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Messages - FxmaN

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Graphic Problems
« on: March 11, 2012, 06:44:24 PM »
Hi, I have the same problem.

That problem occured right after i have installed new VGA driver.

To solve the issue,

I have complately uninstalled Achat, installed it back, using the latest installer given in the website.

Uninstalled the new driver, turned back to the old one.

Did not help.

Still, some players skins look White to me.

Could you please help me. Thank you.

Woman with man in AChat / Re: Poll: New position Foreplay
« on: November 24, 2010, 03:40:20 PM »
Kissing,hugging and rubbing genital area is missing...A big miss...

Share your creative ideas / POLL : Animational movement when changing poses
« on: November 24, 2010, 03:34:21 PM »
Hi guys.
Dont you think it would be nice to see the position set-up, instead of the freeze and play pose changing ?
I think i makes the action more realistic.
It would be a revolutionary change...
What do you think ? Lets share some ideas ;)

Everything about sex and love / Re: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER
« on: November 24, 2010, 03:26:53 PM »
The thing you should pay attention is;
If the people you'r talking is already turned on and ready for sex, He-She doesnt even need the "Lets first talk a bit" thing.

But, if he - she is not already turned on, not in the mood, ofcourse you should talk to them first, and chat a little.

The point is : if he-she is already turned on, and ready, or not, before you type...
You can never know...

Share your creative ideas / Re: Poll: New shop
« on: November 24, 2010, 03:22:08 PM »
The new shop is undoubtedly a revolution.
Just before 3 weeks, I had bought a wrong pose.I was seeking for Male - Female poses, but I've bought a pose for Male - Shemale mistakenly.
So, The grouping thing really makes it much more clear.

Here is a bright idea.
In the shop, you must have the chance to see the animation, before you buy the pose.
Also, not only the animation, you should be able to see the each variation inside a pose. That way, you can decide if you really need it, or not.

Dont you think so people ?

Let's discuss this...

I'm not getting duplicated arrows.
its like , when i move to the far end sides of the screen, the cursor freezes out and runs again.
My graphics card driver is the latest from the Nvidia website.
And I have tried re-installing the software.
My OS is Win7
Thanks for your interest.

FAQ / Re: FAQ - the most common questions and answers
« on: November 07, 2010, 07:48:55 AM »
i did, but there are no search results...
i've tried searching - robotgirl - robogirl- robo-and robot.
Nothing i've came across

Share your creative ideas / Re: Beware invitations for yahoo messenger
« on: November 06, 2010, 07:58:17 PM »
Zimpatica and Zimpatica2 I've came across several times.
going to the list please :)

FAQ / Re: FAQ - the most common questions and answers
« on: November 06, 2010, 07:53:25 PM »
Can anyone help me how to call the Robot-boy or Robot-girl?
best regards...

Whenever i move my mouse to the bottom end of the application,(No matter in partner search window or character editor window) My mouse cursor starts to stop and move.
its like stopping for a second(like it is freezing for a second) and moving again
So,im having problems with reading the chat history, taking photo of my character, and in whatever function is placed in the bottom side.
Could you please check it for me ?

PS : I have just realized that this problem is not only occurs in the bottom side, it occurs in all far-end sides.
And, i think its because of Widescreen resolutions, like 1280x800 etc.

PS2: its not caused by widescreen resolutions, I've just checked 1024x768, problem still occurs.

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