AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: sinnnn on July 21, 2010, 02:15:56 PM

Title: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 21, 2010, 02:15:56 PM
K, I know some of you will say stop bitching Sinnnn and enjoy at least you woman can get gifted.

Before I began, this is to the A-Team---Gift Men Now!!! Thank You for listening.

Anyway I just been gifted 25A$ by a guy I barely acknowledge.  I'm pissed off.  I want to give it back.  You can give me all the loot you want but its not going to make me pay attention to you. 

Guys I understand you want to gift, if its all in good intentions, its the thought that counts.  Thank you but I'd rather have friendship.  Now if you think that gifting a chic will make her feel obligated to you, AHHHH Hell No. 

I don't know about the rest of you chics(well except for the whores), but I don't need your A$ nor do I want your A$. 

A-Team here me now.  Gift the Men so I can give back these unwanted A$.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 21, 2010, 03:49:31 PM
Ooooh sinnnn, not even a little smile? Don't be so hard with this boy, he gave you all his best.

If you don't want it, give it to another girl.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 21, 2010, 04:32:30 PM
Fine with me.  What girl who wants it who is not a whore?   :D

I don't know him.  So to give me A$ for no reason makes me think thats your way of saying HI?  What do does he think I am?  For hire?  Its almost like I feel obligated to talk to him or something.  I don't like that. :P
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on July 21, 2010, 10:23:12 PM
Guess you could save it and start a scholarship fund sinnnn,...
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 21, 2010, 11:34:23 PM
LOL.  What should I call it?   ;D
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 22, 2010, 09:07:16 AM
Take it for the 1st price when we're starting a new game here :D
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on July 24, 2010, 06:17:14 PM
"sinnnnful pleasure achievement scholarship"?
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: cakegirl on July 25, 2010, 05:26:55 PM
Sinnn, I just had the exact same thing happen to me! WTF! I enjoy chatting with my friends and being with a select few but never asked for or requested A$. I don't want to feel like I owe someone a "paid" good time! That is not who I am at all and am a little upset that this happend! Let me know when you start that game or fund, I have 25A$ to add to it!

BTW does anyone know who "MrWonderful" is? Did not lead him on or anything, just told him Sorry, I was busy.....

Ok, I am done venting now  :-[
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 26, 2010, 08:33:33 AM
LOL, thats who sent me the A$ girl.  LOL.  I just deleted everything he sent me.  As far as I am concerned he just took a lost,  the dumbass.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 26, 2010, 08:35:02 AM
I would use it as a prize, but what if a guy wins?  I doubt any of you want to make a female account or do she-males get gifted too?  JOKING lol
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 26, 2010, 08:52:09 AM
If a guy wins... a female account... I don't wanna know, how many girls are guys in real.  :-[ I only hope, I never have been in a room with one of those :D
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 26, 2010, 10:50:59 AM
K, I have to say this, I really do Lover.

If you were in a room with one, at least you know you had a good time.  Only a guy truly knows what a guy likes.  LOL.  ROTFL ;D ;D ;D ;D

sorry but you guys are so cuuuuute.  lol
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: cakegirl on July 26, 2010, 12:51:20 PM
Yeah, that is pretty much what I did. I sent him a note saying thank you but don't go into a room for paid sex. I much prefer to get to know someone first then also deleted his friend request.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 26, 2010, 04:31:15 PM
Your nice, cause I didn't say thank you at all.  I only say think you to friends who surprise me with a gift or a sweet thought.  Or if I'm stranded and I need help, then yes a really heart felt thank you.  But I'm not stranded, nor do I need A$ and I'm not desperate for sex that I would except a crappy ass invitation as that.    I could say it was the thought that count but no thought was put into it. ;D
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on July 30, 2010, 11:30:13 AM
You know that fool sent me 50 also and I never noticed it.  Went to purchase the spanking an I looked and there it was.  I feel sorry for that fool, he could have used his money to buy positions or close instead of trying to buy a fuck. :P
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Janine Dee on July 30, 2010, 11:36:35 AM
Honestly I think one of the biggest contributors to the prostitution on AChat is the renewing A$. After a certain point you've bought all you intend to buy, and if you are monthly you will still be getting your deposits... with all that money just piling up I can see how hiring a hooker might seem better then just letting it sit and compound non-existent interest.

Or in this guy's case trying to buy friends/playmates.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: cakegirl on July 30, 2010, 11:40:21 AM
Janine, according to him he has only been on about 3 weeks and said that most girls won't even consider a room with him if has not gifted in the past. It leaves a big question in my mind though...

I told him that I am not like most of the girls on here!

@ bobbler - am I telling the truth on this?  ::)
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on July 30, 2010, 01:36:29 PM
from my own experience, he may feel justified. I know I found it extremely difficult to even get a chat going at time when I started. So not unreasonable to assume that he has found it necessary, even to get noticed. He's looking for the quick and easy though....

Patience is not exercised often around here,...,the presumption is "let's do it",  which prevails over some degree of personal interaction other than sex.

Sometimes I just want to reach out, shake them by their virtual neck, and tell them to keep their pants on...
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: bobbler on July 30, 2010, 02:05:41 PM
you know, i can see where he might feel he has to gift a girl to get her interest.  there are so many girls out there asking for gifts now it's kinda crazy.

@ cake: all i have to say to that is...mmmmmmm.  oh, and did you say something about knots?  ;)
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: cakegirl on July 30, 2010, 02:21:35 PM
Bobbler, I so did! Very good at tying them and all different kinds too!  :-*
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 30, 2010, 02:32:39 PM
Hm, that really meakes me thoughtful. Guys think they must give a gift first to have fun. And doing this, they make the "real nice" girls angry...
If AChat would be my business, I would write a big note in the game:
"Guys you do not have to give gifts. Gifts are only needed, if you WANT to give it to your friends and lovers"
But I don't believe the A-Team will do this, as they earn money with gifts.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: cakegirl on July 30, 2010, 02:45:09 PM
That's the rub, if I had known him as a friend/lover/spouse first, I would have been honored and truely grateful! But being it came from a stranger to me, it changes the whole context of the gift!

If guys could receive gifts, would they feel the same way? I don't know since I am not one. But how do you guys feel about it in that context? I am interest to see what your responses are.  :-*
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 30, 2010, 02:54:13 PM
Cakegirl, I undertsand your feelings. My post was not against you girls, I just wanted to give my thoughts. It's strange to me, that some members think they must give a gift, to be allowed to talk to other people here.

To answer your question, if I could receive gifts, it would be equal to your thoughts. I would not want gifts from unknown members, no matter if they are girls or boys. If my friends/lovers make me a gift, I could accept this. Though I would tell them before, I don't want it - to have nice talks or maybe more is more important for me. And tell me "old", but I want to be the one making gifts. And yes, it also happened to me, sometimes a girl said "Please, don't do this." Then of course I accepted this wish.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: cakegirl on July 30, 2010, 03:13:27 PM
Lover, I was not saying you were against the girls, I know you are not! I was agreeing with your view and also very curious how guys would feel about this as well, just so would know!

Thank you for your response! Kisses! :-* ;D
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on July 30, 2010, 07:25:55 PM
I re-read this thread and have no pity for this one,...he gifted and expected a room if I read this correct.

Sad that new members think this as mandatory to build a relationship.

@Lover in this case it was an expectation of sex...without any personal touch. cakegirl called him on it,...almost a wtf moment,..."you mean actually talk is required?"  ...what a concept....

And cakegirl, I would be personally offended by a gift with the expectation to perform without some form of contact. I am easy,...,and under different circumstances took blinds often just to meet people, .. You are being way to tolerant,  and in,  that being rather kind hearted about the situation.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 31, 2010, 12:05:09 PM
Bear, I don't talk about this single one. I mean it more in general. Are they not able to read? Don't they understand this game, because their English is too bad?? Are they feared to ask and to talk first? Do they really believe, they have to pay for the room? Or do they just think it's easier and faster doing this way?

Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Janine Dee on July 31, 2010, 01:38:38 PM
Well Lover, one of the most common truisms in dealing with people is to be yourself. It might not guarantee they'll like you, but it will certainly save time finding out if they won't. By the same token another truism is to treat online much like in person, because while there can often be certain rules of behavior you usually won't get yourself in trouble acting like you would on the street.

At best this guy was acting like he was trying to buy a girl a drink to get her attention. The problem is much like in real life he somehow figured buying her the drink obligated her to him.

At worst this guy was acting like he could just swipe his credit card and get some female attention.

And then we he didn't get the attention he wanted a refund?

Behavior like that in real life would get a guy slapped. This really isn't that different.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on July 31, 2010, 04:30:23 PM
@Lover Misunderstood your intent as being general in nature. I think the last statement is the closest..just an easier presumption.

Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 31, 2010, 04:31:05 PM
As I said, Im not talking about this guy. I just asked myself, how does it come to this thinking here in AChat.

You also know, many people have a big problem to act like they are. There are many reasons,but  not an AChat reason. Some dont have an healthy self-confidence, some want to please other ones, some want to protect themselves...

Yes, some also think they may behave like an asshole, cause nobody knows them in real. These one you can ignore or treat them like assholes too. I prefer the first solution (as long as possible), cause I dont waste my time and my thoughts with idiots and assholes. They are not worth it. I also can not be bothered to annoy me, my time and my life is much too precious.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on July 31, 2010, 04:36:25 PM
@Bear: We published at the same time, so my post doesn't include your post.
I think we talk about
Or do they just think it's easier and faster doing this way?
Probably this is very close to the real reaon. But do they do this, as they are using this way in real life, too? Or because they "have learned" it here?

By the way, as you and I don't act this way, we don't have to spend our time with this discussion.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Garryz on July 31, 2010, 08:41:54 PM
Nice post. Well i come here to chat n play, get a lot of spam for gifts, but to me its easy to ignore people who spam, I would have thought woman could deline a gift but sounds as if you can't which is all wrong you should have that option. I never would GiFT a stranger and the ones who spam to me are more likely to be under age, no thanx
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Janine Dee on July 31, 2010, 08:54:49 PM
Yep, a guy can gift us, and we have to take it, and since guys can't get gifts we can't even send it back.

That IS an interesting point about the prostitutes though... grown ups can pay they own way a good portion of the time.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: bouli on August 01, 2010, 07:43:58 AM
The other day I noticed something really sad about how this community is looking to a newcomer. I saw a girl online with a description along the lines of "New here. I don't know what a gift is, but I sure want one!".
It's a plague I tell you! :P
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on August 01, 2010, 09:12:55 AM

Ready to change my banner to "Gifted with talent not script"
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on August 01, 2010, 12:41:42 PM
Damn if that don't say natural born whore.  lol.  Man I want guys to be gifted so bad, so I can see them start to do tricks.  LOL.   :P ;D ;)
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on August 01, 2010, 02:42:54 PM
More and more I get the wish for a wordplay. In Germany, gift = poison; I think it would be funny, if all members could give poison as gift. Of course, the person who gets it has to take it!
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on August 01, 2010, 07:45:20 PM
sinnnn,.does that mean you'll be hitting on me with a A$25 followed by a cold invite?
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on August 01, 2010, 09:39:14 PM
  @Bear-   Dear Bear I sent you a 25A$ as a gift.

and pauuuuuuse


Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on August 03, 2010, 07:12:21 AM

message back...
"Have pic's...50 A$ each...Live web cam 200 A$...I'll dance for you in my boots and cowboy hat...before we begin"

am I missing anything else here ...gotta be prepared for gigolo action...
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on August 03, 2010, 03:57:59 PM
Hey Bear,
do you exchange pics instead of selling?  ;D
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on August 03, 2010, 04:12:24 PM
Hey wanna hear my voice or see my cock only 10A$ for my voice and 100A$ for my cock(its that good). :P
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on August 03, 2010, 04:18:48 PM
Ok sinnnn, gimme 10A$ and I love to listen to your voice :D
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: bobbler on August 03, 2010, 08:06:23 PM
you have a cock?!?  you shemale you!!

Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on August 04, 2010, 01:45:18 AM
You the only one that caught on to that.  LOL.  LMAO
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on August 04, 2010, 02:41:07 AM
I did too ,...but he beat me to it,...I'll believe that when your profile pic changes to a "self portrait"...

(is there a good side to it?)

which remind me,..if you are going to take a pic of it from low view of the "bear" essentials, at least get a trim and comb the hair...

Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Sophia_Kiss on August 10, 2010, 08:05:38 PM
Thank you for this thread.  I've only been active for about a week.  Today I was searching other women's profiles to get a sense of what others write for their descriptions.  I was surprised by how many state that they won't respond to  men unless they're given gifts.  To each his own, I suppose, but my thought is, "what's the point?"  If you're here just to dress-up your avatar, why should  anyone gift you anything ?  Having said that, I do like the idea of being able to gift to men.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: sinnnn on August 11, 2010, 12:14:25 AM
Hey I believe in the trim.  Sorry busy pussy is not my thing.  Talk bout hair caught in the throat, just thinking bout it makes me want to cough.  Thanks for the image bear :P

Yeah I would really like to gift my Men Whores too(LOL- joking). ;D :P
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: apollo13nut on March 15, 2011, 11:10:05 AM
Also making this a poll....we all know how the Dev Team doesn't always read posts, but they can't ignore a poll as easily ;)
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Unhealer on March 16, 2011, 01:42:02 AM
should allow gifting both ways too, sexism is wrong lol
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: apollo13nut on March 17, 2011, 10:50:46 AM
should allow gifting both ways too, sexism is wrong lol

Oh, that's been discussed in at least a dozen forum posts (separate topics). I have a few of them myself....I just renewed for a second year this month (so i've been here 13 months) and they have still not allowed men to receive gifts and i doubt they ever will (unless it's the gift only stuff like stuffed animals and clothes)
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Brad on March 18, 2011, 05:11:44 AM
I think this would be a nice addition. I have had 2 females tell me that they feel like a whore for taking gifts from me. Then I have to go through a explanation that I did it because I love them so much and want them to have every thing they want or I know how they like to shop. This way they would have another option.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: islandsun on March 18, 2011, 07:01:52 AM
I know how they feel I`ve received  gifts , and cannot , gift back , that sucks big time ! And does make a person feel bad , I wanted to give a friend a gift for his birthday ! :(
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: TightFit74 on March 18, 2011, 08:30:58 AM
Why not ban gifting money and replace it completely with items from the shop... Both way-gifting made possible and I think the majority of users would be very happy.

But gifting the main reason for guys spending money (once you bought all poses, what else is there to spend money on. Clothing? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA), so a big source of income for them.

Though I am fairly certain they would generate more income or at least not much less if they made items from the shop available for gifting. As Bear suggested, a filter would be good to check for double items. Or they could make trading at the shop possible.. Since no dress or pants will ever be second hand...
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on March 18, 2011, 08:51:53 AM
@sunny.. undivided attention is the best gift one can give around here...

I've aired my opinion on Male gifting already... old news,...but to restate I am of the opinion it would open the door to miuse, of guys setting yup female toons, whoring themselves out to pay for their male premiums.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: islandsun on March 18, 2011, 09:30:38 AM
@ Bear  dont try to convince of that , today  been kicked to the curb by my friend  Giant ! : (
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on March 18, 2011, 12:28:41 PM
@ sunny huh?  :D was speaking of your gift issue in general...  ::)
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Unhealer on March 18, 2011, 01:20:20 PM
its already being misused, guys pimping female toons isnt much different than whats going on now
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on March 18, 2011, 02:36:30 PM
LOL,... Get real,.. GUYS currently receive NO benefit from pimping other than rp...whatever exchange is  is solely straight payoff between male and female.
I personally feel like like the current setup is absolutely perfect. Provide gifting objects... that is enough, but we don't see much already offered to the guys in usable fashion.

There is absolutely NOOOOOOOOOO need for guys receiving scrip. If a guy can't afford the monthly fee, he needs to find a job or grow up and become legal.  I see the huge potential of misuse if this is opened up.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: apollo13nut on March 19, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
So Bear, what you're saying is it is ok for woman to NOT work or have a job and NOT pay for a membership and beg for A$, but a GUY has NO right to do the same?
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: TightFit74 on March 19, 2011, 01:27:56 PM
I don't think Bear meant that girls shouldn't get a job and pay for membership. Any self-repsecting woman would.. But I think there are several reasons why girls/shemales can receive gifts and guys can't.

The only way AChat will survive in a competitive field like this, is if they "offer" plenty of girls. I am sure that more than one scientific study shows that men spend x times more on sex on internet as women. Which means you have to lure girls with benefits, which are sponsored by the boys on a site.

Same reason why non-prem girls can engage in any 3some and non-prem guys can't. Keep the girls to get the guys... Milk the guys for poses and prostitutes, entice the girls to become prem and spend money by offering a (ridiculous)huge  collection of fashion to wear..
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on March 19, 2011, 01:59:20 PM
To answer you your inquiry, apollo, the economics realty is exactly what Tight has indicated. Sites need inducements for women to use, the gifting process is exactly that. The site is heavily unbalanced as it is, 2-1 3-1 ratio of premium males to females at many points of the day. Such an imbalance lends itself to the possibility of abuse. Gift the other way and you have the prospect of males creating false female characters to fund their activities here,.. more so it opens the opportunity allowing young minors to abuse the system. Without the need of a credit card.

Add to that the issue of PIMPS,... the whoring nature of the site is magnified. We don't need any further allowance of such to be expanded, especially with the prevalence of the Doms here.

Don't kid yourself that a male is special enough to warrant selling his services for scrip. For each guy under a delusion he is some form of the ultimate lover, there are 10 out there of equal or better qualities.

I Love the idea of gifting objects to males. I find the aspect of gifting scrip in return troublesome and disturbing.

BUT in no way try to install a game has to be socially conforming. It is by it's nature a game, and can be set up to serve however it pleases. By being a game it is totally exempt from constitutional requirements of equality.

Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Unhealer on March 19, 2011, 06:31:16 PM
the one directional gifting just makes males pretend to be female, its not as big of a deal for them as you would think. You watch hetero porn? lesbian porn? yeah thought so :o
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Bear on March 19, 2011, 06:45:00 PM
If some guy is living his fantasy playing ass a female,  he certainly has the right.  They are far and few between. The 2 way scrip flow opens up the way to abuse.

Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: apollo13nut on March 19, 2011, 09:45:42 PM
And the way it is doesn't?
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Unhealer on March 19, 2011, 09:59:58 PM
If some guy is living his fantasy playing ass a female,  he certainly has the right.  They are far and few between. The 2 way scrip flow opens up the way to abuse.

no they arent few and far between, theres a shit tonne of them.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: TightFit74 on March 20, 2011, 03:52:17 AM
There is a difference between living out a fantasy and posing, pretending to be a girl... Big difference..
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: alstott on March 21, 2011, 04:22:39 AM
Okay i`m not against gifts within the meaning of a birthday present or something like that (jewelry,clothes etc.),provided the guys are prem.members , but if they allow the gifting to guys (sponsering) with A$`s...i don`t wanna imagine how many guys would whore themselves too, we would not only become many offers from those who sell their asses, no i think we also would get many pissed off girls , why? cause i don`t think many girls would pay for sex , some maybe yes , but you`ll ever have all the time much more guys who are willing to pay for it and that`s okay for me , cause i don`t wanna come in here someday and have 80% guys and 20% girls and only 5 or 10% are not whore themselves or i`ve to ask the pimps and mistresses first , when i wan`t to go into the room with someone. I know it exist already but it`s still manageable.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Lover on March 21, 2011, 11:18:36 AM
At least we're talking bout gifts - not about payment. A gift is something you "like" to give to your friends! There is no reason, a friend should reject your gift.
Just because some girls made a payment system of this idea, it doesn't mean it's wrong. These whores always take the gift.  So there is no reason to get back the money.

We talked many hours about the gifting system at all - my opinion didn't change. Gifting should be able in both ways.
Title: Re: POLL: Gift accept/reject button
Post by: Unhealer on March 24, 2011, 03:09:14 PM
i think girls not paying would lower the number of guy whores, I also think the guy whores will come out of the woman whore population for the most part.

either that or achat could just regulate it like they do on other game