AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: TightFit74 on November 18, 2010, 02:07:00 PM
The new shop was apareantly just launched. What do we think of it? Has everybody found it? Is it an improvement? what excells and what should be improved? What is missing, what is needed?
Some of the lingerie, shoes and stockings I have don't seem to be displaying as "Yours".
I have the same problem as Jenny...none of my clothes are showing up as "Yours"...but all of my positions are
One thing that I do like is the fact that you can now buy each shirt, pant, tattoo etc individually. Even though I pretty much have all that I want now, I think that option is a good improvement
I had to watch twice to find it :D
Same problem as Jenny & bobbler, my clothes aren't shown as my own.
BUT it's a big improvement!!!!
This new shop is really really good, well structured and all... the old clothes doesn't show up as "Yours" but thats kinda minor right now. ;D
Kisses to A-team for this. :-* :-* :-*
Some of my clothes are showing up as mine, but not others. That however is probably because I bought them in bundles so the computer doesn't recognize them as the same thing.
Of course I am a little pissed because I can't sell back those damn pink thigh highs I have never worn and can never see myself wearing, but had to buy to get my red, white, and gray... yeah gray, not BLACK like they have in every other freaking boot, GRAY!
Sorry, sorry still have issues with that. :P
Still, it's a quality redesign.
Yeah I missing black thigh high boots too, but I've worn the pink ones with the pink lingerie. :P
The only pink lingerie I have is the stuff that came in bundles. I just don't want it in my wardrobe. Virtual or otherwise.
I think its kinda cute. :P
Much better improvement/
I'm completely shocked and astounded!!! Wasn't this buried in some other post and I think NikiSchoolGirl was the one that suggested the sub-categories of poses and stuff....and they actually did it! I think the real test would come in the next month to see what they add to the shop over what's already in it, but so far, I really like it.
Another voice in the choir. Big, big, BIG improvement. Now I don't have to click through 10 pages to find what I am looking for!
Since I have voted, but not yet posted...
Not bad, not bad at all...
:( Well when I try to buy nothing is happening, i have logged in and out 3 times! My bad luck strikes again... I give up, maybe it will work for me another day
You "Check Out" and press the last "OK" button too?
Yes, you click "ok", log into the shop and click "ok" again...
Or you login first and then click the shop button.
In the shop you click the icon shopping card; if you already own this it's not possible. Then choose check out and ok in the new page.
Actually pretty user-friendly... *grins*
The new shop is undoubtedly a revolution.
Just before 3 weeks, I had bought a wrong pose.I was seeking for Male - Female poses, but I've bought a pose for Male - Shemale mistakenly.
So, The grouping thing really makes it much more clear.
Here is a bright idea.
In the shop, you must have the chance to see the animation, before you buy the pose.
Also, not only the animation, you should be able to see the each variation inside a pose. That way, you can decide if you really need it, or not.
Dont you think so people ?
Let's discuss this...
Well yes that would be nice, just a small video showing alittle of the pose.
Never happen. To much money to be lost on people actually seeing what it does before spending the money and deciding not to buy. ;D
I agree with both Janine and Fxman. A preview would be nice, seeing the basic action and a few variations of the actions. Shwoing too much might get ppl off before using it in a room":D But maybe they could do it like the main imgae on the home page, showing a slide-show of stills...
Actually I don't mean people getting off on it in the shop. I mean like with the dildo 69, if I had seen the hand job motion I would not have spent (wasted) A$150 on it. So they make more money not letting us get full detail until we cough up the A$.
They are not going to make this. This is one reason our polls are made for. Though it doesn't work optimal so far.
yeah the new dp seems to be missing things