AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Mistress_N on February 28, 2011, 04:03:09 PM

Title: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Mistress_N on February 28, 2011, 04:03:09 PM

I want to open this thread in order to discuss if other people thinks like me and wants to improve this game in the following things.

I'm a dominant girl in RL and also in A-chat. I like very much the BDSM-related thematic and I think A-chat should improve a bit this features to make us enjoy.

As far as I have seen, SM in A-chat is not a minority so I think the improvement in this part of the game will be very well accepted by many people curious or not, with BDSM.

For example, it would be nice to be able to fuck a tied girl/boy/shemale. Not only like an outfit, but also having their movement restricted so they can be used for whatever their dom can imagine. Also, I would love to have some erotic domination tools like whips.

Also I don't know why there are so many poses available in Male-Female that doesn't exist in Shemale-Female because they can do the same.

I know that also many people wants just to fuck, rub their cock/clit, cum, and end. But this game gives us the big opportunity of imagine and make "almost real" some nice fantasies.


Mistress N.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Janine Dee on February 28, 2011, 05:53:50 PM
They seem to have some of the idea. Like with smothering one can struggle a bit... so it seems they are on the right path. More in general I have to say I totally agree. I am still wanting a dungeon room with a Saint Andrews Cross.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on March 04, 2011, 09:17:35 AM
interesting ideas,  and agree that the option is probably more accepted then truly recognized by the staff. I hope they recognize a few more of the possibilities when developing the poses in the future.

Personally would be happy to see a riding crop employed in a pose. A standing bound position alternating between spanks by hands and crop, some rubbing of the leather tongue against particular spots of the bound subject. The use of the hands and lips over those "tenderized " spots.

As to the shemale comment, well I think this also arises from some economic influences. Janine and I have had this discussion before how the male population represents the "paying"  side. To introduce material which may compete with that interest is a tricky.  In the time period I play in the males out number the females heavily, 2-1 on most nights. Some nights the Premium males alone outnumber the females 2-1. That is not discounting woman who have no interest in the male population. So if you have a competing factor which could skew those numbers run the risk of driving off the primary customer base.

They might serve their economic model better if they develop more MS fucking positions before expanding on the FS side.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on March 04, 2011, 09:47:21 AM
Well we're really few shemales online usually, when there is the most online I've seen like 1.5 pages of premium shemales so I guess they don't make much money on us. There are quite a few shemales who only buy the SS and SF poses and expect the guys to provide the MS poses which  might lead them to create more SF and SS poses since they sell better to shemales. Anyway I for one would really liked some hot fucking poses for MS. :D

About the BDSM stuff... yes please. :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on March 04, 2011, 09:49:38 AM
Finding a new interest Adera? Never mentioned this before.... ;D

besides, tying to comments in a different thread... Bar stools are a fun source of bondage play... ;)
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Janine Dee on March 04, 2011, 11:54:03 AM
The trick one must always remember here is that it IS a for profit enterprise.

It's why while I'll always call for more FF and FFF positions I do NOT expect them to ever equal MF. I don't take it personally, it really is just business.

The idea applies all across the spectrum as well to shemales as well. If they are just buying the FS and SS that's going to effect the numbers, but the important thing to remember is that it's highly likely that the Development Team is looking at the total numbers. So they don't care WHO buys the MS as long as someone does. So if those numbers are down, they are down across the board.

It is a part of why I always buy all the FF and FFF... I know at the very least I am putting my money where my mouth is. (Feel free to make the requisite naughty jokes.)

I am however VERY encouraged by the recent developments. FF is getting positions where toys are just toys and not penile substitutes, and the BDSM poses are delving past the spanking most any couple may try at some point or another.

And yes riding crops/standing spanking would be lovely.  ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on March 05, 2011, 09:05:19 AM
Never say spank me plz around Bear ! ;D Bondage w a Bear hmm  ! ::)
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on March 05, 2011, 11:54:22 AM
Janine, I rather watch what your mouth can do to a girl. :P

I think it would be better for me if the other premium shemales bought the MS poses too, sure it might seem kinda unnecessary for both the male and the shemale to have the poses but I kinda think its a way of contributing. I've almost bought all the shemale poses... left a few of the MS poses which I don't really like.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on March 05, 2011, 01:51:01 PM
Lol,..Janine, well all I will be able to do there is watch,.., admire the technique...mmm maybe learn something from observation.

@Adera, they really should at least offer you the same options given the mm crowd...

Well a point I would like to make is that the whole experience here could be greatly enhanced if some of the comments we have made as to pose improvements were taken to heart by the development team and implemented by updates. Tweaking some additions to the poses greatly enhances the experience and use.

Take the spanking pose, repetition of the strikes is annoying,... the throat grasp could have been implemented as an independent action,..they could do that it easily and lends itself to that certain ... ahem,... ambiance of authority one might be attempting to impress with the ability to vary the intensity of the strike.

The point is too many poses are initiated with an action, instead of a preparatory position to move through. (ie the blow job would make more sense if she is stroking me, then has the option to move to oral play)

The big point is that suggestions to the improvements are more likely to occur if they fall under the current engine structure  that Achat uses, there are a lot of great ideas laid out there, but they seem more applicable to other game then here.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on March 05, 2011, 03:37:22 PM
@Bear: My physique isn't really the same as a males so they'd have to modify the poses some... shemales have breasts which shouldn't be neglected. :P

When your doing descriptive sex its kinda bothersome to jump right into the grinding... I rather approach things as I would irl then.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on March 06, 2011, 10:03:04 AM
Oh I understand the differences,  ;), but those poses are anal play and based on similar mf poses, point is they are there, and would take very little to adapt to the ms needs.

Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Mistress_N on March 06, 2011, 10:14:29 AM
Its a matter of business, yes. And thats why there is no reason for offering more poses. I think people spends more money in poses than in cloths.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Janine Dee on March 06, 2011, 11:54:37 AM
I agree Mistress_N, but I also figure that clothing is also far easier to produce then positions. So for little cost on their end they can net a nice profit... hence all the dresses coming out.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Mistress_N on March 06, 2011, 11:58:22 AM
I agree Mistress_N, but I also figure that clothing is also far easier to produce then positions. So for little cost on their end they can net a nice profit... hence all the dresses coming out.

Yes, thats true. Outfits and clothes are useful and I love purchasing many clothes but I think they should improve the game experience for Shemales.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on March 06, 2011, 12:10:06 PM
The problem with all the new clothes is that I want most of them. :P

@Mistress_N: You should check out my thread about what I want for Shemales, feel free to contribute in it. :) ->,862.0.html
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Mistress_N on March 23, 2011, 06:38:24 PM
Im wondering... About the public image of BDSM.

Today i have read this in my message queue, a user who i dont know told me this:

N---: What is with all the pnishment you give , bitch from HELL
N---: YOu hurt people, filth
N---: Get AIDS and die ok

What is that image of BDSM the people has? Abuse? Rape? Violation? Really this people doesn't know that BDSM lies on consention?

I think that people should be more open-minded and read a bit more.

By the way I can't believe such people in a sex game like Achat XD
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on March 23, 2011, 07:22:59 PM
People should be open minded about LOTS of things but sadly there aren't that many that are. :(

Well the ones here that have read Janine's posts on BDSM should be quite well informed. :P

If I remember correctly I think me and Janine where talking quite a bit about it in some topic, it was nice because not all aspect for doing BDSM irl where clear to me.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: TightFit74 on March 23, 2011, 07:25:54 PM
I have learned a lot from Janine and told her so. As far as I understand, for a healthy bdsm relationship, consent and trust are key-elements. The guy that reacted to you like this, Mistress_N, doesn't really know what he is talking about. It's sad there are so many ignorant people out therre..
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Janine Dee on March 24, 2011, 04:48:49 AM
The honest truth though is there are ignorant people on both sides of the issue.

There are certainly those who see the physical aspects of BDSM and recoil, not understanding how or believing that anyone could ever willingly consent to such a thing.

The other side of that coin is that there are those INSIDE who either see the chance to control others or the ability to surrender responsibility for themselves, while not seeing the responsibilities that both sides entail.

Both help dirty up the image of BDSM.

I am simply happy I have been able to help clean it up in my own small way.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: LilGrace on May 01, 2011, 04:32:07 AM

I'd like to see more restraint stuff on here too.


A bound kneeling position for girls  - in Obedience the guy is bound but the girl isn't?

Some bound standing positions would be good too, and could be made by minor adjustments to Forced Doggy - but I'd like one on my back as well ;)

Then there could be a range of restraints (collars, cuffs) on sale... $ ;D

Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: MissGen on May 31, 2011, 03:12:18 PM
how about bdsm furniture in the catty? 
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on May 31, 2011, 10:42:45 PM
As room dressing or use?  It would be interesting to see some furniture developed with poses associated... goes into the hierarchy of development though. Just where limited resources of development can be directed.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on June 01, 2011, 06:05:57 AM
well there will always be closed minded people.

me Iwould love to try tying up a hunk to my bed and tease him till no end ! hahahaha ! evil laugh ;D ;)

Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: alstott on June 01, 2011, 09:03:04 AM
oh my goodness Sunny that's not BDSM that's just mean..but beeing serious there's not a lot till no options for BDSM or any kind of fetish..
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on June 01, 2011, 10:37:06 AM
where`s your sense of adventure ? I`d make it so the guy can break free of the ties at some point ! ::)

Second time today you said Iwas mean !

Big weasel watch it or I`ll be forced to tie you up ! ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 01, 2011, 11:37:05 AM
Most "vanilla" people don't realize BDSM isn't about whips and chains. Of course, it can be a part of it, if you're inclined to it, but besides the "professionals" that whip people to satisfy some kicks in the clubs there's a crowd where it stands for love and care, often on a deeper and more responsible level then most "normal" relations.

@Alstott: mean would be tying you up, putting a cockring on you after teasing you a bit, blindfolding you and then going shopping with your wallet while leaving all the doors open.  :-*
Fun would be to make you believe this happened and then pretending to be a stranger taking advantage of you...   ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: alstott on June 01, 2011, 11:45:10 AM
Ok first of all Ardeur this is more than mean..leaving me behind with an huge erection and without any money...damn girl what i've done to you ::) ok you can leave the doors open when i'm in a girls student home and no no no really no everything else ;D and don't forget i would visit you in your dreams and take advantage of you ::) :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on June 01, 2011, 12:00:43 PM
make that a vibrating cock ring ! lol I walk by your door  hmmm  ;D what have we gott here ! ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on June 01, 2011, 01:11:28 PM
@Ardeur nice to see someone another who gets it... too many equate it with debasement of character...
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 01, 2011, 01:30:57 PM
@Ardeur nice to see someone another who gets it... too many equate it with debasement of character...

That's what people think they see from afar. From what I know, the only time a Dom "debases" a sub is when the sub has a mental switch with the label "Humiliate in case of drought" or when it's a punishment that's appropriate for the relation between the Dom and the sub. For far too many people it's too scary to try and understand what they see instead of labeling it as "scary" and "should be illegal" while it happens in a caring context while they do exactly the same to anything they don't understand and thus label as "inferior".

I don't pretend to know how serious Doms and subs are made up, as my inclinations don't go far beyond redded cheeks, being kept on the edge for what seems like hours to me while restrained and fetish-wear, but a little research and some common sense do go a long way towards understanding and respecting that some people have tastes that seem exotic to you.

*lifts carpet, kicks soapbox under the carpet and walks away innocently whistling*
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on June 01, 2011, 06:06:24 PM
Mmm I just thought it would be so hot to have a mistress lead me around in a leash at a BDSM party. Ball gag, vibrating plug teasing me and making my dick all hard (maybe one with a cute bunny tail), bunny ears, soft white leather straps over my body restricting my movements, holding my hands behind my back and making me take really small steps. Then a soft short white leather dress which is so thin it looks painted onto me and a pair white leather boots reaching far up my thighs with very high stiletto heals making me wiggle my butt a lot as I walk. My mistress walking around looking at the merchandise, inspecting other slaves and talking to the other masters while I have to follow her around in excitement and a little shame at how I'm displayed. Maybe a few masters looking me over and touching me a little after my mistress permission and with an evil little smirk she closes in on me and teases me to a shuddering orgasm right in front of everyone.

Oops... got all excited thinking about that now. ::) :P

Anyway, I think Ardeur and Janine have a really good view on BDSM... and well I have to say the prospect of such play is very interesting.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Janine Dee on June 02, 2011, 01:44:38 AM
Welcome Back Ardeur. You've been missed.

On your thoughts I will also say that some of the time I think that their lashing out can come from a certain level of repressed desire. Kind of like how some of the vilest homophobes are later found with gay lovers or hiring same sex prostitutes they attack what they desire. Perhaps as a way to distance themselves from what they see as "aberrant", but also there is probably some self loathing that they take out on others.

I mainly say this because the amounts of venom some show seem to hint at something deeper.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 02, 2011, 06:27:34 AM
Welcome Back Ardeur. You've been missed.

On your thoughts I will also say that some of the time I think that their lashing out can come from a certain level of repressed desire. Kind of like how some of the vilest homophobes are later found with gay lovers or hiring same sex prostitutes they attack what they desire. Perhaps as a way to distance themselves from what they see as "aberrant", but also there is probably some self loathing that they take out on others.

I mainly say this because the amounts of venom some show seem to hint at something deeper.

Thank you (and all the others) for welcoming me back.

As for what you just stated, it reminds me of some large population-groups, most of them found in the pious directions. Anyone remember the 'Nipple-gate' incident? I'm not really pointing fingers here, because bigots can be found all over the world, most of them hiding behind the words of their spiritual leaders like sheep, but that 's just an example too easy to ignore.

*looks down at her feet to see if she's standing on a soapbox again*

*starts imagining leading Adera around decked out in ballet heels, a hobble-dress with cutouts in the back (for spanking and fondling), a corset with quarter-cups that gets 2 inches off her waist and pushes her tits out in an almost obscene fashion, a leather top with two-way zippers over her breasts opened in the middle to keep her nipples peeking out, clamps on her nipples with a chain connecting them, arms on her back in a sleeve with her elbows touching, a three inch wide collar with a leash attached and last but not least a ring-gag with a dildo attached for now.
Careful observers might see that her butt-cheeks aren't wrestling with each other, but are actually doing something more similar to a huddle, both fighting over a foreign object sometimes peeking out in the middle.*
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on June 02, 2011, 10:07:23 AM
Mmm... that would be so exciting. I hope my mistress wouldn't mind the unladylike bulge I would undoubtedly have in the front of my dress. Hmm thinking about all those eyes wandering over me and widening when they notice that bulge... it wouldn't take much for me to make sweet embarrassing cummies... I hope no one notices me shuddering in orgasm. :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 03, 2011, 03:46:21 AM
I'll have you spanked by a stranger for every stain you leave on the floor and afterwards you get to clean the dress with your tongue. When I decide it's clean is the moment the actual punishment will start. Restrained to the bed with your hands and feet above your head and a belt and collar to keep you down it will be long and pleasurable (for me). Every drop I catch, you get fed back to you from whatever cavity you cum in.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on June 03, 2011, 09:57:09 AM
Uuh... spanking when there is something inside of me... I'd end up milked dry, flustered and shaking. And then even more punishment... pore lil me. :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Natalya on June 06, 2011, 07:09:24 PM
Just wanted to chime in and say that I like the BDSM ideas.

What's missing are, among other things, symbols like collars (in the form of "jewelry" or "clothes") and so on and gags - also with effect, although I imagine that the gagged partner can simply use "passive role-play" (*shudders*, *shivers*, "squeals", *whinces*, *sobs* ... you get the idea  ;)) and limit the verbal role-play to basic muffled sounds as they would be expected from a gagged person (which is what I role-play when I give head and the partner asks a question or expects some reaction).

I think for those of us who love the role-playing aspect in AChat, this would already be an interesting addition without having to invent/add extra positions (which I imagine as the bigger effort).  So for these basic BDSM effects you wouldn't even need to create extra new positions but they would introduce one more facet beyond the "cuffed" positions. Of course I wouldn't mind restraints (that have an effect on the restrained) or whips and so on.

If someone is not into this kind of play, there is always the option to exit the room. And those interested in the scenario will happily play along however restrained they are.

No idea whether this would work, but it seems to work for panties (if we consider "clothing"): it should be possible to remove a gag and put it back on, too.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on June 08, 2011, 06:58:34 AM
I'll chime in agree with the collar idea... even elegant chokers as a jewelry option are rather sexy. There are a large number of those playing  the Dom Sub role... Achat would be wise to implement this idea...
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on June 10, 2011, 11:13:41 AM
hehehe Seeing all my male friends in collar works  for ! lol ;D

Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 11, 2011, 06:31:32 AM
Sunny with a stable full of collared studs, yeehaw!   ;) :-*
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on June 11, 2011, 07:40:59 AM
 ::)  yeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaa !  A dude Ranch with a different flavour cowboy each day !

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P Sorry Mr. Blue  it doe`snt includ you !

Damn where did Mr. Blue get those teeth marks ?  ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on June 11, 2011, 08:25:39 AM
@Ardeur Lol...I am not certain if sunny is into pony play with her male companions.. but there again I could be wrong.   ;)

One has to be good at cribbage to ever collar this neck...  ::) ...or extremely devious in the fantasy realm of play.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 11, 2011, 11:29:17 AM
Probably not, but my guess is that she does like to ride 'em. She does give dude ranch a new meaning.  ;)
However she might have a predator on the loose at her ranch...  ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on June 11, 2011, 02:00:19 PM
Perhaps...but  she has never wandered this deep into the woods...  ;)
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on June 16, 2011, 05:21:58 PM
Ardeur, want to dress up in a sexy slave outfit too? We could present ourself as "good" slaves to... oh maybe Janine and Pse. ;) :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 17, 2011, 07:27:23 PM
Do you think they'd fall for it?  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: PseRamesses on June 18, 2011, 05:00:29 AM
oh i have u to fine foxes kneeling before me worshippin my totem in no time sweeties *giggle* i might even try out some old school japanes bondage on u 2. been practicin on some new knots thts gonna leave ur big clit in stasis, precummin my sweet adera then elevationg u horisontally so i can access all entries with ease. and ardeur i will tie up in a neat package leaving knots in places where the rope tightly stretched along her crotch and tie up a neat, very tight, breast holder thts gonna fill them up, swellin them before i put suction cups on her nipples and ball gagging her letting her get all exited watching me use u in every way possible before turning my attention to her.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on June 18, 2011, 11:27:53 AM
Ardeur... seems like we'd have a hard time being bad slaves. :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on June 27, 2011, 09:42:40 AM
A wider variation of available tattos would be nice. Script forms of initials, perhaps for use on the thigh
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: TightFit74 on June 27, 2011, 01:40:58 PM
On that notion, more body art should be made easily available. Different kinds of piercings, spikes, different parts on the body. Both through and underneath the skin. Could be a nice addition to personalise urselves.
Though I have no body decorations yet, I am planning for 3 tattoos end of august.. :D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on June 28, 2011, 09:21:16 AM
Ardeur... seems like we'd have a hard time being bad slaves. :P

@Adera: Isn't that the point?  ;)
I'll be wiggling that rope across my clitty until they'll have to put up a 'Caution! Wet floor'-sign.

And Tight, I think I suggested something along those lines a while back, so I agree. Keep it up!  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: alstott on June 28, 2011, 07:37:22 PM
Yep Tight shouldn't be so difficult to employ them...body piercings and tats are most wanted as body options from many girls i've talked with...
oh btw you start with 3 ? ....damn man you going to the fullest at the start  ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on July 03, 2011, 06:09:38 PM
I'm not much for tattoos though more jewellery would be great, like big hoop earrings. :P

@Ardeur: Oh, I guess it is. :P though I'm afraid Pse's not going to let me cum very easily, my dicky is probably going to be all hard but tied so I can't cum... but then... when she releases those knots... mmmmm. Bad thoughts :P now I got myself excited thinking about it. :D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on July 04, 2011, 03:52:13 AM
@Tight baby make sure its what you want ! my tatt >left shoulder > my design < unicorn pegasus

Your princess name in your native tongue >on fore arm just a suggestion !

everyone have agreat day ! and smile  ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on July 10, 2011, 11:18:10 AM
Well to recount a  point collars would make a fabulous add.  Be nice if some variations could be programmed there beside. Turquoise beads, puka shell variations for the guys would certainly be money makers over the plain jewelry we have. Battle bracelets for the guys...and glove options... besides my brown western variations, open fingered for the biker clans...(of which I would use in my Dom play..)
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on July 11, 2011, 09:27:23 AM
A lazy morning yesterday, and I reflected on a comment made to me by a partner while engaged in some heavy bdsm play. Being new to AChat she wondered why more bdsm poses weren't provided. Obviously it is because such bondage play like ours isn't for everyone. My thoughts though did drift to more vanilla forms of play, kinky aspects that even the mainstream might enjoy. The obvious choice to me was the use of a spreader bar.


The hard part in this consideration was trying to figure some options for the woman. Restraint severely reduces her options, making her options more reactionary, then I flashed on the obvious solution to give her some variety in play, make it a static position to begin with. The giver standing behind the receiver, no action just motionless. For "poser" action is but a click away, for the descriptive crowd (and if you are bdsm oriented here, descriptive is mandatory) we are given that chance to weave our words without the troublesome distraction of already "fucking away".
I user a generic form for this, a "giver" could be M/S/F (with strapon). Be interested if the females could see this useful without the strap-on... thoughts here really have not extended to a shemale/male bond such... I will leave that for comments of others to share:

Bdsm is not solely focused on rough physical play... for the majority it is about mixing the extremes of the sensations of pleasure and pain. Likewise the use of spanking as presented here, to allow the sensual play...

Standing intro.

1) spank (a single smack...NOT repeating... keep it to a single strike..this is not about continued striking.. ideally right hand, left hand options to corresponding butt cheek)
2) repeated spank... let it be an option not the default
3) Massage receivers ass
3) kneeling oral play...
4) finger vagina
5) finger ass
6)vaginal sex
7) anal sex
8. quick thrust
9) Hard thrust
10) Anal poke... a jabbing action
11)  (your thoughts here?... *grins*)

1)Ass rub.. to shift back and rub against the givers penis
2)wiggle bottom looking back teasing...
3)shake head no
4) partial entry press a slow shift back to take the givers penis cock partially.. then pulling off... it is a single action an anal option would also be interesting.. in this matter, the giver would be holding the penis 
5)rocking fuck
6)rolling hip fuck
7) enjoy (arching back)
8. enjoy (open mouth head shake)
9) not enjoy (eyes clench in grimace)
10)  hands clenching spreader.

The obvious as the image above is set... the position is easily adaptable to a 3some play...with another giver standing  at her head for oral pleasure.

The pose in general for a threesome would without restraints could be modified for 3some play, providing an option for those not into such intense action..
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Steelsilk on July 11, 2011, 09:22:41 PM
IF we got the ability to use whips, toys, and fuck people tied up... I think it would be fun to incorporate a pain threshold bar.  Of course the flip side of the coin someone will always be abusing that feature.  Crack someone enough times and they're just straight getting their asses kicked. I'd probably fall out of my seat laughing so hard if someone did it to me.  "AAAhh!!! AAAhhhh!! F++k you You Mother F++ker!!"   :D ;D
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on July 12, 2011, 10:51:30 AM
well if it was linked to the avatars action that could be interesting a meter which displayed the pain level associated. Sadly though in the current mode of spanking it is a cycling pose,... irritating to me who might give a bottom a single firm smack and proceed to other play. If the action were a singular strike  it would have a stronger visual effect. Right now it feels mind numbing to engage and watch the constant barrage of the hand.

The other concern I have is that there is limited space again on the pose menu for MF. I suspect that any additions will have to be oriented towards wider appeal rather than a narrow scoped few.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Urban on July 12, 2011, 05:07:27 PM
A lazy morning yesterday, and I reflected on a comment made to me by a partner while engaged in some heavy bdsm play. Being new to AChat she wondered why more bdsm poses weren't provided. Obviously it is because such bondage play like ours isn't for everyone. My thoughts though did drift to more vanilla forms of play, kinky aspects that even the mainstream might enjoy. The obvious choice to me was the use of a spreader bar.


The hard part in this consideration was trying to figure some options for the woman. Restraint severely reduces her options, making her options more reactionary, then I flashed on the obvious solution to give her some variety in play, make it a static position to begin with. The giver standing behind the receiver, no action just motionless. For "poser" action is but a click away, for the descriptive crowd (and if you are bdsm oriented here, descriptive is mandatory) we are given that chance to weave our words without the troublesome distraction of already "fucking away".
I user a generic form for this, a "giver" could be M/S/F (with strapon). Be interested if the females could see this useful without the strap-on... thoughts here really have not extended to a shemale/male bond such... I will leave that for comments of others to share:

Bdsm is not solely focused on rough physical play... for the majority it is about mixing the extremes of the sensations of pleasure and pain. Likewise the use of spanking as presented here, to allow the sensual play...

Standing intro.

1) spank (a single smack...NOT repeating... keep it to a single strike..this is not about continued striking.. ideally right hand, left hand options to corresponding butt cheek)
2) repeated spank... let it be an option not the default
3) Massage receivers ass
3) kneeling oral play...
4) finger vagina
5) finger ass
6)vaginal sex
7) anal sex
8. quick thrust
9) Hard thrust
10) Anal poke... a jabbing action
11)  (your thoughts here?... *grins*)

1)Ass rub.. to shift back and rub against the givers penis
2)wiggle bottom looking back teasing...
3)shake head no
4) partial entry press a slow shift back to take the givers penis cock partially.. then pulling off... it is a single action an anal option would also be interesting.. in this matter, the giver would be holding the penis 
5)rocking fuck
6)rolling hip fuck
7) enjoy (arching back)
8. enjoy (open mouth head shake)
9) not enjoy (eyes clench in grimace)
10)  hands clenching spreader.

The obvious as the image above is set... the position is easily adaptable to a 3some play...with another giver standing  at her head for oral pleasure.

The pose in general for a threesome would without restraints could be modified for 3some play, providing an option for those not into such intense action..

+1. Just add "kiss the spanked area"  :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on July 12, 2011, 07:15:02 PM
Great suggestion Urban,...I must have totally brain freezed on that when pulling my thoughts together on this.
The pose itself for the woman shouldn't be hard to initial draft... it is basically a forced doggy with the arms set in a different location.
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: islandsun on July 13, 2011, 06:14:43 AM
bend hauched down on heels with knees spread wide open isnt that the submissive stance , with head down ?

arms forward wrists crossed !

I might know a little about this ! ;)

Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on July 13, 2011, 09:57:59 AM
A pose like that would be read as submissive sunny. There are a number of subtle clues in the form of posturing... the head bowed down is the obvious sign of submission.

Extending the wrists crossed represents an offering...which  can be visually enhanced if a woman closes her eyes and raises her head up extending and exposing her neck. Such a posture is equivalent to absolute submission.. and offer to receive the collar...

Knees wide apart a sexual invitation...quite different from a submissive stance with knees together...

Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on July 15, 2011, 09:12:17 AM
Hmm if I'm to take a stance I like the seductive inviting ones a lot, the ones where I can teasingly invite a man to come and play with me. I can always put things up a few notches if he's too slow and its so fun if he almost throws himself over me with something like a growl. ;) :P
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Bear on July 15, 2011, 10:06:49 AM
hmmm our brief chat remind you of that eh?
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Ardeur on July 18, 2011, 04:40:06 AM
You terrible tease Adera you... maybe it's time to break out the toys again...   ;) :-*
Title: Re: Fetish, bondage and BDSM.
Post by: Adera on July 18, 2011, 02:32:38 PM
Can I see the toy box too? :P