AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: dae666 on January 07, 2018, 10:05:59 AM
Hello, just want to report my problem with Achat.
I have an AMD card, it's known that the red team f*d up on their last update and forgot DX9
this morning i downloaded the new alpha drivers 18.1.1 , which should fix dx9 problems but they persist.
what happens to me on Achat:
Fullscreen has always been buggy so i normally have it windowed.
If i try to resize Achat crashes
if i try to move the window to an angle of the screen it crashes
i also got ctd trying to enter public rooms, sometimes instantly, others it gets extremely laggy and does not let me press any commands, alt-f4 not working either, have to use task manager to kill the process.
Graphics seem much worse than before, sorry to say that, i know development costs a lot, but i suppose you could really do more for us.