AChat Forum

Announcements => A-Team ask you => Topic started by: Anatasia97 on March 16, 2017, 08:36:30 AM

Title: The next wave
Post by: Anatasia97 on March 16, 2017, 08:36:30 AM
Hello all, I witnessed what looks to be the next wave of B.S.




If this continues, kiss Achat good bye... whoever this is needs serious mental help!!!

Title: Re: The next wave
Post by: Anatasia97 on March 16, 2017, 08:42:57 AM
So 6 Robotgirls and 3 clones (males) wtf has the time and computer(s) and knowledge to do this? whoever it is could only seem to operate one at a time, but was practicing... so heads up people pay attention, I have a feeling it's about to get really stupid in meeting rooms and in game in general.
Title: Re: The next wave
Post by: Lover on March 16, 2017, 09:03:36 AM
Title: Re: The next wave
Post by: Covems on March 16, 2017, 10:39:35 AM


...oooohh... all those Robot Girls... is like a dream come true...
...good thing I know Eva's serial number...
 :D  :D  :D

Title: Re: The next wave
Post by: Jaynie on March 16, 2017, 01:16:22 PM

WHAT???  They are only ALTS?   Aweeee mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

I got excited.... for a second i thought Achat was testing for MP Group Sex. 

Damn it!!!

Title: Re: The next wave
Post by: Anatasia97 on March 18, 2017, 05:47:33 PM
It is sad that one man can claim to be MASTER of all achat, and runs around making threats to have girls banned if they don't sleep with him... and achat does nothing!