AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: evilana on January 09, 2017, 09:50:57 PM
I checked a few old posts and found this to be a recurrent problem. I've used AChat before, on the same laptop/connection about a year ago or so. Had no issues then. Now, I'm getting this problem. I tried everything (except for redownloading AChat) but the problem doesn't seem to go away. Would be of great help if someone helped. :'(
Sometimes you get this message after an update of your firewall or antivirus-software. Did you check it?
I eventually managed to solve it. I don't know how but apparently I had some issues with my router which resulted in issues with twitter as well. Fixed this issue. :)
Thanks for the info evilana :) Have fun now ;D ;) :D