AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Zinah on February 06, 2011, 09:34:08 PM

Title: Random observation
Post by: Zinah on February 06, 2011, 09:34:08 PM
... that I shared with my husband, (who has been giggling at my antics since yesterday)

Me:   There's no women!
Him:  What, in the game?
Me:   No, no.  On the Dev team!  It's clearly all guys who haven't looked at their girlfriends hard enough.  Sheesh!
Him:  That implies they have girlfriends, dear.
Me:   Babe!  That's just mean.... Funny though.

Why did this conversation happen? It's because the women do the damnedest things, seriously.  :o   Perhaps us ladies need a forum so we can explain these oddities in one location and give ideas about how to take the female models/actions to the next level.  Don't get me wrong, this is place is grand!!! ;D  However, somethings are seriously mood/scene breaking because it's like it came out of a bad porn rather than logical, life-like behaviors. 

I know I'd be glad to pipe up!  But I think you already caught that point.   ;D
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Janine Dee on February 07, 2011, 01:56:22 AM
We've made MANY similar jokes at their expense.  ;D
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: TightFit74 on February 07, 2011, 01:57:26 AM
You'd expect the dev-team to have some models to pose the actions for them. Wouldn't that be tax-deductable? If not, they should invest in models, to make the actions better... At least invest is some female advisor...
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Janine Dee on February 07, 2011, 01:58:36 AM
Bah they've got free ones here and they still won't listen.  :P
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: TightFit74 on February 07, 2011, 02:06:44 AM
Maybe they have a visual nack, and find it hard to transfer words into images..?
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Lover on February 07, 2011, 10:27:31 AM
Who says they are doing here what they like in private? After all it's their business. Maybe yes, maybe no. Perhaps they believe, this is the best way to make it? Perhaps the experience showed, this is the way to make the money?

Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Zinah on February 07, 2011, 10:37:03 AM
Hmmm, well as one of the women who pay to play, I'm pointing out that they could do *better* and I suspect as a result make more money if they did so.  If it's all about capitalism then a better product will generate more revenue.  The women who play here have apparently noticed long before I turned up. 
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Bear on February 07, 2011, 10:42:59 AM
Yes points long ridiculed,..but still we like the new folks to speak up, things we may have discussed before, because our voices and complaints have been long vocalized.  A new voice might perk their attention, remind them it's something other than another rant from Bear.
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: TightFit74 on February 07, 2011, 12:23:18 PM
I think they'd rather have us rant on here, as flooding their email with our complaints... (even though there is a lot of praise for AChat to be found..)
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Lover on February 07, 2011, 12:46:57 PM
They know, a forum is used for many complaints and little praise. After all, this is a very friendly and nice forum. They also should notice the growin number of members here - which is helpful for us "older" writers, but even for them. They see, there are more and more people willing to pay a good price if they get what they want.

Yes Zinah, I'm with you. Hopefully they get the same answer if they ask themselves about the right path to go on.
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Bear on February 07, 2011, 01:31:16 PM
That is a point Lover I hope they recognize. We have seen many of our friends slip away, some discouraged due to unanswered desires which were not unreasonable. (hard to think myself of myself as a part of the older group,...but I have been here quite awhile now)

The development team has brought some wonderful products forward,...and made others suffer through questionable offerings. I hope they do recognize we offer constructive criticism, especially of the products gone awry.

I hope they also understand,..recognize the sensual side of sex,...improvements to existing poses with some of the suggestions offered will help them in the long run and increase the value of their product .
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Janine Dee on February 07, 2011, 02:42:23 PM
Our response are consistent, and accordant with their actions. I have seen very little deliberate picking of fights, and a great deal of genuine, and even passionate responses to their decisions.

When they do what we would consider well we are as generous with our praise as we are with our scorn when they come out with ideas we can not even comprehend the origin of.

We're passionate, and love or hate that's going to be better for a business then ambivalence on the part of the consumer.
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: islandsun on February 07, 2011, 06:27:54 PM
I`m thinking maybe ! I have a brother that works , makes computers programs ,and I can`t  under stand him when he talks about computers ! I`m an artist , build and create things ! He see `s my work ! and is over whelmed ! I wonder if they have some one on the team , that works w human relations ? An artist , designer ? while their dealing with the program > and if they have some working on site getting to know and feeling what we want  >  I deal w touristes ! sorry bad speller but the ideal is there !
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Bear on February 07, 2011, 08:32:10 PM
Well for the 8 months I have been posting here, I can attest to the fact that a number of suggestions have been introduced which would have created a markedly improved product. One hopes they do read these forums and truly embrace the suggestions. Sometimes I wonder. Any good business model recognizes the strengths of the staff and too it's weaknesses.

Achat is first and foremost an erotic chat forum supported by some wonderful visual aids. What deters from the product are poses incompatible with the imagination.

Case in point: The kneeling Lover position for FM. Terrific idea but crippled by the default thrusting motion. It should have been a static pose, let the movement be an option. rather then a constant grind that detracts from the words. From the static position, kisses, fondling, the embraces made so much more sense. Besides as a static pose, it could have easily been converted into a FF pose meeting the cries of wants that Janine and others have voiced over something more erotically bent in foreplay.

Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: TightFit74 on February 08, 2011, 03:59:50 AM
Agreed. Most comments here are for the better of the game, more specific to wishes and desires of the (aying) members. How the dev-team decides what to develop next, has been valed inclouds, inpenetrable for us to see through.
But I have noticed, and I think that is a shame, is a lack of upgrades of existing poses. I have yet to see them modify an existing pose, to make it better suited for the purpose it was created. Even though they improvements have been discussed at length on the forum. I think that is a missed opportunity. Ofcourse I have no clue of the implications of adapting an already existing pose(programming-wise) , but I imangine it would be less work as creating a completely new one...
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Lover on February 08, 2011, 04:29:06 AM
There have been some improvements/add ons in existing poses. They started it last summer I think. This was the time when I said "Great!" - No, wrong. I thought "Great!" when I found AChat and still I do think this - but this was the time I felt more happy; I believed, now they make another big step forwards. But unfortunatley they stopped this part of work. Don't know the reason, perhaps they wanted (or had to?) concentrate on making money faster than to give free updates.
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Janine Dee on February 08, 2011, 09:38:52 AM
I'll have to be their advocate again and say that if they are tweaking a pose in an existing category (FM, FF, FS, etc) unless they would make the tweaks free we would scream bloody murder.

Though if they made an upgraded version that was noticeably so, and maybe at a reduced A$  like an expansion pack we might not feel ripped off.

I know I would pay quite well for the "Set aside the damn dildo." expansion packs (say a certain amount per pose that has it).

Switching between categories is of course a whole other matter, with it said that some logic is used so we can avoid another strap on 69.
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: TightFit74 on February 08, 2011, 10:38:04 AM
I think they should consider it a patch, instead of an expansion pack. They are improvements of current programming while an expansion pack usually offers something new, added to the game. Maybe a room with new possibilities/furniture?

For improving existing poses, i think they would not be able to get the price right, for members to buy them in big numbers. It would cost them members. Do hope they will pick up improving poses again, although they have found new ways to get revenue..
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Lover on February 08, 2011, 10:42:20 AM
The few improvements they made with existing poses didn't cost anything. They just have been added with another update. So there is no reason to scream for those who are already have bought it.
The opposite is the truth: It's another argument to purchase it for those who didn't do up to now.
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: kellie on February 08, 2011, 11:08:39 AM
new here but one thng some people try to get to much rl info from u---came here to my alter ego but not share rl
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Lover on February 08, 2011, 11:38:26 AM
Hi Kellie,

it's sometimes not so easy to find the right balance between a nice small talk without talking about rl. But I think a friendly "hint" ;) that you're gonna keep your privacy will be enough. If they don't understand or accept it, it's their problem.
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: Bear on February 08, 2011, 12:34:23 PM
That balance is difficult, thing to consider though is to remember there are cultural differences,..some things can be revealed without going too far.

And welcome to the forum kellie
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: kellie on February 08, 2011, 01:21:00 PM
really like so far buts don't mind giving sorted details of rl i've had many but noe will get in thanks for responding
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: TightFit74 on February 09, 2011, 02:27:18 AM
Hi Kellie, welcome...

as I have noticed, the longer you play in AChat, and the more often you meet certain people, you are bound to share details about your life. Besides sex, people are also looking here for friendship, consciously or sunconsciously. With some people a relationship develops almost by itself.

I can understand you wanting to keep your rl to yourself. And the good thing of AChat is that you can be very anonymous if you. Just remember that your way to play the game and to show yourself to tohers, might not be complaiant wth how others want the experience.. It's your choice and all in your own hands..
Title: Re: Random observation
Post by: islandsun on February 09, 2011, 08:53:58 AM
@ Kellie  :)  Welcome aboard  >Just call me Sunny !  Just relax and  have fun  ,  at first i didn`t know  how to quite handle  achat ! As shy as I am  ! hahahaha !  I`ve been  only  Netting , for 1 1/2 yrs ! lol  !   Some of my closes friends even chat w me on MSN , I know what they look like ! as well they know what I  look like ! Their also on my social wall ! All in good taste !  Nothing perverted !  Just showing my real smile !