AChat Forum

Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: Mixael on June 09, 2010, 05:19:01 AM

Title: The giving of gifts
Post by: Mixael on June 09, 2010, 05:19:01 AM
First, I apologize if this is the wrong place to put this.

Now, can you give a gift other than A$?  I ask this because I thought you could and purchased quite a bit of stuff that is NOT for guys.  You know, "girl" clothes and stuff?  I met a girl that was VERY nice to me, and wanted to give her something so that this stuff isn't just wasted.  BUt I could find no way to do it.  IS there a way to give a gift of say, shoes to someone?  And if not, is there any way to get m money back on the items I can't use?

In case you didn't figure it out yet, I am quite new to AChat.  And I purchased the one year plan, so I know it isn't that.  Thanks for your time
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: joey on June 09, 2010, 05:30:57 AM
i also made this mistake kinda mirrored your eperience.i thought buy clothes gift them to kind girls but obviously doesnt work that way.the thought of giving cash and saying buy what you want with it is not very caring and is so impersonel.please telll me if i am wrong and havent unlocked the way to gift properly.oh and the costs of these clothes has been taken from my account balance the items dont appear anywhere so yes am a fool for not searching boards etc b4 purchasing,but feel a valid problem needs addressing. :'(
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Mixael on June 09, 2010, 05:48:26 AM
Well, I feel a BIT better knowing I'm not the only one that has had this happen  ;D

I'd still like some information on whether or not I've simply wasted the time and money, though.  If I find a way to give the items away, I'll let you know, and hope you do the same
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: joey on June 09, 2010, 05:54:43 AM
yes thank you.i will post here if i find an answer.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Carli on June 09, 2010, 07:23:02 AM
Hi Joey and Mixael,

Welcome to the forum! :)

No, you can't gifts items from to shop to girls, only A$. And no, you can't sell back items to the shop.

Both have been discussed extensively already here at the forum, so if you want to read up or add your point of view I suggest you do it there (under Say what you think, feel, imagine).
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: joey on June 09, 2010, 07:45:11 AM
thank you carlli for response.i now know so will let it go,and put it down to bad experience
 :'( :'(
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Mixael on June 09, 2010, 08:06:19 AM
Wonder why I couldn't find anything about it when I tried a search?  Oh well.  Live and learn, I guess.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: AZNLoverV on June 09, 2010, 08:43:20 PM
Wow, that's not cool.  Talk about waste of money.
Here's what I think:

1. You should be able to gift items to people.  When you buy there should be checkbox for put item in giftbox.  Then when you are online you click on your "giftbox" and give whatever is in there to whoever you like.
2. You should be able to sell back any unwanted items for half price.  That way you are not stuck with an entirely useless item that you don't like.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Carli on June 10, 2010, 12:48:57 AM
Very solid ideas AZNLoverV.

1) The current inventory system is not build for item gifts handling (for instance, you cannot have more than one of the same item), so I guess this would still require a lot of development work.

2) Now that is an idea! Selling the items back half price will prevent people from just buying items, using them and then discarding them again (selling back), because then you'll loose money. Still, I fear it just doubles the item prices in the long run.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Janine Dee on June 10, 2010, 04:35:26 AM
Carli's right about the gift box idea, but the 1/2 price back works for me.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: AZNLoverV on June 10, 2010, 06:09:44 AM
Oh and I think that it's wrong that only female characters can receive gifts. 
There doesn't seem to be any good reason for this limitation.
Gift giving should be a 2 way street, just like any other interactions.
Not allowing males to receive gifts means that you have not only banned F to M gifts but also M to M gifts.

Thinking logically, the more gifts that are given out, the more money is being spent in the Achat shop, so developers are also limiting their revenue using this 'sexist' based limitation on gifts.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: bouli on June 10, 2010, 10:12:29 AM
One option I'd enjoy, but I doubt the team would find no interest in implementing is the possibility to let the people visiting you room use whatever's in your wardrobe. Accessing the character editor from within a room would then enable users to choose anything either partner has bought. This means I could shop for the things I like to see on my partners as well as myself.
Of course I know this could generate a smaller income over time, but it would pay off immensely the first few weeks.

Just a thought...
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: bobbler on June 10, 2010, 01:26:56 PM
Where do you people get the idea that they're going to let you sell the items you don't like back to them???  It's not like you bought it and it doesn't fit right.  You can see plain as day what you are buying in the shop.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Mixael on June 10, 2010, 03:23:12 PM
Wow, look what I started : ;D

Something that needs addressed ASAP, IMH, is that it is not CLEARLY stated that you can't give items, and that the "gifts" are ONLY money.  Why not call it cash or "pay"?
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Janine Dee on June 10, 2010, 05:21:27 PM
Because Bob somethings look good on the rack, but don't once you've tried them on... I've bought faces and I'm still using the factory spec because when I actually saw them in full 3D on my avatar I didn't like them.

But I was still out the cash... it's never been enough to complain, but if asked I will say I would have appreciated the ability to "try on" the outfits/bod mods... even just in character editor, because it was as soon as I saw it in there I knew I didn't want.

So maybe you can "try on" in editor, but you can't save character with a certain item unless you've bought it?
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Mixael on June 10, 2010, 06:17:11 PM
My beef isn't with the poses. Nor is it with items YOU can wear or use.  It's the damn fact that you can purchase something for a female, not be able to use it since you are MALE, and not b able to give it to someone.

But, as I said earlier, live and learn.   It does, however, make me question whether I will EVER purchase and additional A$ over what comes with the subscription.  And since I paid for a year, I can wait that long before paying for anything else.   SO tell me, how does THAT bring in any money for them?

(Please don't think I'm angry, either with the devs, admins,or any of you.  I got frustrated, but I'm over it.   If I can't get the funds back, oh well. I can't give the stuff away, so I'm stuck with it.  Maybe someday I CAN give it away.  Until then, it's just taking p space in the database.)

Laters, all
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Lover on June 11, 2010, 11:45:24 AM
Welcome both!
Short summary to you:
Only men can make gifts
Only women can receive gifts
A man can give a gift to every woman
A$ (virtuel money) is the only gift you can make

And as Carli said, one look into this forum and you would have read this.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: AZNLoverV on June 11, 2010, 12:15:18 PM
Welcome both!
Short summary to you:
Only men can make gifts
Only women can receive gifts
A man can give a gift to every woman
A$ (virtuel money) is the only gift you can make

And as Carli said, one look into this forum and you would have read this.

But don't you agree this doesn't really make sense?
Why would you disallow the following type of gifting:

It just seems sexist and I'd like to hear an official explanation of this policy towards gifting.
Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Mixael on June 11, 2010, 12:42:42 PM

And as Carli said, one look into this forum and you would have read this.

I DID look into the forums.  I SEARCHED for the information.  I COULDN'T FIND THE ANSWER.  When I searched for giving gifts, ALL I could find was a SINGLE THREAD/POST, and it only said you could give gifts.  Perchance the forums need a better and more advanced search function.  Possibly I missed it....but if it is as easy to find as you make it seem, then I shouldn't have.

With that said, I think this thread is as good as over.  The question was asked, then answered, then discussed.   (But I still stand by my belief that it shouldn't be called "gifts" if it can only be A$.  Call it bribing, paying, broker fee, cash donation, what ever.  Just don't tell people you can give gifts and NOT be completely clear and easy to find, that it means paying in A$.
I had a bit more written, but deleted it since I thought it might be considered adversarial, and didn't really add to the conversation.

Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: Lover on June 11, 2010, 01:57:12 PM
But don't you agree this doesn't really make sense?
Why would you disallow the following type of gifting:

Yes AZNLoverV, all people here in this forum agree with you. We are talking about this again and again (just type "gift" into the search field). This is one thing we don't understand, as it doesn't make sense, as you said.

Title: Re: The giving of gifts
Post by: bouli on June 11, 2010, 02:58:23 PM
Actually women can gift other women. This is a very common misconception. :)