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Topics - FxmaN

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / POLL : Animational movement when changing poses
« on: November 24, 2010, 03:34:21 PM »
Hi guys.
Dont you think it would be nice to see the position set-up, instead of the freeze and play pose changing ?
I think i makes the action more realistic.
It would be a revolutionary change...
What do you think ? Lets share some ideas ;)

Whenever i move my mouse to the bottom end of the application,(No matter in partner search window or character editor window) My mouse cursor starts to stop and move.
its like stopping for a second(like it is freezing for a second) and moving again
So,im having problems with reading the chat history, taking photo of my character, and in whatever function is placed in the bottom side.
Could you please check it for me ?

PS : I have just realized that this problem is not only occurs in the bottom side, it occurs in all far-end sides.
And, i think its because of Widescreen resolutions, like 1280x800 etc.

PS2: its not caused by widescreen resolutions, I've just checked 1024x768, problem still occurs.

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