AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Shlag on August 30, 2010, 04:14:46 PM
Does Achat have anything like a cash card that you can buy in real life?
No. You can only buy A$ either through the online CCBill system (credit card/check) or through paypal. If you want to buy something like a Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Discover prepaid card and use it, you must pay using the paypal method.
To use PayPal:
Send payment to
Be sure to include the ID for your achat avatar!
Add a note to the message for the size package ($14.95 for A$2500, etc)
The AChat team is based in California, USA. Money (A$) are usually added to accounts by Noon Pacific time.
Uh should me mention they use paypal? Could it get them in trouble since paypal isn't supposed to be for adult purposes?
They aren't allowed to let PayPal auto-process. However, if it's all manual, there is no conflict. Besides, yes the site is an adult site, but you're paying real money to for site cash (A$). It's one of those weird semantics how you can't smoke real cigarettes on a plane, but some airlines let you use electronic cigarettes.
Oh, okay. :) I get that, it's like you can have a bottle of alcohol in the driver's compartment as long as it's unopened, but that second you break the seal you break the law. I actually see them as good things, it keeps the "They were thinking of doing wrong." laws at bay.