AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Janine Dee on July 08, 2010, 08:08:30 AM

Title: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 08, 2010, 08:08:30 AM
I must admit I've been on a bit of a slow burn ever since the MF positions bar got redesigned. When I go into a room my positions bar (FF)  is half full, while today when I invited RobotBoy into a room to do a count the NEW MF positions bar is already full and will need yet ANOTHER redesign.

I kept telling myself "Wait till the next position. If it's not FF then you'll post something to the Development Team." That was three positions ago.

As of today's new position MF is 36 at a four across nine down grid while FF is 14 at a three across nine down.

Gentlemen... I WANT to spend my A$, I WANT to give you more real $ to get A$ to spend them on the game, and I know full well I am not alone.

The message you are sending is that you don't want my money, nor do you want the money of all those women who are aching for more FF positions.

Instead you seem more focused on flooding the "marketplace" with MF positions that the polls seem to be showing are receiving receptions that seem more lukewarm, from people who seem to be reaching a point they aren't sure they WANT to continue purchasing.

I would like to suggest that perhaps the market that seems to be straining with your product can be left alone for a time while the market that is in need of your products be focused on?

While I am fully willing to admit my interests are self-serving I truly believe it is to your benefit as well.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on July 08, 2010, 10:04:28 AM
Amen ;)

To be serious, I understand your needs & wishes. I also believe that you (all women) deserve more positions. I also have hoped, that we get more foreplay/afterplay, that can used for FM AND to FF (e.g. for kissing and stroking it is not important to have a stick).

If I would be part of the A-Team and read your clear, but friendly message, at once I would go on working for FF!
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 08, 2010, 11:18:35 AM
I don't like getting angry on a personal level, and it rarely gets any real results. Cool heads and manners have made far more reliable changes in the world.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Mistress83 on July 09, 2010, 01:53:41 AM
I agree, and also what about some more FFF poses. Whit so few poses available, there's hardly more fun.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 09, 2010, 03:30:40 AM
Agreed Mistress83, but I consider the threesomes a whole other grouping since FMM and MMF are still pretty low too. Here I'm not so much talking about the lack of positions, but the disparity between MF and FF's numbers, as well as the fact that the MF positions have reached the point we are starting polls here with each new one to determine if they're worth bothering with.

So I'm just trying to point out to the Development Team that they may want to redirect their efforts for a few weeks, and perhaps narrow that gap a bit. FF would be happy because they would be getting (hopefully a half dozen or so) new positions and by the time they came back to MF those who were debating if new positions were worth while would be hungry for anything new.

It's been said on this board countless times, AChat is a business. I'm merely suggesting they reconsider how they are marketing their product.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 12, 2010, 11:46:51 AM
And yet again. Development Team... Gentlemen... it is your game to develop as you choose, but at this point I CAN'T give you any more money. A$ or real, and it raises the question how many others out there are feeling that same frustration I am. In just over a week three new MF positions have been added.

I want to believe that it's so you can have your table cleared for FF projects, but for the most part I've simply resigned myself to sitting on the sidelines watching people discuss how dissatisfied they are with the latest MF positions. As passionate as I've been for AChat, that's a sad conclusion to reach.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on July 12, 2010, 12:23:05 PM
First let me say, the new position is one that I have waited for and I wished it so much. Thanks A-Team. But:
I really understand all Bi and Homo girls! Girls listen to my suggestion:
I start a new poll for in about one week. What do you want - FM, FF, MM, Threesome. The results we will send to the A-Team.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on July 15, 2010, 02:06:02 PM
The only recent position to receive a *lukewarm* response has been the mouth fuck since it is so similar to the tit fuck.  The 2 sex gymnastics poses have been voted unanimously *yes* and a few others discussed here have only received 1 *no* vote.

The new *woman controls* position will be a unanimous *yes* vote too I am sure.  It looks REALLY REALLY hot!!!  I love a woman on top  :o
Waiting for a poll on that position Lover  ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on July 15, 2010, 08:43:09 PM
Umm PLEASE ADD more FF/FFF positions.  If Janine leaves, I am sooo out of here.   :-\ :P :'(
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: NikiSchoolGirl on July 15, 2010, 09:27:42 PM
Well, I was going to look into starting a new thread, but this seems like a better place to post. I have noticed that in the past, the Development Team made it a point to read the forum and design to what the users want. Today, it seems they could care less what the users want. How many posts/polls/whatever ask about being able to gift guys? A few, and ALL of them have 100% support....and yet, the dev team let's the request go ignored.......Ladies have SEVERAL DOZEN polls/posts/whatever for more FF positions (one of the biggest being FF rework of the MF foreplay options), again IGNORED BY THE DEV TEAM.....I am sorry, but unless I see an effort to LISTEN to the users, I am with Jamie and will NEVER spend another cent here (real or fake).
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: apollo13nut on July 15, 2010, 10:44:44 PM
I have to agree with Jamie and seems that the dev team has stopped caring what we post here.....there was a 3 week gap of NO new positions and instead of something suggested here, they came out with their own thing (sex gymnastics 1).

I remember when I first signed up a few months ago and ran out of A$, i bought 2 rounds for $9.95...they emailed me and said for an extra $4.95, they'd upgrade me to the 24.95, i doubt you'll see that ever again.....

They want from respectable, honest people, to greedy "let's make a buck" wall-street types (in my opinion, feel free to disagree)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on July 16, 2010, 03:15:16 AM
@ Bobbler:
Waiting for a poll on that position Lover

Don't drive me so fast, sometimes there is a life outside AChat ;)
Here it is,624.0.html (,624.0.html)

Have fun
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 16, 2010, 04:03:39 AM
Umm then would you explain to me why the polls are needed at all Bobbler? I mean if every pose is so warmly welcomed then why is there any debate? I'm sure it's just my flawed understanding, but debating whether or not it's "worth it" is asking if it's worth spending money on rather then simply gathering together to talk about how wonderful it is.

@Sinnnn I'm not leaving Love. At the very least I'll be on here, but at this point the message I am getting from the Development Team is "Thank you for the money you have spent in the past, now get lost."

@apollo13 I was assuming that the Development Team went for the standard customer satisfaction  business model. Now I'm thinking they are going for the "We'll take your money, but that doesn't mean we'll give a damn." economic strategy.

@Niki I used to sing their praises, but at this point it's obvious I've lost my faith in them.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on July 16, 2010, 11:48:08 AM
I'm going to be the devils advocate here(instead of Bobcat, so no throwing crosses at me).

Have we ever thought that RL might be causing the DTeam to slow down?  This might be their money on the side while the are working a real 9 to 5 job. 

Also I'm not a computer genius(:P)  but maybe it takes alot of codes or whatever to put what we demand in effect.  Just maybe the person who puts in the codes quit and they are trying to find a replacement. 

Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.  Cause only the stupid bitch slaps their paying customers and hope to still have a business.

I'll be honest, I popped in at other game a couple of times.  I have my fav ppl that I like to spend time with here just chatting or other things.  They are the only thing that keeps me coming back.  If I don't see my friends I'll pop out and go somewhere else.  My interest with Achat has lessoned.  I tried on all the outfits, I tried on all the hats, the tatoos, the shoes and i brought everything.  Theres nothing left to keep me here except for my friends.  When they go so will I. 
I may have given DTeam the benefit of the doubt, but that don't keep paying customers.   :-\
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on July 16, 2010, 01:08:13 PM
I never said the polls were needed Janine.  Lover decided to make them on his own.

And it seems to me that most of the recent poses are slight modifications of the existing ones, thereby making it easier to make them.  What I'm *really* surprised at here is them not making the foreplay/afterplay positions that we have ALL been asking for.  That would be a nice change-of-pace.

And I agree...seems the Dev Team has pretty much abandoned our requests for updates.  They did give us the new sections in the Forum and Tom popped in and posted a bit after the new GUI debuted, but other than that they have not been here at all for MONTHS.

@ Lover:  :P
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on July 16, 2010, 01:59:39 PM
Like usual your brain is a bit addled sinnn.  I guess you still haven't fully recovered from that 2-day birthday binge  :P

It's not so much that they have slowed down, that's not it at all.  It's that they don't *seem* to be listening.  For the most part we have been getting an update every 3-4 days for the past 2 months or more.  I don't call that slowing down, do you?   ;D

How's the new tat?...(tell me in secret via PM  ;) )
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on July 16, 2010, 02:45:41 PM
Ahhhh kiss my ass Bobby and since your are already down there you know what to do.  If I feel as tho they slowed down than thats how I feel.  Anyway babes, I wasn't trying to say they slowed down.  What I was trying to say is that maybe they can only do so much because RL might be interfering or that some of the things we want might take a lot of coding to get it to work.    Also I was trying to say that I agree with the others about listening to their customers.  Maybe you have been downing my left over rum, I don't remember you being at my orgy, umm my party :P ;D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on July 16, 2010, 04:46:32 PM
you think too much  :P

just stick to cleaning the house and you'll be fine  :D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 16, 2010, 05:49:30 PM
The polls might not be needed by you Bobbler, but there is debate. That sounds to me like a glutted marketplace, and economics teaches that flooding your marketplace can generate some short term profit, but will then result in long term loss.

And Sinnnn sweetheart, I was giving them the benefit of the doubt 4 positions ago. It's kinda burned out. I paid for a year so I know I'm premium at least that long, and I've banked my A$ for any crumbs they may throw, but I've stopped hoping when I see the update bar downloading something.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on July 16, 2010, 07:17:03 PM
Hmmm thats the kettle calling the pot black.   :P ;D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on July 16, 2010, 07:22:41 PM
And I didn't say that they weren't needed either.  Are you reading what I said?

And how can any poll here that so few people vote on be representative of the now almost one hundred thousand AChat members?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on July 17, 2010, 03:28:21 AM
@ bobbler
I never said the polls were needed Janine.  Lover decided to make them on his own.

Yes thats true. They are not a must be. Like the whole forum.
IMO the polls shall have two effects. Polls about the new position may be a help for those who don't have bought it yet, e.g. they have to take care about their money and can't buy everything. And also to get an overview about the positions.
The other polls are a basis for discussion for the members and, much more, for the A-Team. It's the straightest way to get feedback.

No poll here is representative. For this momement. I hope, I believe and I think you already can see it, the number of members using this forum is increasing. You and I know, there are no 100000 really existing members. Some free membership have just been created, but the people have never been active. Other ones tested it once or twice and then left. And other ones left after some time, maybe come back one day, maybe never come back. We don't know about the real number of members, but if you look around while being in AChat you get an idea.
That means, more people here in forum will me more and more representative. You also know that people who are active in this forum also will be active people in AChat itself. Regular customers.
I always notice there is a context between a good working (existing) business and a "living" forum.

But of course, as I said, a forum gives feedback to the developer. They can, but must not listen to this. Indeed they can't listen to everything. E.g. maybe there is a simple solution for the big number of FM-positions: Much more hetero men than the rest.

Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 17, 2010, 08:50:56 AM
Well what COULD be representative of 100000+ people? Anyone who comes up with that could make millions selling it to the political parties. This forum allows for a more direct form of feedback, and no matter how contentious things get the one thing people seem able to agree on is that the Development Team makes questionable use of it.

Countless businesses spend massive sums with things like focus groups and customer surveys. This forum fills that purpose and does so for free. I may be able to comprehend things like programming issues or economic strategies, but ignoring this resources baffles me.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on July 20, 2010, 09:43:26 PM
(important enough IMO to keep at the top of the page...)

*whistles sharp and long,..before shouting

"HEY attenion!..."
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 25, 2010, 08:48:35 PM
A belated thank you to Bear for bumping this back on the 20th.

And another bump in honor of yet another Het Set position.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on July 28, 2010, 01:48:41 PM
What really makes me thoughtful, I have sent a mail to the A-Team, using the support form. On last week Monday. I wrote about the results of the most wanted pol and also asked for adding a new board. lNo answer.

I repeated my question about the new board last Friday. No reaction, no answer, no sign, no adding.

Hey A-Team, you must not listen to us. You must not follow our suggestions and questions. But a little sign would be friendly. No, I change my mind: It's a must. Customer Care.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on July 28, 2010, 10:11:19 PM
Or maybe just maybe, their feelings are hurt and they just won't answer. :'(
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on July 28, 2010, 11:37:44 PM
Probably overwhelmed by the number of client requests.

"Where to start? Where to start..."

A little interaction with the customer base never hurts guys....mandatory in fact if you wish to succeed.

Like you note Lover, they do not have to do what we want...(maybe there are some constraints here that we are not aware of) but at the least a response of some kind and interaction will give us an inkling they still care what we think.

Since they have filled up the het set's (like that term)  column, one might expect something different pending next. Hopefully Janine Dee it's something for you gals...

Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on July 29, 2010, 10:11:48 AM
I would agree, but I'm no longer able to hope, and sadly that's only semi-joking. When it was like 5 (or so) to 1 I could deal. I mean I get minority versus majority but now it's double that, and I'm not feeling as accommodating.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on July 29, 2010, 03:24:51 PM
At least, Tom wrote in another thread. Tom, if you read this, perhaps you can give me a little answer to my question about the new board?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on July 29, 2010, 06:12:46 PM
It was a nice reply, but it was a reply to something old and that we already solved. :-\  But it was a reply ;D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: NikiSchoolGirl on July 29, 2010, 08:33:59 PM
Actually Sinnnn, it was NEVER fixed, and that reply was in March, one of the last posts on the forum by Tom from what I've seen.

I love the fact that apollo13nut went in there and called him out on it though  ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on July 29, 2010, 11:12:26 PM
I meant mentally fixed since it wasn't going to get "fixed". ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on August 06, 2010, 08:07:46 AM
A new pose for FF,...expensive dresses,...come on guys (Development team) you can do better...I have faith in you.
(want this topic front and center)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on August 06, 2010, 08:35:46 AM
They've lost mine, and will need to work to regain it. That said I'm not so bitter any more, just cynical.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on August 06, 2010, 10:39:59 AM
Telling you, if it wasn't for the fact I was hording my A$ I be broke.  I'm a shopaholic, need help.  But price for that one dress 399 was just fucking wrg.  Next time they shell out outfits that cost so much, I'm bitch slapping my inner shopaholic til she passes out. :P

If the prices keep going up on everything,  ppl are going to start thinking might as well go to the other sites.  The prices are pratically the same.  Hell A-Team, you was a force to be regain with because of your low prices and great graphics.  Checked out one sites prices(your competition).

monthly is round 9.85
3months   is round 22.00
annually is round 72.00

and they offer more than what you do. 
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on August 07, 2010, 07:31:33 AM
It seems THEY have lost faith in their customers; the faith, that customers may leave, even if they seem to be happy. Three new dresses for women are great, but you have to pay each dress; why don't they give something like "All three for..."?

And I have to say, unfortunately they give a shit to our wishes and suggestions; 4 mails to the support in three weeks, without one answer.
Either they are too busy, cause the number of members is exploding (it is not, look at the homepage) or there is a fight between Tom, Rab and Ian Brenner about how to go on. Or are they just greedy, as they made a lot of correct things in the beginning? If so, good night Achat.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on August 07, 2010, 09:32:12 AM
It's the lack of communication that seems to be the most frustrating,...if they explained what direction they were taking this, perhaps people would understand. Not to agree, but understand. THAT seems to be the biggest frustration with the posters here.

The request list appears to far exceed what they are capable of to costs...they now have to show value to their product...and that doesn't appear to be happening in the eyes of many.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on August 07, 2010, 05:55:52 PM
If anything I would say the increase in costs would show a lack of confidence in their ability to continue to get our business. Sort of a "Get the money and run." Since I incorporate the server costs into the larger costs of doing business the only cost is in the design and implementation.

In other words the dresses cost them the same to make as all the other outfits, so increasing the cost to the consumers has no other explanation then they want to get us spending more of our A$ so they can get us buying more A$.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 20, 2010, 05:01:35 PM
I decided it was time to bump this because it seems to be becoming an issue once more.

I'm happy it's not all FM, VERY happy.

I would just like to be able to buy something besides more ridiculously priced dresses.

I'm wondering if I need to keep reminding the Development Team the Homo and Bi women are here because when I don't we seem to get forgotten quickly enough.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 21, 2010, 01:21:21 AM
Maybe by the A-team Janine, but there are many people here who do support you guys. I'm one of them. I think homo and lesbian users should have the same possibilities as hetero's. Even though their group is smaller compared to the hetero's. I've said before they are missing out on a big group of customers. If they would serve that group more, maybe even specialise, they could be a real competition to other sites by attracting them.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 21, 2010, 08:36:06 AM
Always here to support the cause Janine,...they do have seem to drop the ball of late on those FF options,...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 21, 2010, 09:31:45 AM
Which is why I mention it Bear.  :)

For Tight, I get that I'm a minority in comparison to what I've nicknamed the "Het Set" which means Straight and Bisexual women and men... those who are oriented to use FM positions. So I don't expect "equal". I get that this is a service and the FM are the core of their customer base, but not the whole. So I just felt I should remind them of that.  ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 21, 2010, 09:38:42 AM
I agree that positions for FF are neglected, like clothes for men are. I support you. I also believe, they will give some new positions soon, as they seem to have concentrated for Shemales and Het Set right now. There will be a time, they give you some new positions. Let's hope, this time is very close.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 21, 2010, 04:33:31 PM
Since their voice isn't heard and I have no clue of why, I would want to make a statement for the gay guys in this community. They have less positions as FF and that should be adressed too. I still believe that, because AChat is targeting the masses, they neglect a big group of possible customers. MM have only 5 positions and I can understand why there are very little MM posts in the forum. There is just not much to do for them ( as for FF). Excuse me if I'm wrong. I'm from a liberal country where being gay is pretty much incorporated and accepted in daily life. I wish them as much fun as now is provided for 'the norm' in life.
I believe variety is enriching to everyone's life. Wether in real life, on this forum or in the game.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 22, 2010, 12:57:28 AM
As far as the MM we've had some of the guys stop in, and we've told them to speak up and get others to do so, but nothing.

The thing to remember with AChat is that it doesn't get any tax payer subsidies. It has to support itself, and I get that. I'm not asking for any favors or hand outs. I'm just asking for a chance to spend my money on positions instead of yet another hideously over-priced dress.  :P
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 22, 2010, 10:13:51 AM
Since their voice isn't heard and I have no clue of why, I would want to make a statement for the gay guys in this community.

I don't have any problems to support gay guys too. But probably their voice isn't heard, as they don't speak.
Like Janine said, now and then when one of them has run here in we tried to help him. But they also need to do something even.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 22, 2010, 10:16:17 AM
Actually Tight' they have 8 positions intermingled in the mess of the shop, though they are still under represented in the number of poses.

Janine is correct they are a silent group, however I often consider the Shemale to represent for many the effeminate exotic nature of some in the gay community. No disrespect to true Shemales' of genetic being made.

Fact is many of us have been vocal in supporting that the wants of the FF group should be better addressed. I hold faith that the developers would jump on board and provide it.

Janine what ever happened to the pose suggestion thread?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 22, 2010, 10:25:07 AM
Which one?  ::) :P It's buried I presume.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 22, 2010, 12:26:26 PM
I do agree that the gay guys have to speak up if they want anything. With not hearing their voice, I mean there are only little postst from guys asking for more mm poses. As long as they are silent, I can imagine the A-team adressing their focus on the ones that do make some noise. I just want to support the gay community in general, as I wish for them to have the same opportunities as the FM-community.
I hope the A-team sees the opportinuties they have in incorporating them too...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: tom on October 22, 2010, 04:24:42 PM

the number of MM or FF poses has absolutely nothing to do with the acceptance of homosexual people. I can assure, that the bigger number of heterosexual poses does NOT mirror any type of prejudice against homosexual people. It seems to be ridiculous, that I have to emphasize: it is a pure economical decision, and mirrors only the demand of the majority.
If you check it regularly, you can see, that we deliver also MM poses. You can be sure, we can hear the requests of new FF and MM poses. I would like to close this dispute here.

Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 22, 2010, 05:18:31 PM
I think someone already figured that was the reason in one of the numerous threads about this and now it is verified. I think that reason is good, higher demand equals more poses. Good thing I'm pantient :P.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on October 22, 2010, 05:58:10 PM
and just to put some numbers to a part of this:

shemales have been here for what...maybe 3 months now?  and bi/homo males have been here over a year. however, the number of premium members for each group is about the same, with shemales numbering about 190 and bi/homo males numbering around 220. so the fact that the shemales are just about equally represented here (in terms of number of positions available) with those 2 male groups is valid. and i'm sure it helps that we have one (*very*) vocal  ;) and a few other not-so-vocal shemales posting here. how many bi or home guys have ever posted here?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 23, 2010, 01:17:01 AM
Tom, I hope at this point you know I'm never out to create disputes. Discussions certainly, but never disputes.

While I have been a strong speaker for more FF positions I have also been one of the first if not the first to say that I GET it's economics.

I'm hoping some numbers will help show why I felt I needed to reopen this discussion.

On the home page there are twenty pictures representing implements stretching back to August 29th, roughly seven weeks.

There are 6 FM, 5 Clothing, 5 FS, 2  MM, 1 FFM, and 1 FF.

Almost two months and one implement. It was a similar stretch that led me to open this thread in the first place, and I hope no one begrudges me saying "I'm still here, still queer, and would like SOMETHING new."

Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 23, 2010, 10:09:11 AM
Tom, it's great to see you post here and I think it too ridiculous to think that any prejudice is evident against the gay community.

Our posts have often addressed the economic issue, and although the Female lesbian community declaring homo is relatively similar in numbers to the males and females, the female Bi' community is very large, (I stopped counting at 500 premiums).

In terms of economics I (and others) found ourselves  rather baffled then why more poses have not been addressed towards meeting their desires.

Is the economic model that heavily slanted  disclosing females only purchase clothes? Is that a result of the gifting issue?

The matters here have simply been points of discussion, and I hope sincerely you and staff understand that. (Though some have vented angrily about being served things unrealistically immediately,..) Many questions here about what drives decisions made by the staff.

Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 23, 2010, 10:16:45 AM
Bear, they probably have statistics of what's selling best. Even if there are alot of bi females they might like males more anyway and there are quite alot of girls out there interested in shemales. I think that might reflect why so many FS poses have been released latly.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 23, 2010, 10:26:32 AM
Adera, good points, but is that where the female bi' community spend their scrip? The gifting process obviously opens up questions of economics which Janine and I have discussed at length here in a separate thread. Curious where that $A flows to other than monthly subscription...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 23, 2010, 10:32:09 AM
Tom, this is a forum - and let me say, this forum is having a very friendly and amicable conversation. You don't need any moderators to watch it and take care for the postings at all.
We also talked about the economical stuff - knowing and accepting, this is your reason to do this all.

It's ok you answered now. But you also have to know, if you answered a little bit earlier, some discussions would have been superfluous. Though I want to say, I like to discuss. If this is done friendly and constructive, we all will have our benefit - that means you too!

I'm sure you know, but I repeat my mind: All our talks are only, as we love AChat! Your "job" is to find the right balance between our wishes and your benefit.
Let's ave fun together :D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 23, 2010, 10:37:18 AM
@Bear: You might be right about the gifting. I think some of the money goes to nice dresses, luckily I can afford the clothes I want myself :).

@Tom: the discussion will probably always continue, its kinda interesting to speculate about the economy of Achat as we don't have any numbers. I don't think you will and should give us any numbers either.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 23, 2010, 10:50:04 AM
My dear that is one of the questions I hold, male premiums purchase the poses, the gifting, some clothing (limits there have obviously skewed those numbers)

Many Premium females opt out of the poses focusing on wardrobe, as a shemale are you purchasing the poses or relying on partners for those? Do you pose both MS and SF?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 23, 2010, 10:51:59 AM
I have all MS and FS poses :P, not that there are that many.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 23, 2010, 11:19:19 AM
singularly true, but as a whole 28 poses over 3 months is pretty good, it's a point that I raise in terms of providing some balance towards providing some additional ff poses.

I am not even certain what the last FF pose was...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 23, 2010, 11:22:27 AM
Me neither I would have to check.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 23, 2010, 11:23:20 AM
One of the rules I have in life is that I assume those around me have a certain level of intelligence. While that HAS led to more then a few disappointments  ::) I have always figured AChat's people are working from established numbers. I have simply set out to say that I believed FF positions were capable of at least generating enough sales to justify their creation, if not SOME profit.

Admittedly the fact that they aren't being implemented might worry me that is not the case the fact that there were two MM in the past seven weeks tends to make the numbers hard to read.  

And Bear and Adera, the last FF was the Strap On Mouth Fuck on 9-10.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 23, 2010, 11:31:30 AM
Which pose was received with some mixed reviews if I remember, honestly do think that what has been offered to the FF side has NOT been the most conducive towards sales. Balance needs to be addressed in that regards...To me the developers have to balance some regard of what the clients actually find stimulating, rather than just providing a pose for numbers.

As I have stated before is this a question of lack of understanding what works for the FF. Viable directions IMO  would always work, we have seen that they do pay some attention to the threads. Especially where constructive and vigorous conversation has risen.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 23, 2010, 11:43:46 AM
That's very true, and mixed reviews is almost kind.

I know I've detailed some FFF ideas, but a new thread on FF ideas would probably be useful. I'll have to come up with some new ideas and post them.

Though I will echo one idea here and repost it there as I've been saying it many months.

Tribadisim, and the possible implement of a double headed dildo.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 23, 2010, 11:47:38 AM
Hmm yeah the mouth fuck... I still think the equivalent FS pose is better, even if it might be the same in animations. The last FS poses could be converted into FF, but there are FF poses for that already and the FS poses are only anal. The Lucky Licker pose was really good when it came btw.

If they make a double headed dildo pose for FF I'd like it for FS too :P.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 23, 2010, 12:00:03 PM
Let's praise them for their effort. Remember, they (still) say AChat gets every week something new (llok up, you can read it ;)). In real they give us something new twice a week. They are really busy and working hard!

So there is a big chance, all our wishes and desires will be fulfilled soon. Ah no, I am wrong. There always will be new wishes and desires - and this is good :D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 23, 2010, 12:04:11 PM
Agree on that fact they have been excellent in providing new options,...and more than once a week,...really raising only the issue that what had been given to the FF was not necessarily one that had been received favorably, if you are going to make an economic decision, then it is important to realize and acknowledge when a mistake happens not to skew further decisions.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 23, 2010, 12:15:01 PM
I certainly give them credit Lover. My point, and what started this was they give YOU something every week. Even counting the dresses I can't say as much.  Again, I'm not expecting every week, but one every two months or so? I felt as a consumer I had the right to make a request of the provider.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 23, 2010, 12:25:55 PM
Janine, we both know well enough - I don't have to explain my attitude. My praise was more general nature. And if you get a praise, that does not mean you should stop your effort. I want to give them energy to go on with passion.

And before anyone is saying "it's their business, they earn money" Yes, they do. But there is more motivation than just the "green energy" (A$).
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 23, 2010, 12:32:16 PM
It wasn't so much explaining for you, but for me.   ;) I worried the issue was getting blurred when it ventured into a political/gay rights area. So I felt that I should restate it several times to make sure I was clear where I was coming from.  :)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 23, 2010, 12:49:46 PM
Constructive criticism should always be encouraged, what Janine has posted IMO has never breached those limits. I think it important that we as consumers do point out needs, and seriously Lover I think the FF group have not been adequately addressed of late. In that, I additionally have a rough time accepting that they represent so little of the economic model.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 25, 2010, 04:58:18 PM
Okay, I can't bring myself to complain too loudly about the latest implement since new male clothes have been even longer in coming then a new FF. That said it's now 6 weeks since a FF update.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 25, 2010, 06:50:24 PM
lol,...I waited how long... for this? ::)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 26, 2010, 04:26:53 AM
I don't know, but actually I am still waiting - the new clothes are not men clothes ;)

And Bear, you read this forum so you know my opinion. I disagreed Tom when he wanted to finish this discussion. I always support all homo girls and the Shemales, too. I even would support homo boys if they would ask for it here. Because of one simple reason - I believe, the more people are happy here, the more we all will have our benefit!

And do you really believe, I could reject a wish from Janine, Adera or all the other wonderful friends around? :D

I wanna have more positions, more actions, more clothes, more rooms....for all. BUT I also say I love it, it's a well done job; hoping, my praise will give them the power to go on. And I agree to you, they shall go on in the right direction. It's senseless to move faster, when you're running the wrong path.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 26, 2010, 08:05:19 AM
If anyone thought my post was meant as a political or gay rights post, I'm sorry. I'll be more careful with words. because that was not my intention. One thing I'd like to add to the discussion though. In developing new poses, imo, there can be 2 perspectives to view from. Either you develope something new which complies with the wishes of your current  subscribers, or you develope something new to create a wish amongst your current users and make that group grow. You can say: I'll concentrate on FM, because they generate the most income. Or you can say: I'll create something for the gay-community to make that community grow.
Looking from the second perspective, I think it would create a bigger group of subscribers then now... It's a matter of choice and maybe of entrepeneurship...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 26, 2010, 09:36:22 AM
@ Lover...never question your motives nor the underlying support to the development team...

I just walk here with an understanding that releases are constant,..though some voice the requirement of immediate action, good programming takes time. I can only voice my opinion strive to point out glaring weaknesses that I hope the team will acknowledge and account for...

In this matter, I am adamant in supporting Janine's cause here and that of the others wanting FF poses...this just hasn't been happening with positive responses from the team.

and with this new male costume,'s like the mouth fuck for the FF,...rather disappointing, but a few may like.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 26, 2010, 04:20:30 PM
When you put it that way Tight... economic systems follow many of the rules that organisms do. One of those is that the grow to fit their environment. In this case the market for everything other then FM is smaller because their "habitat" is smaller. Much like a business doing more business if they stay open longer, or start selling over the web as well as at a physical retail site... a VERY valid point.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 28, 2010, 11:02:57 AM
Really??? MORE dresses?

Anyone want to lay odds on what will be released next?

Honestly guys I'm trying not to get bitchy here, but the release schedule seems to be saying "No Janine, go ahead and get bitchy, we've basically abandoned the FF line."
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 29, 2010, 03:00:06 AM
I would like to believe they are selling dresses to get money for developing fantastic FF scenes :(
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 29, 2010, 09:19:08 AM
I'm sorry my dear friend, but at this point there is a saying I heard that I feel applies. "There is suspending disbelief, and then there is hanging it from the neck till dead."
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 09:26:28 AM
Somehow I get the feeling they have a strict development planning and are not willing to deviate from that. Who knows where FF positions are in their planning/ on their list, or decent guys clothes for that matter
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 29, 2010, 09:36:17 AM
Someone still set that schedule Tight, and someone decided that a whopping sixteen other things could be developed before another FF. Whatever the reason there was will and intent behind it. Yeah, it's their program and their choice on how to develop it, but I figure at the very least all the real money I've put in gives me right to speak my mind on their choices.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 10:01:24 AM
I absolutely agree with you Janine. And I am rooting for you...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 29, 2010, 11:28:55 AM
Just strikes me odd,...the lack of product they provide there,...especially with the number of of bi' listed in the roster,...straight lesbians yes low on numbers,...but more Bi' women the straight het'
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 11:33:28 AM
Maybe a silly suggestion.... But just maybe the ones developing the poses are guys and haven't got enough imagination to create g ood FF poses?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 29, 2010, 11:39:30 AM
Not silly,...we raised that issue sometime ago,...even had a few state they would work with and advise the development team on creating good products for that group.

My big thing has always been besides complaints was suggest,....suggest,...spin the ideas for them. Which Janine has started.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 11:50:27 AM
Bear, I do agree with you. Complaining is easy, working towards a solution or suggestion is less easy. But to be honest, sometimes I wonder if we help the development team too much. Like with the translations. Ofcourse it is smart to ask the help of the active community, but it also means they saved a ton of money. If they had to hire someone to do the translations, it would have cost them. Or would they have done it to keep the fees low?  ::)
Not that I do mind helping them in some cases. I think i'd be proud to know the dutch version is my translation. But if they rely on the community this much, sometimes they should listen. Because I think we swamp them with usuanle, profitable ideas.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 29, 2010, 12:28:51 PM
I dunno Tight, with the glut of FM poses and overpriced dresses I'm not sure "swamped" is an applicable term since their market plan seems to be showing a definite leaning towards short term gains.

Or to elaborate, we would be seeing more things that have been suggested here on the Forum rather then being confused what led them to come up with it.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 12:50:00 PM
I don't know how much time it takes to make a new pose, transform  an fm pose to fs/ms/ff, or how long it takes to create clothing. But with all the suggestions made that I know of, they would be occupied for a pretty long time, just executing our wishes.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 29, 2010, 01:04:20 PM
My point my friend is that from observing their release schedule our wishes are a secondary concern. The dresses are a perfect example. We've been asking for them to be more reasonably priced, or to at least to be able to not have to shell out around A$100 for each color, but I'm guessing that enough people are willing to that it is profitable for them to keep churning out those variations on a theme rather then worry about our ideas.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 01:52:46 PM
Which is in my eyes indeed short term thinking. Rather then binding a broader audience to them,they go for the quick gold. But I guess a bit of a philosofy other then "let's make money" is too much to ask for from a commercial company. But there is also an old economic law that says: high demand,  low stock means high prices. Would you be willing to pay more if that would mean more ff pose releases? Maybe this should be a poll...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 29, 2010, 01:58:22 PM
@ Janine
I'm sorry my dear friend,
I wrote "I would like to believe..." ending with the sad emoticon. This should be a hint I don't believe it, it's more ironic.
But it brought some new drive into the discussion ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 29, 2010, 02:10:38 PM
@ tighfit: Do not dare to make a poll with this question ;)

What are our wishes? More cheaper dresses (or keep the price, but get all colours... you understand), more poses for everyone (starting with FF), more for- and afterplay for us and (sometimes) more actions for the positions. Agree?

What do they want? Make money (a natural goal for each company! No problem to accept this).
Their way (as it seems to me): Create positions for the majority and dresses for the majority, too. Decide to make them expensive (a question of philosophy). Check out what happens and react. Probably they sell enough positions and dresse and are satisfied.

In MY opinion (this is the point I absolutely agree with your statements): It's a dangerous philosophy. Listen more to the customer voices to have a long term success. But I also have to admit: We are a wonderful family in this forum, but not the majority of the members.
Enough for now, maybe this is another kick-off for our discussion...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 29, 2010, 02:36:33 PM
No Lover, you're hitting that nail on the head. We are not the majority of AChat customers. If anything we are the minority if you consider our tales of the many sorry, cold inviting, poor to no describing masses.

I've said before I prefer to make the assumption the other person is not an idiot. I make that assumption of AChat, and I'm assuming they are catering to those masses I mentioned.

Much like the world, the stupid rule by sheer volume of numbers.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 02:53:27 PM
Unfortunately Janine, you are hitting the nail on the head. I bet the majority of the users have never even looked at the forum. I didn't until general chat disappeared. I noticed that there is a lot of activity from a lot of (but usually the same, no offense intended) people with great ideas and respect for eachother, the game and the developers.
But most of the ones out there want nothing more than a dress up and watch the action. Which is perfectly fine as well. And as you pointed out, the masses rule the game. Proofs it to be a community... wondering about how it's governed...  ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 29, 2010, 02:54:50 PM
@ tighfit: Do not dare to make a poll with this question ;)

I don't mind helping, but not that much...  ;D I'd boycot a poll if they put it up...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on October 29, 2010, 02:58:18 PM
singularly no,..but add the bi' women open to such play, it is the second largest population here in AChat. That is why I have a hard time understanding the lack of development beyond the quick $A turnaround the dresses provide. They could increase female membership if they cater a bit more to that customer base. Not all are that entranced with the shemale  option...

Indeed the majority are silent,... but it does not reduce the substance we try to offer the developers...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 29, 2010, 05:01:02 PM
But they may figure that between FM, FS, and new dresses they ARE catering to the Bi women.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 30, 2010, 02:38:18 AM
If they do think that, they still have things to learn. In my view, but you will have experience in that Janine, FS is NOT the same as FF. I can imagine a bi-woman wants to have a girl without something dangling between her legs (no offense towards shemales ofcourse...)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on October 30, 2010, 02:44:14 AM
Do you mean a homo woman instead of a bi-woman?

And to be more accurate, I don't believe it's because aof something between your legs. It's much more your whole personality, your mind. To be homo, bi or het set is not just a question of sexual attitude.

I am neither bi or homo and I don't want a dick in my mouth or ass, but that's not the reason for being hetero.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 30, 2010, 03:05:14 AM
Janine suggested the A-team might think that making alot of fs poses, they serve the group of bisexual women. But my point is: I think a bi-woman likes to make love with a womanonce in a while  instead of a shemale. The A-team thinking being a bi-woman means liking sex with shemales only, would be a mistake.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on October 30, 2010, 04:47:08 AM
Actually no Tight I was saying FM might be there way of catering to Bi women because Bi women do by definition have the capacity to enjoy sex with men. They ALSO enjoy sex with women, but the idea may be that at leas they are getting 50%.

Shemales and the resulting positions are a whole other area. For themselves and their partners to define.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 30, 2010, 06:13:14 AM
Still, and I do understand what you mean now Janine, if they think they are catering bi women this way, they are still singleing out and excluding true FF poses and directing their attention to the 'het set'
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 30, 2010, 07:26:53 AM
Thought many of the "bi" women seem to think of me like I'm some kinda stud there to fuck them :-\. Well the spectrum is wide.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 30, 2010, 08:04:39 AM
No wonder, you are a stud and a gorgeous woman!  ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on October 30, 2010, 08:13:32 AM
Why thank you ;D. I'm just complaining about the women who think I will act and fuck like a guy.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on October 30, 2010, 09:11:48 AM
Lack of imagination I'd call that...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 01, 2010, 06:27:10 PM
*Going stock still, then licking lips, and exhaling.*

Happy for you girls, truly happy for you. You deserve all the options they opened up for you.

I would hope for a similar mass release for the FF and FFF, but hope is well past dead at this point.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 01, 2010, 07:16:00 PM
Don't say that Janine :(. Atleast now I can meet booth you and sinnnn at the same time if we want to.

Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 01, 2010, 09:50:06 PM
Sorry Hon, but at this point even if we got something I'm just going to assume it will be another two months or so before we got anything else.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 02, 2010, 12:51:51 AM
So that's why it took longer than usual to release a new upgrade. Very happy for you Adera (and all other shemales), sad for Janine :( Hopefully they'll do a mass release for FF-poses as well...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on November 02, 2010, 11:46:35 AM
Actually it didn't take longer, cause they gave new clothes. This is also "something new" (their own words).
But I don't believe the Hogirls will get new positions soon - first there will be new clothes or positions for men I think.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 02, 2010, 12:41:02 PM
I agree there will be clothes first. But I haven't been able to find a pattern in their releases. Have you?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on November 02, 2010, 01:11:21 PM
pattern has been pose first of the week followed by clothes midweek,...well maybe they will surprise us.

Definitely dumped quite a bit as to shemale poses on this update,..
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 02, 2010, 02:03:12 PM
Yes very much, but I'm quite surprised they added shemale/female fucks male instead of any 3some pose where males can fuck shemales. Well didn't buy those, not my thing and this was a really expensive update.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 02, 2010, 02:14:43 PM
I'm sure they were hoping for (and got) an impressive windfall from the shemales.

The whole reason for this thread is because FF is so few and far in between that it's basically impossible to figure us into any pattern.

More then likely it WILL be clothes, or even more likely a FM position.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 04, 2010, 05:03:08 PM
Well it's official yet ANOTHER implement and now of the SIXTEEN recent implements on the main page NONE are FF.

Oh and those who placed their bets on yet ANOTHER FM you win.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on November 04, 2010, 06:46:43 PM
No we didn't ,'s a MS ::)

The way they are dumping them out there it would appear the shemales are a rage,...which I find curious since I see only 4-5 premiums on most at a time.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 04, 2010, 07:25:48 PM
I wondered, but there wasn't that little circle off to the side with the penis in a small circle.

Either way still not FF.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on November 04, 2010, 07:30:04 PM
it's an MF...the girl is using a strap-on
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on November 04, 2010, 07:46:40 PM
You're right bobbler,..well we can guess which pose is coming next then,...
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 04, 2010, 07:52:12 PM
Mmm kinda obvious, the pose could be converted to FF aswell.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 05, 2010, 10:19:01 AM
There goes the pattern... I expected clothes, but they did surprise us... Next one FF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shemales are happy, FM are happy if they fancy the new positions. Time for...?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on November 05, 2010, 10:41:52 AM
first there will be new clothes or positions for men I think.

My own quote - the pattern is not gone ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 05, 2010, 10:43:16 AM
Yes, but FF isn't part of the pattern anymore.  ::)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on November 05, 2010, 10:47:44 AM
Sure it is - just because there seems to be no pattern, it is ::)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on November 05, 2010, 05:42:04 PM
HEY! :o
 1000 posts gratz Lover
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 06, 2010, 03:13:34 AM
Agreed, congrats on hitting the 1k mark Lover.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on November 06, 2010, 08:25:58 AM
Thanks friends :D
I have a gift for you all. I embedded the link in  FunnyFinds. Hope you like it.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on November 06, 2010, 09:48:22 PM
Congrats Lover. :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on November 07, 2010, 09:16:27 AM
Thanks sinnnn - no hug or kiss for me?
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 07, 2010, 10:49:10 AM
In holland we say: the one that asks for something, gets nothing... ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on November 07, 2010, 02:06:19 PM
rolls eyes, sheech. ::)  Thats what the kisses faces are for Lover.  LOL :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 07, 2010, 02:20:14 PM
@Tight: I do think its easier to get what I want from santa if I for example sit in his lap, twisting his beard while I tell my wishes. I mean how else will he know what I want :P.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 07, 2010, 09:33:37 PM
@Adera: Don't you know? Put a shoe near a chimney/fireplace with your wishlist in it, put some hay or carrots in there too and sing a song. Go to sleep and check next morning... ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on November 08, 2010, 11:59:31 AM
Thinking Adera is more interested in experiencing Santa's "North pole"
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 08, 2010, 12:06:54 PM
Who knows what she'll do with the carrots...  ;)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: bobbler on November 08, 2010, 01:17:26 PM
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 08, 2010, 01:24:10 PM
Eheheh, well I could ask Santa for a pony if he doesn't have anything better I could ride :P.

Bobbler its -11.5 °C here right now and maybe 2-3 cm snow, but it'll probably not last. The snow usually settles around christmas.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on November 08, 2010, 04:20:00 PM
ONG I am sooo not going to touch that one.  Nope not going to. ::)

Just please don't give her any apples. :P
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 08, 2010, 04:21:37 PM
I didn't mean anything sexual with the pony.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on November 08, 2010, 06:02:14 PM
LOL.  ROTFL.  I was still on the carrot thing.  ROTFL.   ;D ;D ;D Girl you make me laugh.  THX
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 08, 2010, 06:19:57 PM
Awww now I just feel silly *pout*. I'm not putting any apples inside btw :P.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on November 09, 2010, 12:18:09 PM
Different xmas customs Tight'

I'd leave cookies and milk out for Santa, hang a stocking on the mantle for a gift...

Wonder if I hang a grater belt with silk stockings attached if he would fill it for me...
(and not with himself...too twisted an image there)
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 09, 2010, 01:32:24 PM
In Sweden santa comes by in the evening the 24:th of december and hands out the presents in person and we leave rice porridge for him instead of milk and cookies. I guess traditions are abit different but here I can thank santa in person ;) :P.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 09, 2010, 01:35:19 PM
We actually have St Nicolaus ánd Santa come by. St. Nicolaus (or Sinterklaas as we call him), comes on the 5th of december, with his african helpers and his white horse. Santa comes (traditionally in holland) the 25th, christmas morning, although I am accustomed to "Holy Night", christmas eve. We sing songs and burn candles in the tree.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on November 10, 2010, 11:43:34 AM
In Germany we have Nikolaus on the 6th of  December. Usually the children got just a small bag with sweets (e.g. a chocolate santa Claus) and apples, nuts, oranges. Today it's getting bigger and bigger - children are getting toys and so on.

The real Christmas is in the evening on the 24th of December. The gift giving happened after the church - if you go to church. Some familys are singing and the children are saying poems. This all happens "under" a big decorated christmas tree.

The next two days are Christian holidays. You visit your family, friends and so on.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on November 10, 2010, 03:20:04 PM
We celebrate on the 25 of Dec.  Some of my other fam members do it on the 24th. Others spend the morning in church.   What I do is cook ham, all the sides, bake and buy some cakes.  Sit everything all on the table in the morning and let the family have at it all day. They can't seem to decide whether to go to the table loaded with all the sweets and food you can eat or run to the Christmas tree with all the gifts.  Every yr I give to all the charities as best as I can(even when the holidays are not round).  Some family members might pop over to exchange gifts.  But the one thing that I loved to do is go over my grandparents house, always celebrated with them.  Its like tradition,  this yr my grandfather past so making sure everyone comes over my grandmothers house.  Going to make sure she has the best Christmas ever.   ;D ;D ;D

Now New Yrs, thats awhole other wicked story.   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 10, 2010, 04:58:32 PM
New years usually involves alot of partying :P
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 11, 2010, 06:20:23 AM
This year will probably be a special St Nicholaus (my daughter is almost 4 and believes in him). New year's will be a regular evening. Lot's to eat and snack, champagne at midnight and after that Fireworks (the kind you Not a night to stay sober :D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 11, 2010, 07:46:28 AM
Young children who believe in santa are the best to have around at christmas and they get so happy when they get their presents.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 11, 2010, 08:20:54 AM
I agree :) So I'll be an unhappy daddy this christmas, since my little one won't be with me.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on November 11, 2010, 08:46:06 AM
my kids still believe.  I think that they think( ::)) if they don't believe then like the tooth fairy no more loot under the tree.  So their acting is Oscar winning.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Amy3200 on November 11, 2010, 10:04:43 AM

I'm fairly new here bit i do agree with what Janine says. I want to be able to finger my girl friend in a number of poses and possibly fist her too. I do want see more poses as well - up against the wall, double penetration with me in the sandwich and two girsl back and front. We girls want more. Stop catering to the boys and give us what we need and pay for


I must admit I've been on a bit of a slow burn ever since the MF positions bar got redesigned. When I go into a room my positions bar (FF)  is half full, while today when I invited RobotBoy into a room to do a count the NEW MF positions bar is already full and will need yet ANOTHER redesign.

I kept telling myself "Wait till the next position. If it's not FF then you'll post something to the Development Team." That was three positions ago.

As of today's new position MF is 36 at a four across nine down grid while FF is 14 at a three across nine down.

Gentlemen... I WANT to spend my A$, I WANT to give you more real $ to get A$ to spend them on the game, and I know full well I am not alone.

The message you are sending is that you don't want my money, nor do you want the money of all those women who are aching for more FF positions.

Instead you seem more focused on flooding the "marketplace" with MF positions that the polls seem to be showing are receiving receptions that seem more lukewarm, from people who seem to be reaching a point they aren't sure they WANT to continue purchasing.

I would like to suggest that perhaps the market that seems to be straining with your product can be left alone for a time while the market that is in need of your products be focused on?

While I am fully willing to admit my interests are self-serving I truly believe it is to your benefit as well.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Bear on November 11, 2010, 10:47:57 AM
Amy glad to see you voice this,...Janine needs a more core base of females calling for this. She has led this campaign admirably, but she needs recurring support stating the need and desire for these poses. Keep it up. Find friends and others who if nothing else will jump in and post these wants.

Although the FF received a pose here in the new 69,..I suspect it lacks the appropriate physical contact the girls want
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Janine Dee on November 11, 2010, 11:01:53 AM
Welcome Amy, I must admit it's nice to have another female here to speak up with me. While I truly appreciate everyone's support having another person who uses FF call for FF is a wonderful thing.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Lover on November 12, 2010, 03:44:13 AM
Welcome Amy :D
"Go out and come back with more girls supporting you!"
As long as Janine is the only girl asking for FF she can't change a lot. We support her but I don't believe this is the help she needs.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: TightFit74 on November 12, 2010, 10:06:36 AM
HI Amy, welcome. Glad you're supporting the request for more (usefull) FF poses. We've been supporting Janine for a long time now, but maybe because there are not enough women supporting the request, the A-team thinks they need to add 'cock' to the ff poses they are launching. Not what is asked for! There have been plenty of suggestions for FF poses that are a lot more attractive as the last one launched.
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: sinnnn on November 13, 2010, 03:25:16 AM
Welcome Amy.  Finally, let the revolution began. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dear Development Team...
Post by: Adera on November 13, 2010, 07:24:10 AM
Hi Amy and another welcome. :P

A fingering pose would be awsome, especially if its one fingering the other cause then it might work for FS too.