AChat Forum
Off-Topic => Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... => Topic started by: Lover on June 14, 2010, 11:29:06 AM
As I wrote to sinnnn's new game idea & to the masked ball, I got a new idea. What about a little quizz?
The rules:
- I start this quizz, giving a short quote of a film or a song.
- The firts who gives the right answer is allowed to start the new round
- If there are some wrong or none answers we give a tipp
"A band is blowing Dixie double four time, you feel alright when you hear that music ring."
The asnwer is "Sultans of Swing" Dire Straits.
I start with a very simple one:
"May the Force be with you"
Umm could it be Star Wars. Do I have to name the person who said it because a few in the movie have said it. (love your idea by the way ;))
The title is enough. Even if there are more who said this. It's your turn. Give us the next question.
Nice, that you like this idea.
Oh k, here is a easy one.
"Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives"
So what was the name of the movie that this came from.
Braveheart,...(I believe,... just watched that yesterday,...)
Your right Bear. Your up next sweetums. :D
Hmm, actually you can play this game by looking at my banner, almost always something lyrical, here is my current
"Baby pull down the covers, its time you let me in"
Bon Jovi "Till we ain't ain't strangers anymore"
Yes! All yours Mikki.
"Do you know that hawks and wolves mate for life? The Bishop didn't even leave us that... not even that".
Ok, I know this one is going to be hard, so I offer a hint, It's a film from 1985
Know it, but I'll let someone else guess ;)
OK, so it's going to be aserious challenge to stump you then I can see Bear.
You just happen to pick one of my favorite stories, that's all...
It's Ladyhawke right?
Correct Ramrod, It's all yours
Alright hopefully I didn't make this too easy but here's mine.
"Why can't i help you guys? Its because I'm a Mexican aint it?
How dare you, sir, you insinuate such a thing! The fact that you're a greasy spic has nothing to do with it."
The first title that comes to mind is Boondock Saint's II, but I can't remember the exact dialogue. :)
All saints day, You are correct sir! Your up Bouli
Seems bouli is choosing not to post a challenge, shall we pass the baton back to Ramrod, or Lover? Take it away gents.
I'm so sorry. Didn't check the forums for some hours.
Here another one:
The Valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter... and so am I.
The film is Sin City, the character, Dwight.
And it's no problem, I'm sure none of us live here in AChat, it only seems that way sometimes, We all have lives to live away from here.
You are of course correct, on both accounts. :)
An hers\e is the next one; Song lyric, looking for the songwriter:
Love is an angel disguised as lust
Here in our bed 'til the morning comes
Because The Night, written by both Smith and Bruce Springstein? But Smith had her own lyrics, so I guess this version would just be all Springstein.
sinnnn, I'll give it to you. You chose the wrong one as your final answer. This line was unique to Patti Smith's version. It does not apperar in Springsteen's song. Anyway love, all yours.
Awww thank you.
Line from one of my fav movies. Sci fi. I gave a little hint. ;D
"What do you know of your early years?' 1st man asked question
"What do you know of your home world?, Where it was?" second man
"Have you met any others?" 1st man again
"Others like yourself?" then the elemental female
"Sista they don't know what to do with just one of me."
So I take it no one knows. Heres another hint. The pre-quel the hero with really good eye sight ends up on a planet that went dark. ;)
i had an idea, and it was right, but i had trouble coming up with the movie title, and i couldn't actually place the fact that the hero had really good eye sight. and i don't remember an elemental female either. i haven't seen the movie in a long time.
but i cheated so i won't say the answer ;)
Just haven't been on for awhile, first clue was enough,...Chronicles of Riddick...I believe
You go Bear. Kisses. Your up babes.
OK,...(movie intro as a hint)
"A philosopher once said are we human because we gaze at the stars,...or do we gaze at the stars because we are human? Petty really, the stars gaze at us? Now that is a real question."
I know it, I know it. But I already had my turn. ;D
The thread may want to discuss it, but I figure if someone knows, someone knows and should be able to answer.
I agree with Janine. If you know the answer you can give it. If you don't want to ask a new question, tell us, so another one can go on.
Understand your points, however in fairness to those who may live on the forum, and to give them a chance to be involve I understand Sinnnn's position...whether she knows it...hmmm I'll read her mind and see:
you can bend that way?...
ah...that's erotic
shouldn,t have gone there...
Jeez woman...
yes she knows...I need a cold shower now
a couple of more clues....cute romantic fantasy story, self contained...complete and hence no sequel ever made:
and this line:
"You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it, centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain, lies, hate... It made me want to turn away and never look down again. But when I see the way that mankind loves... You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing,..."
OOC: Right Bear; if you know the answer and want to give a chance to the rest of us, just wait for 2-3 days.
Now my suggestion:
Stardust with Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert de Niro
Got it,...all yours now
Ok, film:
(A woman speaking:)
"Well, what are you doing creeping around a cow shed at two o'clock in the morning? That doesn't sound very wise to me."
If know one answers can I? :-X
I didn't thought that it would be so difficult to answer. But no answers for nearly two days...
OK, sinnnn, give us the answer.
I know, i know, but sinnnn said it first so go ahead sinnnn, it's all you
go ahead Mikki. I was going to say it if no one came forward. Its all yours babe. ;)
Monty Python's Life Of Brian
Of course Life Of Brian ;D
I love this film and watched it as often, I think I am able to speak the whole film in German.
movie quote:
Man1: I, who served the Cross. I, who commanded nations, hundreds of years before you were born.
Man 2: Your armies were defeated. You tortured and impaled thousands of people.
Man 1: I was betrayed. Look what your God has done to me!
K, sorry but I know this one. Yes I am a movie geek and again its one of my favs. Dracula?
Well now I figured the Dracula part, and I would guess Bram Stoker's Dracula for the full title... but that's a guess since there have been so many Dracula movies.
I just guessed Bram Stokers because it was one of those that explored the Vlad Dracula character. (REALLY interesting guy, still honored in his homeland for managing to fend off both the Medieval Church as well as the Turks, as well as his stewardship of his people.)
Janine, it may be a guess, but It's the correct guess. It's the only version to ever address his past, or his motivations. It's what puts it among my favorites.
It's all you now.
LOL, I just didn't think about adding the Bram part. Oh well, lol. ;D
sinnn, sorry love but she did give the full title. but, you can always have a little fight for the right, or better yet, both post a question. I am ok with either option.
Oh I don't mind at all. Notice I put LOL(laughing out loud) dear. Losing is never a problem for me. Makes the game more fun, more a challenge.
:-* ;D ;)
So true, and when I posted the question, I really didn't give much thought to the other two dozen or more Dracula films out there. You are right of course, this is all in fun, and I am glad we all seem to be enjoying it.
Affectionately, Mikki
"He is testing us. He wants us to survive this, but we have to play by the fucking rules!"
And Mikki... if you want something that gets into Dracula the man...
K, that line sounds familiar. Its sooo going to drive me up the wall til I rememer. AHHHHHh!! LOL! :-\
yes, it's a good one if you want to know more about the man. I have it, and also two biographical books about him. A fascinating man in so many ways.
I remember it.
After this I shall retire.
Saw 2 :-\
You got it Babe! Your turn.
I love the whole series... not a fan of the gore, but the people picked, even if you can't root for Jigsaw (like I tend to do) you can't weep for his victims.
The Mummy (first one) with Brendan Fraiser
Sinnnn will need to confirm it, but you could probably start picking your quote. Since that's another movie I own (and I'm guessing Sinnnn does too ;) ).
If you give the answer and you are sure for 100% this is right, you don't have to wait for the "ok". Only if you think you know the answer (more like "Is it...?) then wait.
You got it Apollo13. Its all yours babe. ;D
I do babe. I do. All 3, and there is suppose to be a 4th, hmmmmm?
I own the first two, I've yet to see the third... I'm not opposed per se, but the new Evie... when a returning cast member doesn't I have to wonder if they saw something in the script/franchise/etc.
Especially nowadays, there is a sad trend to want to milk every penny from anything that's even remotely popular. So the farther along they get the more concerned I am that they're just out to bilk the fans out of few more bucks.
I agree with you Janine, either they have success and ride it to death, or they plan it from the beginning (like pirates of the caribbean). Almost the follower are cheap variations of the first one. In my opinion there are only few really good follower, like "Star Trek" and all parts of Lethal Weapon. Some of my favourites films, I think I will post them to "Fav fMovies"
Man 1: Great Scott
Man 2: I know, this is heavy
I will also have to agree with you Jamime. They have a little success and will make more sequels just to keep the cash flowing. Though in the case of the The latest Mummy film, I had some reservations when I saw we had a new Evie. I did not see the film till I bought it for my collection, but I was surprised to find I liked the new Evie as well as the former. The story certainly had lots of action, a reasonable plot. All in all I liked it. Not sure if they can sustain a fourth episode, but the hint at the end of the third was towards South America(Peru). We'll see what they have in mind.
I dunno Lover, in my opinion Trek's gotten tired ever since Roddenberry passed. I'm a Trekkie, I admit it, but I can't bring myself to get into the crap Paramount keeps churning out under the Trek label.
I started with TNG, and followed into DS9, I even watched most of Voyager, but lost interest near the end of it's run... but I figure that's okay since they did too.
Which actually inspires another thread I'm going to go start. We can either discuss it there (it's going to be about tv) or in the movie thread, but I don't want to interfere in the game too much.
And I don't blame you mikki... I bought the fourth Indiana Jones just because it was Indy :P even though it was the most disappointing of the series.
OK, On topic post: Back To The Future III, thank god there was never a fourth installment, the animated series was more than enough to kill the franchise for me. And on the topic of The Indiana Jones fourth film, so true. While I was glad to hear They were doing it, I was very disappointed with the results.
Argh! I thought of Back to the Future, even remembering the line where Doc Brown asks why the weight of things has anything to do with it, but that was number one! Good twist Apollo.
We have a confirmation of sorts, I have been having trouble connecting today so I will post mine now. Its a lyric from the 60's get out your wayback machines:
That fateful night the car was stalled
upon the railroad track
I pulled you out and we were safe
but you went running back
Song Title and Artist please.
A hint: the year 1960, _____ Angel
Title was easy, having trouble remembering the artist...(\
He makes a Din
I'll take just the title. I didn't think it would be this difficult to fathom out the artist's name
Teen Angel (That I knew), Mark Dinning (I finally caved on the artist and googled it since this has been sitting the longest.)
Absolutely correct Bear, take it away, Mark didn't have the most stellar career, but I knew him through a family friend. He was a very sweet man, who deserved better than he got out of life.
I knew the song only because I grew up in a rock and roll household with much older siblings who exposed me to their music in my youth,...know the tunes not necessarily the artists.
two quotes here:
"From that fateful day when stinking bits of slime first crawled from the sea and shouted to the cold stars, "I am man.", our greatest dread has always been the knowledge of our mortality. But tonight, we shall hurl the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death itself. Tonight, we shall ascend into the heavens. We shall mock the earthquake. We shall command the thunders, and penetrate into the very womb of impervious nature herself. "
"No tongues."
I shall have to Abstain from this one, One of my top 5 favorite films ever, If we go 24 hours with out a guess I'll chime in then.
Ok, seems no one else wants to try this one. Young Frankenstein, the first spoken by Gene Wilder's Dr. and the second being spoken by Madeline Kahn's Elizabeth
you have it mikki...
OK, her goes:
I have known many monsters my friend. And you are not a monster.
Van Helsing
You are correct Lover, It's all you babe
Girl: Now don't freak out. I'm gonna do something to push your threshold.
Boy: Ow, that's cold. What is that?
Girl: I just shoved a trumpet in your ass. Aren't instruments fun?
i'm never going to get any of these ::)
OMG, I remember that one. LMAO ;D
Bobbler a hint for you:
This movie is as American as Pie is too.
well then why didn't you just give me the title ::)
i only watch movies once for the most part. dialogue between the characters i am not really going to remember at all.
I would give a new hint but I know, here are enough who know it. To go on, everyone is allowed to answer.
someone just answer it and let's move on already ::)
why don't you? :P
because i didn't know the answer until i got hinted, and even then i didn't know the correct answer because i didn't know the 2 was part of the answer, AND i have no question if i win. i'm not good at the lyrics/movie dialogue thing.
so...American Pie 2
i relinquish my question to Bear. you go.
Took you long enough. You make suck at this but you at least you are good at one thing. ;)
(In Proxy for bobbler)
movie line:
"Anyone who isn't dead or from another plane of existence would do well to cover their ears right about now. "
Dogma. I love the guys who did this movie. The Clerks was the best tho. ;D
I have to disagree... Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back... but that had Eliza Dushku in skin tight leather, and in the original script she was the girlfriend of Shannon Elizabeth's character. The Eliza in skin tight leather makes it the best of the Jay and Silent Bob movies... if it had Dushku and Elizabeth making out I would have nominated it for best movie ever.
Got it Sinnnn, all yours
If You Don't Make It,
It's Your Own Damn "Vault"!
The poster on the wall in Land Of The Lost is where I remember this from
Right Mikki. Your Up. ;D
1- When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the words?
2- Yeah, basically.
1- Did you speak the exact words?
2- Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah.
Army of Darkness
You are correct Janine, all you
Who's to say that love
needs to be soft and gentle?
We close this quizz here and go on with it here,591.0.html (,591.0.html)