AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Woman with man in AChat => Topic started by: Lover on December 13, 2010, 12:05:19 PM

Title: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Lover on December 13, 2010, 12:05:19 PM

The new position is both for male/female and male/shemale. The price is 149A$
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Lover on December 13, 2010, 12:07:00 PM
Okay, I do not purchase it!!! I don't want a dildo, a penis or something like that in my mouth.
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: bobbler on December 13, 2010, 12:41:49 PM
not buying
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Adera on December 13, 2010, 01:35:36 PM
Really not my thing so I'm not buying it, but some shemales will surely like this pose.
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Janine Dee on December 13, 2010, 05:38:22 PM
I laughed quite hard when I saw this was the update. Namely because one of my more recent posts was (I think with Adera) about how I'm not too hopeful about FF and FS foreplay because the Development Team needed to have it explained to them that a strap on is different then a real penis.

Apparently they need it explained AGAIN.

I can take off a strap on with minimal fuss, only having to worry about cleaning it.

Someone with a real penis takes it off there is screaming, tears, and massive blood loss.

The MS version makes sense enough though.
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Trekmanalpha on December 13, 2010, 05:47:30 PM
Yeah, this has gotta be one of the more stupid Ideas... this would only be for a severly dominant female... and a severely submissive male. No standard couple, mf, ms, ff, fs, or even group would go for it... I know I wont... ever....
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Janine Dee on December 13, 2010, 07:32:49 PM
The reason I laughed Trek is because of the last three FF positions the FF version of this was #1. A 69 where two women would each be wearing a strap on and sucking each others FAKE shaft was #2. Then came the most recent smother which actually involves touching the pussy at #3.
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Bear on December 14, 2010, 09:15:10 AM
Trek you nailed it,...for a dominant female...not a game I would play.

This rolls by as a pass.
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: TightFit74 on December 14, 2010, 05:05:35 PM
I think this will be the first time I do NOT!!! buy a pose. As Lover said, I do not want anything resembling a fallus in my mouth. Not silicon or anything else. Wrong sub-group A-team...
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: bobbler on December 14, 2010, 05:29:22 PM
i sometimes think the guys offer crazy poses & wacky clothing just to see our reactions  ::)
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Lover on December 14, 2010, 05:32:05 PM

We are just part of a big experiment. We are the guinea pigs :D
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Adera on December 14, 2010, 05:39:22 PM
Well there are guys that where whining about not being able to suck and touch me down there when I was new here so there was a demand for this pose... tough I wouldn't really want to do that with a guy. Some guys thought they had to do things like that to get me off... silly. ::)
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: bobbler on December 14, 2010, 06:02:15 PM
well ok maybe MS for gay/bi guys wanting to suck on a shemale...but a hetero guy wanting a dildo shoved down his throat?!?...*NOT*. maybe gay & bi guys like that too  ::)
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: TightFit74 on December 14, 2010, 08:16:21 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if a social astudies was attached to, some promovendus trying to get his master :D Labrats in a controlled environment haha
but this result should have been obvious...
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: Billy on December 15, 2010, 06:01:08 AM
Not for me either... ;) I am not buying it..
Title: Re: Poll: New position "Fuck mouth"
Post by: apollo13nut on December 15, 2010, 06:20:29 AM
I did buy it for MS but I am NOT buying it for MF (or if I do, it's only to max out the shop; the more you buy/spend in shop, higher you are in search)

I haven't been with every shemale but I do enjoy them from time to time and to me this seems fair to be able to return the favor kind of deal. Normally, I'd be with the rest of you and say "i don't want anything in my mouth," but at the end of the day, it's not REALLY in your's a fucking cartoon, so I do things on here I would NEVER do in real life.

That diatribe being said, I agree the Dev Team needs schooled in the idea of STOP MAKING STRAP ON POSES!!!

I honestly think they do it to piss us off.
Title: Re: MF Pose Review. 45. Fuck Mouth Reverse
Post by: Vaughan on March 11, 2021, 07:48:48 PM
Review Request.    Title/Subject  MF Pose Review. 45. Fuck Mouth Reverse.

Some of the MF poses are not in my pose repertoire.  So this is a general request for someone in the MF community to review this one please, when they get the chance and post it in this topic.

It’s fairly simple to do.
1. Identify if a vaginal or anal fuck pose where applicable. (Some are not always obvious)

2. As you “Play” the game and find a willing partner, please list the actions on the man’s (skyblue) side and woman’s (deeppink) side.

3. Then write a short paragraph of 1 to 4 sentences about what you like about the pose, what you don’t and if it can be improved.

4. Let your (un/identified) partner do the same kind of review that you have and post with yours.

5. Both give it a star rating. If it differs with your partner, rate it the lowest star. (In Yellow)

6. Identify if a good buy for a new join in the initial A$1,000 gift they receive. (In Red)

Here is an example of a review Jess & I carried out for the “Doggy Style” pose

Discussions about sex > Woman with man in AChat > MF Pose Review. 2. Doggy Style:,60.msg174902.html#msg174902

We can help with the  pic.

Pose Reviews score:
Do you think this pose is worth it?  Please rate –

1 Star.   - No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
2 Stars. - Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
3 Stars. - Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
4 Stars. - Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
5 Stars. - Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.

Pose Review - MF. 45. Fuck Mouth Reverse:


This pose can be found in the "SM & Fetish" Section of the in-game Achat Shopping Mall.