part organising it, To Brandybee , The contest Manager, To Martinus, the Post Maker & all the people who made the effort to read & vote & judge the stories. Thank you.
Well Done to you all & the Winners of Erotic Story Contest 13. Shakes the champagne ro squirt you all.
Well that was fun... Onto the next one ;D ;D ;D
Congratulations to all the winners and those that put stories in, was a joy to read them...
I would say it's time to start planning for the next story but i'm already 2500words into it.. think im slightly hooked!
A humble thank you to everybody who entered and everybody who voted.
Every contest the bar is raised a bit higher and this round was no exception. The content and writing quality this round was awesome and the voting shows how close it was.
A big thanks to my secret weapon, my spouse Stone for her support and "constructive critique" during my writing process.
Last but not least a big thanks to Brandybee for running the erotic story contests for all these years.
A great clap to all.
Special thanks to Brandybee and Martinus for their work to publish the posts.
An extra bottle of champagne for Brandy to push and pull the Member to write and then to vote ( hard job sometimes :) )
Congratulations to ther winner and placers in the story contest
and a well done to all competitors
Congratulations to all the winners - Jayc, Brandybee & Tangoracer.
Baby, I'm so proud of you. Snogz.
I think it is worth mentioning that all the stories were ever so good and the voting showed how close it was this time.
I enjoyed all the stories and especially the new writers who entered and those who had entered for maybe only the 2nd or third time.
I hope you enter again. Its lovely to see and read Achats talent.
Minni91, I love your enthusiasm. Yeah Bring it on. Come on everyone, write your naughty holiday story.
Congratulations from judge 22 to the winners, my personal favourite didn't win, but that's ok.
This time I didn't write a "secret essay" summarizing my thoughts about the stories and explaining why I voted the way I voted, among the authors the interest in such feedback was close to zero after contest 12, but if someone wants to know a judge's opinion, feel free to ask.
The prizes and submission awards have now been awarded to contestants accounts in Erotic Contest 13 - Group Sex. Thank you for taking part. Congratulations once again to the winners and well done to all who entered. You are our published Achat writers, Yay. :)
Story Postion. Author Points Prize / Reward.
1. 3. Hangover Remedy. - Jayc - 1015 - A$12,000
2. 2. A Wolves Sweet Butt. – Brandybee - 1005 - A$8,000
3. 6. A Night With Two Friends. – Tangoracer - 970 - A$5,000
4. 1. The Invitation. – Vaughan - 965 - A$1,500
5. 9. Deflowered Rosa. - Lady_Andrea - 810 - A$1,000
6. 5. The Anniversary Gift. – Marniejo - 800 - A$1,000
7. 10. Her Birthday Treat. – Minni91 - 755 - A$1,000
8. 4. Take Five. – Sexilicious - 720 - A$1,000
9. 7. Cab-Ride. - Pandorra - 690 - A$1,000
10. 11. The Farmer's Dream. - GsCougar - 685 - A$1,000
11. 8. Tormented. (Free Verse) - Skydance - 590 - A$1,200