AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: Unspoken on November 21, 2010, 05:34:17 AM
Hi !
Why can't I change my profile?
why not answer my questions(e-mail)?
And I cant save
Hi unspoken,
give us more details. What happens if you are trying to save it?
Do you use the camera to make a photo first?
Thank you took care of
problem my costum
pls delet post
You can do that yourself. Go to the first post and at the top right you have the option: "Remove". That will take care of the post.
I suggest not to delete this post. It might be a help for other members.
I'm having the same problem... it won't let me change my profile. If I create one while logged out and take a photo... when I logg in it will go to the female default and from there I can't change the gender. Once logged in, I can't seem to change it.
Hello Hassei,
you can't change your profile when you are loged out!!!
You can't change your gender! You are a man, correct?
- Login, go to charakter editor.
- Then change your clothes, your description or whatever you want.
- Take a photo
- Press "Save charackter"
- Ready!
Does this answer your question?