AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Sandra88 on March 22, 2011, 08:02:39 AM
- about a stream radio or a stream video in a room to choose our own in the mood music and mayby watch a vid together to get things realy hot (RedTube link would be nice )... Imagine the romantic slowdance music in the background or watching a vid together in bed..My wish is that this could be done so that it brings more of fun.anyways have a very adventures time and meny dates.... :-* :-* :-*
Wow nice idea!! I am agree!! I hope that this idea become a reality in Achat!!!!:)))
agree, it's rather annoying having to coordinate listening to music together , it would be so much easier to have access to something streaming into the room.
would make a nice couch position,.. cuddled up watching the tv together.
I'll play the reluctant killjoy and say that the big issue probably is copyrights since AChat IS a for profit venture.
Janine you are probably right,... though it would be nice if they would hook up in partnership with a site that could offer that option.. just a suggestion of hope.
Hmmmmm...its not a prob or issue in a other 3D adult chat im allso on and...better the A-Team sort it out soon :-(
Other MMORP and virtual worlds allows users to setup in their homes/rooms/lands the radio stream to have a shared music experience. One of them allows too to setup a streaming video source into special objects to use as TV.
It is not a copyright problem: streams are shared over internet, the game just allow people to add the stream, like MySpace or other social network do. It is something like posting a link...
In example my media player allows me to listen a shoutcast radio and to share this with friends.
I think this idea is very very good.
true Fate i saw it in another same type game and its so funny , maybe one day we could have here