AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Lover on June 25, 2010, 02:38:04 PM
This forum is more and more "living" (which I enjoy). We also talk about many interesting topics, that actually don't belong to "Discussions about AChat". So here is my question:
Shall we ask the A-Team for an off-topic-area where we can talk about movies, songs, quizzes and other funny stuff?
I vote "yes", cause
a) I'm sure we will have more fun stuff
b) soon we will have more than 20 topics in "Say what you think, feel, imagine..." and I see the danger to loose some interesting posts when they
are on page 2 or 3
I'm conflicted on this. I see your point, I really do. But I like having the naughty feel of just changing the topic. You know you are suppose to stay on topic but its more fun when things get stirred up. I'll have to put my mature cap on an really think before I vote. :-[
Just open 2 or more tabs in your browser and you can switch very fast
I said yes because when thing veer off topic here we can just start a new thread on the proposed board... kind of like how the Ball started out in Everything about sex and love.
Yes, maybe a fun and games board where we can have the quiz, The Ball, and other things moved to, so we can better track them
you have a mature cap??? lmao :P
;D you can't see it but my happy face is giving you the middle finger. ;D ;)
i voted yes...especially if people keep making non-sex threads
Hey you have to admit some of the non sex threads tend to get sexy from time to time. Well I finally voted. ;D
I'd say we need multiple new categories. For instance one for role playing/story telling and other fantasies and one for completely off-topic conversations with people's inital greetings, movies, quizzes etc etc.
These are just the ones I came up with off the top of my head with things mentioned above. There could be more I'd like to see, let me think about it for a bit. :)
I will close this poll in one day and ask the A-Team for a new board. If you have suggestions for other new boards, just add them.
Erotic Fantasieses (role playing, story telling, erotic stories...)
Actually I'd say that last post would be a perfect topic board for AChat
I agree with Lover on the last post!
Voted, please do it
I think a useful addition would be that the creator of a thread could move it to another page if they felt it was better suited there... if anything it would probably spice up the rest of the forums that don't see 1/10th the use this page does.
This is usually the job of the presenter (I'm not sure if I use the right term, in German forums he is called Moderator). We don't them here and Tom & Rab probably read but don't talk with us. I think they are too busy, working for a better AChat expereince ;)
Up to now in my opinion we don't need presenters or watchmen. But either some of us should be this (to move and to add new boards) or they give the creator the ability to move a thread.
I've thought that for awhile too. That they could/should just appoint a few of us who are here all the time anyway and we could help keep things running smoothly. Right now it's not needed necessarily since the forums are pretty self-sustaining, but yes if they were to grow, or threads to need to be moved picking some helpers could be a good idea.
That actually sounds like a really good idea. But you have to find some really determined ppl who will stick with it an don't abuse their power. :-\ :D
I just asked the A-Team for the new category/board. So I lock the vote now. Let's hope they will answer soon.
You mean like with the FAQ? ;D
Yes, exactly :D
I used the support blank, hoping they will read it. Again I asked for the new user made quick-start guide.
We will see