AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: johny5 on May 07, 2009, 12:26:55 AM
running achat on Intel 856G on Windows XP there is problem with female models wearing glasses - it shown as big black or grey bell from one eye to ground
second problem is that in this graphics card i cant see cum after taking cumshot. it just not shown.
i dont know this is my graphics card problem or with something else.
I also see issues with glasses in general. Long dark lines form gallses to floor both men and woman on partner screen and in room. I am Acer Eee (Intel atom) and XP home
This issue is under investigation, it seems that older hardware is affected, thus it is not so simple, but we work on this.
Please all who have this problem, if possible try to update your driver for your graphics card, and report the results here.
could you please send screenshots of the problematic items?
(Press Print Screen, and the in Windows Paint choose Edit -> Paste. Then you can save the image as jpg file, and then please send me.)
I am afraid, some older graphics hardware cannot handle features AChat requires. You can try to refresh video driver, and we will check also the items (please send screenshot!), but it is possible that only a new video card can solve the problem.
AChat runs well even on a 9 years old Geforce2 MX, but older integrated graphics solutions maybe does not have the required features.
The graphics problems should be solved by the upgrade issued on 23.08.2009.
Something else, which is more a silly little glitch than a problem: when a girl gets naked, she remains on tiptoes even if she doesn't haves shoes :D
I suppose that is probably because she likes to wear sexy high heels...