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Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: himmi on July 18, 2010, 06:29:52 AM

Title: Shemale Body
Post by: himmi on July 18, 2010, 06:29:52 AM
wow ! great work a-team :-) many people waited long for this

i tested it and there are few bugs in the positions (rub clit option  in "Play with the boobs")
and with the color skin (dark skin shemale has a white cock)... please have a look
im not happy that that all positions need to to bought again ...
but anyway good update

Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: bobbler on July 18, 2010, 07:09:25 AM
WOW is right!  Now we see what they have been working on all this time.  Loads of positions for the new body too.  I'm happy for those who wanted it, but I'm certainly not one of them.  Just a bit too freaky for me  ::)
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: himmi on July 18, 2010, 07:29:19 AM
i just have one question .... what about the shemales that played as female before with premium .... i mean ... they just bought  positions for xxxx A$
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: bouli on July 18, 2010, 07:58:54 AM
Don't get me wrong, I think this is a nice addition for the people who've asked for this and the ones who might be curious (no, I'm not one of them either), but how could something like this get priority? On the forums there's been screaming and basically riots asking for more threesome poses, FF poses, clothes and other customization and you choose to go for something like this that I can't imagine more than the tiniest fraction of our users were interested in.

At that, all poses seem to be plain copies of existing MM/MF poses. I've no idea whether you added some interaction or not as I've not tried (and have no intention to try) any of them.

Think I'll take a couple of month's subscription though A$ funding as I've saved up quite a lot instead of buying hookers every night.

P.S. This is directed to the development team alone and is in no way intended to insult or bash at any trannies or whores (pardon my french). I'm just so disappointed and felt I had to vent.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Lover on July 18, 2010, 08:08:08 AM
One possible reason to give Shemale now is, this has been asked for a long time ago. Another reason might be, if you have to buy all positions again, they can earn more money.

Himmi, I'm sure they will fix the bugs; just make a table or file of them and post it or send it to the A-Team.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: bouli on July 18, 2010, 08:10:48 AM
Of course it's about money, but I can't see why they could create new threesome combinations out of existing poses just the same, something I daresay more of us would be interested in. Hardly any work and a lot of easy money for them.

I'd like to be proven wrong, if anyone really thinks this is the best thing ever and will gladly pay for all new poses and clothes, please raise your hand.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Lover on July 18, 2010, 08:16:18 AM
Bouli, I don't say you are wrong. I agree with you. I just thought about their reasons, which must not agree with mine.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: sinnnn on July 18, 2010, 08:35:39 AM
Eyebrow raised....Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: apollo13nut on July 18, 2010, 09:21:11 AM
Ok, so the ATeam chose something that very few people would be interested, but a few things to note: 1) at least they were listening to the requests on the forum. 2) by having to create a new body type, add it to the search filters, and recreate (and/or add) new sex poses all over again, they actually tackled one of the hardest requests on the forum in my opinion (some of the ff requests I don't think would take nearly as long as this).

Now, to be the odd-ball here: does this mean a Robot Shemale is coming? Seems only fair since we have Robot Girl and Robot Boy.....
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Pole4hole on July 18, 2010, 10:16:19 AM
 ;D I like it just fix's the bugs and put some hot 3 way stuff in.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: anaanas on July 18, 2010, 11:35:42 AM
yess very good work A team!! :o
 shemale with female got the same pos i dont see why they should by them again.. but still good work ;D
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Janine Dee on July 18, 2010, 11:54:30 AM
Okay, when I first saw the updater working I thought "I don't dare hope." and I was right not to... but I am now laughing. Not  at the she-males I know they have been wanting this for quite awhile and I am genuinely happy for them. They can now truly be themselves.

And frankly while I would have preferred FF or FFF that's personal interest, the fact that it wasn't ANOTHER MF is enough for me.

The laughter is just at how much this took me by surprise. Of all the possibilities I NEVER considered this one.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: stella on July 18, 2010, 05:59:20 PM
this new series is another joke for us women. is more than a year struggling to get more positions acting and other things. Instead they do? create the trans. but there are many trans achat here? maybe 10? why they have not our top priority and justified demands? even the foreplay between men and trans, is a further insult to us women, I am asking this romantic location to one year and not ever give us this possibility. instead create the trans and immediately offer them this position. not right. Furthermore, I don't understand how it works, because in my menu I not found in my women menu that poses  with the trans, nor in males. then created a new robot? If so, this is another wrong, because there are trans members here who have long had to choose the robot woman, because there was no trans. Now that happen? that the old  trans remain women because  can no longer change its image and only new will can use it? or you can unsubscribe to them as women or men and become trans? but  so doing not  lose all contact names and other? Please we women want to be considered more than done untill today. if we leave the chat, what do the  men,  fucking each other? you don't understand that we women are more important that them? please  have more respect for us women, thank you.

Please we make our voices heard, write to the staff and support as I do, once I got some positions doing so, but i alone can not make them understand their mistakes.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Florent on July 18, 2010, 06:25:57 PM
Please we make our voices heard, write to the staff and support as I do, once I got some positions doing so, but i alone can not make them understand their mistakes.

Damn you're boring...

Always yelling at the team, always preaching like if your life depends on your little desires...

Go on the street if you want to protest for women rights, it would be waaaay more useful than here, on this forum, where everdybody is fed up with your bad maneers.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: sinnnn on July 18, 2010, 06:28:49 PM
Well, all I have to say to that is... WOW. 
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: himmi on July 18, 2010, 06:34:41 PM
you acting like a ******
I am asking this romantic location to one year and not ever give us this possibility.
you begging and QQ for max. half year stella ....

this new series is another joke
;D well your post is a joke

you don't understand that we women are more important that them?
i think your are more important then anyone else ...  ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Lover on July 18, 2010, 06:45:08 PM
@ Stella
Please we women want to be considered more than done untill today. if we leave the chat, what do the  men,  fucking each other
No, we men will have fun with all the girls who love men, we have many positions to use :P

One last time, I understand all the girls asking for more ff; I even made a poll, I voted for FF and I know many men also accept more FF. But dont cry around when they give us new things, but not the one YOU want.
By the way, in real life not the one who is the loudest is the one who is right. Same here; not the one (I mean you Stella) who uses the biggest font is the one who is right.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Bear on July 18, 2010, 07:03:01 PM
Well said Lover,...I made my position known that I felt the disparity unjust and unfair, however I see this rant a bit over board and egocentric. I for one have an understanding why some issues were not being immediately addressed since the amount of work to include this classification must have been extensive. Hopefully they now have the time and resources to dedicate to other matters.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: bouli on July 18, 2010, 07:28:37 PM
That's exactly what I don't get. A big time consuming change like this when the masses (in my view) are asking for other, less expensive changes.

In my opinion, the changes that are way overdue and called out for again and again are:
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: NikiSchoolGirl on July 18, 2010, 07:37:16 PM
Well, I for one am glad to at least SOMETHING made by the ATeam that was suggested on the forum....I know it was only suggested a few months ago, and I could probably find the post that asked for it (slutboy i think started it; forgive me if spelling is wrong). But anyway, I do find it unfair to have to buy new positions as a few (including Stella) have said. I also notice there are no forms of 3 some with the shemale as of yet.

No 3 way for M-F-SM, no M-M-SM, no F-F-SM, no M-SM-SM, or I see this as something to be worked on.

Another thing, I have been on the front line with stella, lover, etc for more FF poses, as well as apollo13nut (and if I remember correctly, he's taking on a fight for the m-m poses despite NOT being bi/gay, which is odd, but knowing him personally, not shocking/surprising).

All I can really say is while some people won't agree with it, there are others that will use it. And to Stella, look at it this way: maybe the ff foreplay will come before the end of the month....since the people working on the tranny poses are no longer engaged in that project (assuming, not sure)
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: Janine Dee on July 19, 2010, 01:54:49 AM
Stella, honestly sweetie you deserved those smacks. NO ONE is more important then anyone else!  Value is based on the individual! Even the Premium Vs Non is more a matter of gratitude for making it possible (like on a recent vacation as one of those who paid for the hotel room I got a bed, those who didn't got the floor).

My biggest problem recently was that the message I have been getting from the Developers is that all they care about what I  (just now) nick named the Het Set. Which is basically those who can biologically and psychologically enjoy MF positions. (Yes some are Bi, but I think you get my point.)

While I would have personally preferred FF or FFF I fully admit that is self interest.

The fact they acknowledged they have users that aren't in the Het Set is fabulous.

All that said I'm still cynical about the Development Team. This is nice, but when it's 7-8 Het Set to 1 for everyone else... I feel my cynicism is justified.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: mikki on July 19, 2010, 03:46:33 AM
Janine dear, I feel your cynicism is justified for the very reasons which you stated, While we few in the forum are by no means a majority of the users her on AChat, we are the ones who are asking for something. So to completely ignore what we are asking for is bad business, and in time it will drive away loyal users. So to you I say Kudos for eloquently speaking your mind, and stating what you feel in a clear and concise manner.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: cakegirl on July 19, 2010, 11:55:46 AM
I agree with some many things said on this post, but to state it myself, I am glad they were able to support and create this new character. It no something I plan to purchase or use myself (kind of freaked me out) but I know others will like it. I do hope that they make it so a trans can change their character type without loosing all of their contact as well.

As a hetero, I do love it when we get new positions but also support the need for mm, ff, and all the three-some poses for those who enjoy them. I hope that now this major change has been implemented, we will start to see some of our requests listed will start to come around.
Title: Re: Shemale Body
Post by: bobbler on July 19, 2010, 05:27:48 PM
I agree with you completely ladybuggirl  ;)  I don't mind at all that this new body has been offered.  The body and 15 positions in one update is a LOT of work.
As others have said, yes, there is a small demand for this in the community; yes, you would think it is low priority; yes, there are so many other things that we have been asking for...but like you said, now it should free up time for other things we really want to get done.  I just hope we do see more 3somes, new clothes and FF positions soon.