AChat Forum
Organizations & Events => Events => Topic started by: Gwen1977 on February 12, 2018, 12:19:45 PM
At 18.02 on 16.00 German Time there will be a Special Broadcast for achat.
Some achat Users are ask for the Favorit Music and this will send in Radio with Name of the users
It will be a 2 houre broadcast.
to Play cyber-Radio there is under tune in a desktop-player. the easyest way to get. and the Player is english.
Under Tune In are all ways to listen the Radio-
Cool Gwen! I'll try to listen for sure! ;)
Sounds like a fun event. I'll listen out for sure.
16.00hrs - 18.00hrs German time (GMT+1)
15.00 hrs - 17.00hrs GMT (Greenwich Mean Time.)
07.00hrs - 09.00hrs - PST (Pacific Standard Time)
After a Problem with the DJ at the Event I could put der Rest of Songs in two other Broadcasts.
One this Saterday 24 feb. 22 to 02 oclock german time
Two next Saterday 3 March 22 to 02 oclock german time
again on
Greetings Gwen
There is the new ulr of to solve the many issus the last days.
you can Change in desktop-Player by use the lupe right mouse klick on the link anw write in the new URL- -
save and start Music.
Yours Gwen