AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: Tanja83 on November 10, 2016, 07:05:42 PM
I decided to finally check out the new meeting place and much to my disappointment, I couldn't even enter it.
It just says loading and yet when I move my mouse cursor over to the right side, I can see the names of the actions that the pose that I'm in has.
The loading screen never goes away, forcing me to shut down the game.
happens a lot in the summer room to ..
I say they should work on fixing it . there KB speed
Hi Tanja,
Same problem for me since yesterday evening on the night place!
Everything else works well for me.
Waiting for a fix.
The Night Place works again now 8)
Yes it seems to work now.
Interesting concept but the inactivity kicking needs to change.
It's fair enough if you aren't doing anything but I'm using the camera, using the actions and yet I get kicked for inactivity, I clearly wasn't inactive.
Having same problem now, or more or less the whole day...........
Hi Batcher,
Just tried and yes it's the same problem than the last time ! waiting... ::)
Same sh .. here!
That works again, street cleaners need time to remove all these condoms on the floor, that's why they close the street to the ... traffic!