AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: nicefella2 on February 14, 2011, 12:25:46 PM

Title: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: nicefella2 on February 14, 2011, 12:25:46 PM

I would LOVE  a pregnant option on Achat.
That would be so cool, seeing the female body grow bigger, tits getting bigger, having sex while being pregnant.


I read in another topic bout condoms too, PLS put those in too !
So your Achat spouse can have protected sex with others. . . .

Just my 0.02  bringing real life closer to Achat......

Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: TightFit74 on February 14, 2011, 01:30:02 PM
It would definitly add a new layer to how some play the game. And nurish the fetish of some. And you are right, it is a fact of life this happens... I'm for it...
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 14, 2011, 01:56:47 PM
 ::)  hahaha ! i gotta see where this is going !  What happens after nine months ? lol  cyber babies LOL  cyber family cat dog ! well look on the bright side !  Don`t have to pay for college ,dentist ,  cyber diapers no smell !   Sorry cant help it !   Hey why dont the guys have the babies this is cyber !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 14, 2011, 02:19:28 PM
hmm,..they will have to check in every two hours...give up sleep and forced to spend many hours walking the lobby trying to settle the baby...

Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 14, 2011, 07:20:51 PM
HAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!  stud muffins I`m the only female here today !   Babies  make me laugh !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 14, 2011, 07:34:04 PM
I guess it would be worth it for the ones that like pregnant women. I myself really don't think about sex when I see someone pregnant.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 14, 2011, 08:32:37 PM
 ;) nothing  to say to this ! 
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on February 15, 2011, 01:46:29 AM
No please, everyone has his own fantasies ,but pregnant? im glad that  never comes a girl to me and says , hey baby im pregnant and yes its yours :D :D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: prias on February 15, 2011, 05:43:00 AM
well if we start to have cyber babies, at least we'll know why we'll give A$ to barely legal girls in here... to be cyber baby sitters... I guess that many guys in here will be happy to see nannies coming :p
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 15, 2011, 05:51:34 AM
WANTED  BIG HUNK OF MALE !   lol  ! ;)  To be first  cyber male , to have my baby !    ;D ;D ;D  Please only serious apply!  There will be a screening process  ! 
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: prias on February 15, 2011, 06:06:04 AM
Islandsun, I thought we had a deal... so no use to publish this add... (jocking)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: TightFit74 on February 15, 2011, 06:07:32 AM
I am a dad and I watched the mother of my child very carefully during her pregnancy. A few remarks:

1. All reports state that having sex while being pregnant, has no influence on how a baby develops.
2. Pregnant women are very beautifu, i know it's a cliché, but it is as if they are shining from within
3. It is often recommenden that, if a baby overdue, to have sex to start the birthing proces
4. There is no guy that will go without sex for 9 month+ (sex is a not adviced for 6 weeks after birth), except the usual exception.
5. Even though a woman's body goes through tremendous changes during pregnancy, that doesn't mean she loses her desire to make love

What I am saying is: pregnancy and sex can't be seen seperated (how on earth else did she get pregnant?) And there is nothing unnatural about it. Sex and sexuality doesn't suddenly stop as soon as she is expecting. At least, I hope so for expecting moms and dads... Since a lot of people want to make their experiences more life-like here, and why not, it would be a good addition to their way of playing.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on February 15, 2011, 09:33:35 AM
Omg Sunny you will have hundreds of them :D :D okay boys , if you wanna contact Sunny heres her e-mail....... :D :D :D
@Tight of course you have sex during pregnancy but its a private thing and i dont wanna share it with others , but its okay for me if a bunch of guys or girls wanna share pregnant girls, @Adera i`m with you with that
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 15, 2011, 10:33:55 AM
@alstott not certain what you are driving at with your point. Being a father of two there was nothing sexier then looking on that woman and as Tight' said...shining with that unique something special. I can look at some  pregnant women, and if they are taking care of themselves and feel comfortable with their pregnancy,...see something extremely sexy shining aura about them. Do all pregnant women do that to just like not all women I see make me think of sex.

Spooning,...making love in a slow sensual passion,..hands roaming over swollen breasts,..a tight tummy bulging with life...a product of you....the ultimate of any creation you could possibly perform on this planet....takes your breath away.

I told somebody recently,'s not how many moments you  breathe your life that''s how many moments your breath is taken away that matter.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 15, 2011, 10:52:56 AM
@Bear: That was really beautiful.

Anyway this is one of the things in which I'm quite jealous of women, probably colours my feelings somewhat on the topic.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on February 15, 2011, 11:03:24 AM
@Bear i totally agree , i`m a father too, i know how tingly and passionate in a sensitive way of sex it can be, but i mean this is too personal for me and i don`t wanna do it in here. I`m not interested to having sex with a stranger pregnant person.
But its okay for me if anyone has this fantasy.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: TightFit74 on February 15, 2011, 11:26:54 AM
Thanks Bear, that really got to me..
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Lover on February 15, 2011, 11:51:19 AM
I'm sure there will be a market for this, though I don't need it. But before adding so special thniks I hope they improve exisiting poses and actions, like foreplay, afterplay....
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Ardeur on February 15, 2011, 12:30:31 PM
[Randy Playah]: Hey, wanna fuck?
[Me]: No can do, I'm breastfeeding right now.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 15, 2011, 02:29:06 PM
agree Lover, much more needs to be improved and I acknowledge alstott's opinion,...some might hold it as private and personal, my point is I do not consider it a taboo,..but just as much a deep sensual experience...and the line of "breath",..paraphrased from a country song...
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: sinnnn on February 17, 2011, 03:57:14 PM
Honestly...I was horny all the way up to my ninth month.  Trufully its a beautiful thing between the couple.  I liked having my stomach stroked, it was the one time you could really find me less..hmmm..dominate. (well except for that 9th month).

 I have had guys try to pick me up, which confused me, I would ask them "don't you see this belly?"   
Guy friend told me its because they can't knock me up that they hit on me and another one told me he thinks the pussy is the best when preg.  So really too each his own.  But I perfer the intimate/more personal version.  If they do it, please don't make it sleezy.

Now if my girl found herself in the family way, I would still find her attractive as hell.  Its more a more a perference as usual when it comes to what someone finds attractive or not.   :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 17, 2011, 04:49:31 PM
My  Dad always said pregnant women were the most beautiful  creatures on the face of the earth  ! Some truth must in that ! y mom had her first 6 kids in 6 years then another 3 They were very affectionate towards each other ! 
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on February 17, 2011, 05:12:21 PM
Oh Sunny i have 5 sisters (can be a curse) :D :D and 2 brothers i know what you talking about , i couldn`t believe what my dad tells me about how beautiful a woman looks when she is pregnant untill i experience it to my own,yes woman looks unbelievable when they`re pregnant cause it`s a wonder of mother nature carrying a new life in her body ,but its to personal for me, share the feelings okay, but not the practice.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 17, 2011, 05:20:46 PM
I wouldn`t do that here  ! For me it`s personel ! :)   5 Brothers and 3 Sisters ! 
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on February 17, 2011, 05:25:33 PM
We are agree , finally :D :D sweet cheeks spoken :D :D lol
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 17, 2011, 05:29:36 PM
 @ Sweet cheeks  ! ;) :D  AGREE  :D :)  ;)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Janine Dee on February 17, 2011, 06:13:08 PM
 :-* :-* :-*

Not to worry Darling. On my list of life concerns pregnancy us as low as it gets.

Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on February 17, 2011, 06:22:18 PM
@Sunny why i called this sweet cheeks thing?damned the spirits i`ve cited ignore my commands  :D :D :Dhahaha
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 17, 2011, 06:56:42 PM
At least you girls can get pregnant. *kicks the ground and pouts*
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 17, 2011, 07:22:23 PM
My dear sinnnn,...from your postings on the forum, I have a hard time visualizing you  purring as pussy cat just because your belly is rubbed. ::)

If someone wanted to play at this fine,..however it should be pretty well hashed out what the expectations are to begin with. I certainly wouldn't be approaching a request by someone pregnant with intent of bondage and torture....there might be some whose expectations border with extreme practice.

people who are intimate,..paired with a pretty close bond and have had the experience,..well I am not going to judge if they wish to share that fantasy.

This is a place where fantasies can be acted out
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Janine Dee on February 17, 2011, 07:39:58 PM
Which raises a VERY important question Bear!

Would you still like your tummy rubbed Sinnnn?  :-* :-* ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 17, 2011, 07:49:37 PM
Janine,...I am certain you are able to make her purr no matter where you are touching her ;)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: hahayhea on February 18, 2011, 06:41:35 AM
having been erm......"in there".....idk if i like the option or not.....

i have 3 kids that i know of...LOL (its a joke)

some like when a lady is VERY pregnant...i suppose i understand the primordial excitement that some find dont work for me as i tend too be a considerant lover and in my experiance ? discomfort and all the other things that pregnancy comes with dont make a lady feel all that sexy.....

on the other hand.......well nvm...none yer beezwax what me preggers wife did
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 18, 2011, 07:22:57 AM
It would be fun watching Janine over Sinnnn rubbing her tummy and Sinnnn purring in delight... somehow I have trouble imagining that. ::) ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: sinnnn on February 18, 2011, 08:38:17 AM
WTH where did bondage come in on all this.  I just said I liked my tummy rubbed dammit.  K find I was aggressive during my preggers, I was a right bitch, hornie devil, selfish as all hell, but there where times that I was docile.  I do like that close moment when we be playing with the belly, poking the kid back, thne 5mins later I would say get the fuck off me, lol.

All the discomforts of pregs it makes a woman feel beautiful, sexy to know her man/woman still finds her attractive when she looks like a beached whale with a chicken bone stuck in her mouth. 
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 18, 2011, 09:09:14 AM
I have a feeling it`s going to be like the owning thing !   Some Guys are  going to see  how many girls they can knock up !  They should concentrate on improve other poses first !  That`s how I feel !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Janine Dee on February 18, 2011, 10:23:58 AM
The guys who feel like that are ironically the guys we probably don't want reproducing.  :P

And Darling, I'm just saying I'd love to rub your tummy.  :-* I think the bondage came in because it IS in the range of sexuality, and *I* AM in the discussion  :P, so the two in one way or another got mixed.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 18, 2011, 10:33:29 AM
Ah, that sounds more like the sinnnn we know,... :D
I was worried your absence had somehow soften your mood ::)...and that the snow around me a sign hell freezing over...

(Bondage I wrote of...was coincidental of a point...not directed towards anyone...but that here it is still play,...if one is playing at a pregnant role, there should be clear guidelines of how that should be played out.)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 18, 2011, 10:37:59 AM
Well they can try to knock me up... just wont happen. ::) :P

I thought it would be fun to watch while Janine is "taming" Sinnnn by tummy rubbing her, kinda like sitting in the cage with a tiger. Oh, Janine give her chocolate while your at it, she's probably going to be far more docile then. Just let me know when your about to stop so I can run away. :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Janine Dee on February 18, 2011, 11:23:18 AM
Oh she might pounce on me, but I'm fairly sure it would fall under a win-win sort of situation.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 18, 2011, 11:44:13 AM
Ehehe I'm quite sure she would do that Janine. Pounce on you and eat you up, leaving the other girls at the pyjama party watching with big eyes (yeah that's how I just imagined it).
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Ardeur on February 18, 2011, 01:12:19 PM
Or taking advantage of the situation to get a nibble in on her while she's distracted...  ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 18, 2011, 01:30:47 PM
After the movie theater I would be terrible envious of missing that show :P. would almost consider shaving, dressing in drag and hiding in the corner to watch. 8)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Janine Dee on February 18, 2011, 01:34:02 PM
LOL  ;D Can't blame you.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: sinnnn on February 18, 2011, 01:42:14 PM
chocoalte..hmmmmmmmm...I'll just snatch it out her hands and rub it all over her. 

@Adera...Taming Huh?  lol
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 18, 2011, 02:20:50 PM
@Bear   hahaha Bear in drag ! I lend you some of my clothes ! lol  but i know  you`d maybe get 1 leg in my skirt !  :D :D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 18, 2011, 02:36:12 PM
Petite as you might claim to be... it would have to be a long skirt besides. I would have to tape up...Adera  I might need help there,...
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 18, 2011, 02:49:19 PM
@Sinnnn: Oh, I didn't think we'd succeed really. :P

@Bear: You'd have to push you balls back into your body, pull your penis back and secure it there somehow... like with tape. One can also push the penis back into the body somewhat... depends on how long you are, fold skin from the sides over the pulled back penis and glue things together. Well it will be uncomfortable, getting excited like that can be very uncomfortable so I'm not really suggesting it and you can't get hard while I help you with it. ::)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on February 18, 2011, 03:01:09 PM
 ::) Got a feeling pointless to ask your help there... :P

A long loose flannel nightgown the only hope of pulling this off...sit in the corner and plead cramps so I do not have to stand up... ::)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 18, 2011, 04:47:47 PM
 :D :D :D ;D Cramps ! hehehehe  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on February 19, 2011, 01:27:29 PM
im.... with child
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 19, 2011, 02:30:50 PM
@Unhealer     IT`S NOT MINE ! ;D  OMG Who felt the need to plant that demon seed ! hahaha !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on February 19, 2011, 04:24:49 PM
of course its not yours, didnt get you into the room last time :D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: sinnnn on February 19, 2011, 08:21:02 PM
k, who the hell is passing round the weed? :-\ :P ::)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Ardeur on February 19, 2011, 08:51:59 PM
cramps, Unhealer with child, demon seed... I think it's safe to say we have something worse then weed to worry about...  :P ;) :D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 19, 2011, 09:50:53 PM
@Ardeur: Let's pin him down and exorcise the demon child! No... wait... what if its the Judaism's messiah?
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on February 19, 2011, 10:13:29 PM
i aint jewish
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Ardeur on February 20, 2011, 04:20:26 AM
exorcise it anyway, I'm not taking any chances...  ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 20, 2011, 09:47:23 AM
If the child is born w 666 at the bottom base of its neck !  :o YEP WERE IN TROUBLE !       @ Unhealer told you to hide that glass bong ! hahahaha !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 20, 2011, 10:13:36 AM
@Ardeur: ... how do we exorcise it?
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 20, 2011, 10:29:55 AM
Girls   :o Dont you need a high priest for that ? 
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 20, 2011, 10:46:42 AM
Maybe... might need a virgin too?
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 20, 2011, 10:55:18 AM
hahahaha ! I  Can`t help there ! ;D              @Adera      laffin !   where  , in hell`s bells would we find 1 of those on achat ! hehehe
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 20, 2011, 11:20:00 AM
Yeah I wonder about that too. ::) :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Ardeur on February 20, 2011, 12:30:51 PM
No no no, virgins are for sacrifices... I have one tucked away for winning the lottery.

From a reliable source I've come to know a gospel choir, a Rabbi that can't hold a tune with a full set of holy scriptures, the full set of my little pony-DVD's (with player, HD-screen, a solid chair with armrests, duct-tape and toothpicks/matches), a few gallons of undiluted strawberry lemonade and a truckload of jellybeans should be enough to exorcise any supernatural hitchhiker. Do not improvise and switch the DVD's with those of barney and friends, this will only increase the risk of further possessions and/or incurable madness.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 20, 2011, 12:36:37 PM
I think we'll get far with my little pony. ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 21, 2011, 09:32:43 AM
Oh know not the barney and friends ! That`s brutal !   Where is Unhealer   > The prego anyway ? He`s in hiding lol
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on February 21, 2011, 04:10:55 PM
miss me already?
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 22, 2011, 05:34:21 PM
@ Unhealer   Hows prego been ? And look at that special glow ! ;)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on February 23, 2011, 03:22:27 AM
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Ardeur on February 23, 2011, 04:14:48 AM
Special glow? Oh nooos, that's a demonic aura, hurry up with that rabbi or we'll be too late to contain the situation!
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on February 24, 2011, 09:19:02 AM
 Being  a wicca , the covent has a interest , in the demon babe  ;)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Ardeur on February 24, 2011, 01:39:31 PM
Interest in the demon baby? Bad wiccan! Bad wiccan!
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on March 15, 2011, 08:50:44 AM
I have this craving for dillpickles and cream cheese ! :o lol
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on March 15, 2011, 11:08:36 AM
Where do you want to go with that Sunny? ::)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on March 15, 2011, 03:36:30 PM
Omg Adera ask Sunny what happen at her secret cove ;D ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on March 16, 2011, 01:48:38 AM
Well it wasn't me...
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on March 16, 2011, 10:57:08 AM
I think I kinda know what Sunny is looking for in her "donor". :D

@alstott: Hmm so... are you part of this cove adventure? :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on March 16, 2011, 07:21:42 PM
Sunny which way you prefer your "donor"  the artificial insemination or the natural way ;D ;D
@Adera unfortunately not  :P  if i were a part of it she would not ask for a sperm donation she could have it direct and fresh from the source multiple times ;D ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on March 16, 2011, 07:41:12 PM
Hell who am I kidding I want a sinnful Godess hunk of male flesh !  lol

Do you mean a ftm (female to male) transsexual Sunny? :P

Sorry Sunny, I just had to mess with you on that one. ;D :P

Hmm I guess that would be the direct opposite sex to me, have never met one though.

@alstott: How many times are we talking about when you say multiple?
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on March 16, 2011, 08:56:30 PM
Hmm attractive proposition  ;D  but  Sunny what you wanna do , a casting , a sperm donor casting ?  :D :D  okay here`s a suggestion for an newspaper advertisement .... me,Sunny a young attractive self confident naughty spanking loving girl....searches for a good looking well hung smart good sense of humour having with a lot of stamina equipped positive thinking gods look alike hunk of male flesh :D :D omg i just described myself ;) no serious what you tink how many guys would sign up?
@ Adera it depends how much time we have how much i`m attracted to someone and how good this person can work with the tool i give her and should fit that all.. well i don`t wanna talk big but its above the average much.. i leave it to your imagination ;) :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on March 17, 2011, 08:20:11 AM
hehehehee MORE then average !  hmm >ok <  THIS BABY  IDEAL PUT IT ON THE BACK SHELVE >I think I`ll get a puppy instead ! hahahaaa  A Black lab !  Really the world isn`t ready for another one of me ! LOL ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: hilari on March 17, 2011, 03:44:19 PM
it really would rock to have pregnant mode i'm pumping for that.
make it body option or something like that or just make it possible to have that "enable" at the private room might even have few "levels" of the size too.

hopes that it comes out.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on March 22, 2011, 05:56:31 AM
wow dill pickles w peanut butter !  Really I`m not ! lol ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on March 22, 2011, 08:20:16 AM
OMG what happened to you? had a immaculate conception? ;D :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on March 22, 2011, 10:23:03 PM
Hell who am I kidding I want a sinnful Godess hunk of male flesh !  lol

Do you mean a ftm (female to male) transsexual Sunny? :P

Sorry Sunny, I just had to mess with you on that one. ;D :P

Hmm I guess that would be the direct opposite sex to me, have never met one though.

@alstott: How many times are we talking about when you say multiple?
hairy muscular dude with a cunt? I dunno
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on March 23, 2011, 05:53:42 AM
   ^ Asshole
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on March 23, 2011, 08:08:07 AM
Nothing more to say, yeah sunny you`re right ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Bear on March 23, 2011, 08:29:08 AM
 :o well, I see sunny's button can be pushed.... yes a rude remark.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: John B. Good on March 23, 2011, 11:55:05 AM
   ^ Asshole

Now we know why some animals eat their own children.

to much assholes around , gotta run shoot me some cans on a fence. ;-)

Keep smiling sunshine  ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on March 23, 2011, 05:11:12 PM
wtf is everyone mad about? I dont think i would like a man with a pussy... have you seen those body builder chicks? YUK
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on April 04, 2011, 01:57:34 PM
Really this topic should`nt be joked about  !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on April 04, 2011, 02:23:18 PM
sure it should
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: PseRamesses on April 05, 2011, 02:23:59 AM
bear bb couldnt agree with u more. i find a pregnant woman a godess of femininity, belive it or not, and im so jealous i cant go there myself. would love to bear one ;) or a whole soccer team, i just love kids.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on April 05, 2011, 08:01:40 AM
Hugs Pse.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on April 05, 2011, 08:31:57 AM
I loved being born into a large family ! other then older sibs can be a pain some times  !

But having older sisters w long hair too ! I was able to sneak int the bar at an early age >posing as one of them !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on April 05, 2011, 06:42:37 PM
In canada single women can adopt > looking into it  ! ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on April 05, 2011, 10:16:55 PM
god help us all
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on April 06, 2011, 08:03:59 AM
Then again there`s some that should`nt never spill their seed EVER ! ::)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: PseRamesses on April 06, 2011, 01:14:49 PM
Then again there`s some that should`nt never spill their seed EVER ! ::)
quite true sunny *warm embraces*
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: TightFit74 on April 06, 2011, 04:12:20 PM
@ Sunny Making a baby is a lot nicer... Less paperwork.. ;)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on April 06, 2011, 04:44:48 PM
I`m  quite sure it is  ! I`m traveling abit first , to think it through ! Maybe on my travels  I`ll get lucky  !  hahahaha !What will be ! will be !  But there`s lots of kids out there !  That deserve a chance  .  :)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Unhealer on April 07, 2011, 01:31:53 AM
im going to donate sperm
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: TightFit74 on April 07, 2011, 02:05:57 AM
I am certain there is an underground bunker somewhere for bio-hazardous materials..
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on April 07, 2011, 05:25:04 AM
lol but who`s responsible for the disposal of radioactive waste ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on April 07, 2011, 07:21:33 AM
The Goverment will just bury it in the earth ! And act like how that happen !
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: alstott on April 09, 2011, 07:15:57 PM
btw you would be a great momma but be careful if there`s some kind from my semen you have to check out first if there´s a sign behind the ear you know what i mean 666 than you have to call me i already need a  succesor for my throne  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on April 11, 2011, 12:23:59 PM
 @ alstott    hehehe you talking to me ?  hahahaha !  maybe get some fertilization help and have 6 at once > Then their of age send them around the world > I know there`s an evil good story there  !  lol  ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Azrielle on February 03, 2012, 12:09:53 PM

Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Keiko on February 03, 2012, 12:53:42 PM
     Azrielle, that is a very creative suggestion and please don't be offended or think I am being too critical by saying I think majority of everything you just described can easily be accomplished through simple roleplay. I understand the excitement of unplanned pregnancy or a pregnant belly is a "turn on" for some people and I have no problem with that. It's just not for me and I come here to do things that would normally get me pregnant in reality, tehehe.  :P
     If AChat wants to add a pregnant belly clothing piece to the shop for those who have that fetish, (just like the condoms) that's a reasonable suggestion. But if AChat developed a pregnancy roulette mechanic to the game, I think I would be having so many babies. ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 03, 2012, 12:55:58 PM
We've discussed the option for females to choose to have their avatars be pregnant... or get pregnant in this thread:,911.0.html

Since it's related the opinions there could be worth reading.

I sincerely hope we wouldn't get any virtual children as a side effect... I rather not have to explain why they have two mommies. ::)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: medjai on February 03, 2012, 02:51:51 PM
I think Azrielle's idea is to give an option to female for pregnancy, therefore if you activate the option the "pregnancy roulette" starts spinning, and I know it could be achieved by rp but it could be a more stimulating addition to rping. This way the rp session doesn't stop when you exit the room, the system could give you a message the day after telling you that you are pregnant. Think of this as a continue rping with one of your loved ones.

I like the idea, not because I have a fetish for pregnant women, but because it would give that kind of fantasy a closer step to reality. I understand it would take a lot of effort by adev team to make this but it's worth considering imo, in more then one occasion we asked for things closer to reality such as pose's moves, this could be just one more think to take under consideration.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 03, 2012, 03:11:58 PM
mmmhh, i remember i had talk of pregnancy body option in some of my first post talking about more body custom option.
Azrielle, your idea is awesome under different point of you but just a simple body option. after the born of the baby, what gonna happend!? you can see a virtual baby running in your room!?

sorry, i was a little to much sarcastic......anyway, i agree whit Keiko
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: TightFit74 on February 03, 2012, 03:50:49 PM
I have rp-ed pregnancy with the ones closest to me in this game. I did find that interesting and arousing, just because it was with her.
As a body option, a clothing piece in different trimesters or periods, I could agree with. But to actually incorporate a roulette mechanism is a little to close to reality. I like to see this game as a place for fantasy. It doesn't have to get too real.

When my child was underway, her mother had no sexual interest at all. So I think this is an experience that is different for everyone. Though I found that period a miracle, the changes that a woman goes through and the wonder that grows and lives in her belly, I don't look back on that period as a sexually satisfying one..

There are other games that offer the option and have solved the issue of what happens after the pregnancy is done (sl), I'd rather see the a-team continue their efforts in developing lgbt poses, rooms and improved gameplay/chat...
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Rukya on February 03, 2012, 10:19:30 PM
sorry but its not a site for have a kid who scream in your ears just at the time you cum  ;D and anyway this game is interdit to peoples under 18 the the baby will be banned as soon as he born  ;D ;D

I'm not for pregnancy in this game  :)
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Lover on February 04, 2012, 06:15:44 AM
What's next? Male have to pay alimoney for their children?

As Adera wrote, we had this discussion. And my opinion didn't change. If they offer this body option it's ok for those who wanna have it.
But I don't believe there is a majority.

We also talked about bleeding pussys during/after sex, menstruation and more.

So, an option for those who like it might be ok, but no automatic algorythm.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 17, 2012, 04:09:26 AM
Ehehe, I wonder just how hard some guys would try to make sure the option really wasn't there for shemales as well. Even now some tells me they're going to cum in me so hard they'll make even me pregnant.

They're of course not really serious... I guess ::). I would be VERY surprised if I logged on and saw that my avatars stomach was a bit distended.

Anyway, sex talk like that can be quite hot imo... if anything it gives me an image that they're doing me very enthusiastically. :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 17, 2012, 05:05:35 AM
I hope they are not serious too, Adera!   ;D

Even, well, i can imagine this is an experience really important for a woman and maybe you had dream about it. Maybe i'm entering on a too personal aspect of your life, so forgive me, please
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Pafe on February 17, 2012, 05:34:45 AM

   I don't know about this.  For me, I think if they start involving children in the game, either fantasy, role play, in the womb or out, I would leave the game.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on February 17, 2012, 07:23:53 AM

   I don't know about this.  For me, I think if they start involving children in the game, either fantasy, role play, in the womb or out, I would leave the game.

Thanks for letting me share,

In this case I get the image that people are after the sexual aspects of pregnancy... not the children part. As long as it was optional for females and not unethical I wouldn't mind it since there are those that would like it.

I hope they are not serious too, Adera!   ;D

Even, well, i can imagine this is an experience really important for a woman and maybe you had dream about it. Maybe i'm entering on a too personal aspect of your life, so forgive me, please

Oh, it doesn't upset me, I have long since come to terms with the fact that I wont be able to bear children myself.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Rukya on February 17, 2012, 11:16:40 PM
its must be a good experience , but in real , not in a game  ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on March 30, 2012, 01:48:22 PM
I feel pregnancy does`nt belong here> thats a touchy topic for me ,

And hope it was a joke but some guy or kid said he was 12 here and he doest it w his  step mom that was a while back and almost made me sick......... :'(
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Patricia1975 on December 17, 2012, 04:59:56 AM
Hi sweeties.
I had an idea , but still im not sure. You all tell me!. What about, if a spouse relation ,Min. 1 year,with the same spouse, you could have the chance to show our avatar pregnant, from that relation? As a gift , for so long relation?  And we could take it out , the pregnant belly if we like?
Dont get me wrong...its just an idea Achat fans
Hope see coments.....good or wrong.

Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Rukya on December 17, 2012, 05:17:00 AM
Like for the previous proposition , my coment is we dont need it . We dont need to caress directly the "baby" when we caress the belly , cause its what will happen
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 17, 2012, 05:19:55 AM
Mmmmh, i dunno......ok, i can agree there are people who like pregnant ladies but adding a feature like this....maybe it's a little too much!
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Adera on December 17, 2012, 06:56:30 AM
I think it could work if it's just a fetish thing for those that find it exciting and it seems like there are quite a few that would like to have nit so it might be a good addition actually.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Selene23 on January 04, 2013, 04:25:39 PM
I think it would be interesting but it would have to be a lover or even a spouse for it to happen. I personally would be interested in such a feature. I've had this guy for a long time and we've recently started acting like I was pregnant (the game of course. We've known each other for about two years now) and its much different than before. It should be restricted to premium users and only between lovers and friends.
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on January 04, 2013, 06:11:11 PM
Child birthing is not a game , each their own , yes I know some guys would like to screw a pregnant female.

I feel should be left to the real of it two people coming together , two coming together making of another .

Trust me , thats the most love and feelings you`ll ever have in your life , hearing the first cries of your babe

have any ideal the emotional side of it . sorry if it sounds like I`m bitching , just down :( w bad cold .
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: kaika on June 29, 2013, 12:54:26 PM
Pregnant option in the female body will be a very good option not only because the Achat will have many many more members, but also because they will make much more money! thats for sure!
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Patricia1975 on June 30, 2013, 05:42:40 AM
I agree on having pregnancy option , but only for premium and spouses or lovers , not free users or friends
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: sweetgirl1 on September 15, 2013, 03:58:20 PM
would love to be able to be  pregnant on here and have family with the one I love
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: florise on September 17, 2013, 11:29:42 AM
i don't know is the ggod idea.
For me is very personnal
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Nat33 on September 17, 2013, 11:39:05 AM
For me, I recently talked to my doctor and he told me:
"I think for you it will be very difficult..."  ::)

 ;D 8) ;D
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Rukya on September 18, 2013, 12:26:51 AM
 To me , adding pregnancy open doors to any bad ideas . After that peoples will ask what ? A virtual aids test ?
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 18, 2013, 12:54:57 AM
Lol, Rukya.......

by the way, i wonder if we gonna have something similar....maybe some special poses just for pregnant girls, but as it is now, i don't think so! it means too many work in adapting the existing poses and if they don't have do it for 1 or 2.....i don't think they gonna do for all we have till now!
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: tangoracer on September 18, 2013, 02:27:39 PM
LOL @ Rakya and HB

not only would we need new poses but new outfits to show there BIG bellies   ;D  :P 
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 18, 2013, 02:38:48 PM
And who need clothes in AChat!?   ::) :P
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: tangoracer on September 18, 2013, 02:41:40 PM
LOL @ HB yes thats true but its starting to get colder now and its not good for pregnant ladies to get cold
Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: islandsun on September 28, 2013, 04:38:08 PM
when I was pregnant had a freak follow me around a whole day

and   when I was pregnant was horney and wanted sex all the time
Summer best time to be pregnant , bikini bottoms and your mans over size shirt , baby oil , little tanning on the tummy , baby inside content

Sex is hot during sex , but don`t know got for cyber

smile sunny

Title: Re: Suggestion: Pregnancy
Post by: Alita on September 30, 2013, 08:16:53 AM
I would like this option.  plus there wouldn't be a new for new outfits i am sure we can force fit some ;p