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Messages - Brandybee

Pages: 1 ... 458 459 [460] 461 462 ... 467
Everything about sex and love / Re: Moderator change
« on: April 24, 2012, 09:13:57 AM »
As a member of Forum, thank you Tight for taking on the extra work. I hope all goes well with Bear and  hope that he is able to return soon as an active member. Good luck in your added role.

Share your creative ideas / Re: National Flags
« on: April 23, 2012, 03:25:28 PM »
Background, t shirts, hat, even a flag to hold. Anything to show support for your nation / country / team . Anything is better than nothing :)

Share your creative ideas / National Flags
« on: April 23, 2012, 02:30:22 PM »
This might have been suggested before but it would be nice if we could have our national flags for sale in the shops.

 To fly our English flag would have been brilliant to wish everyone a Happy St George's Day today.

Its also our Queen's diamond jubilee in June and we have the Olympics here too this summer.

Please could we have our Nation's flags to show our support for our countries.  UK has the Union Jack for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, but we also have our individual flags too.
St Georges cross for England,  St Andrews cross for Scotland, The Red Dragon flag of Wales, The cross of St Patrick for Northern Ireland.

It would be great to share in the fun of all nations events and culture.  :)

Happy St George's Day everyone :)

Share your creative ideas / Re: Poses revamp and upgrade
« on: April 20, 2012, 05:54:21 PM »
Please could we have a kiss and cuddle on the foreplay bed pose :)   Ty .

Know what, I'm giving this 5 stars -  probably because I had a particularly hard day at work and some very kind person gave me a hell of a foot massage ......  mmmm  ..... and it was very, very ,very, did i say very , nice :P

 I think all orientations would love this bit of fuss by their partner.  I agree the Achats gods have done a sterling job on this one . TY - great pose, pats on the back all round :)

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Start Trek
« on: April 17, 2012, 03:43:30 PM »
My hereos :-  James T (Tiberius) Kirk ;  Spock,  Bones, Scotty, Checkov, Uhura  lol ( My Grandma had the old series :) )

Favourite quote  - Bones to Kirk -  " It's life Jim, but not as we know it " 

and of course ... " To boldly go where no man has gone before"

Share your creative ideas / Re: Poll: Outside sex
« on: April 17, 2012, 03:33:24 PM »
Happy memories, wild camping by a river.  mmm ..  secluded, water, sun, small wood, starry nights .. big sigh .. alfresco sure is great.  Happy happy days &  nights  :)

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:59:29 PM »
Keiko, Jeanona,

Absolutely brilliant. Well done for all your hard work. The designs are outstanding.  I cant chose, I want them all. 

Please Achats gods, can we have these in the shops soon :)

Just another thought ...   what about adding    MF , MM, FF, SS, SF, SM  too,  at the side of the poll so the Achat gods can get an idea of the most popular variations to work on first, after the initial pose has been created, using the same idea of the pose being voted on , at the same time.
It may be, that some poses may not transfer well to other varients but if the idea is  popular, the other orientations will hopefully get their most popular pose chioces quicker too.

That looks good Lover, but to avoid confusion, it may be worth putting a short  explanation by each star, so each member knows exactly what rating they are voting for ... at least, till they are used to the meaning of the stars and any new members will need a brief explanation too.

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:39:43 PM »
WOW, How did that happen  lol    TY Lover :)  And a "full" member of Forum now too  yayy :)

Introduce yourself / Re: Sooooooo!
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:29:32 PM »
Welcome Kingkevlar,   

This place is fabulously unique,  you will meet some great people here on Forum and the game is fun too.

Enjoy the posts, they are well worth reading and offer good advice and tips for playing.

If you get stuck, most members here will be sure to help out..  so welcome to the party and enjoy, enjoy enjoy  hehe
 look forward to reading your posts.

I like that idea of a scoring system

1 star =  Bad
2 stars =  Below average
3 stars =  Average
4 stars = Hot
5 stars = YES YESS YESSS orgasmic :P

Yeah Azrielle, Blue  I hear you there -    Ditch the Dildos or even   Digits for Dildos.   I certainly think the fingers in some poses would be a lot hotter than the dildo hehe.

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: April 15, 2012, 01:28:05 PM »
Smacking my head -   lmao -   of course!!!

Congratulations Lover.   

Tight -   I cant wait   lol

Rukya,  you can breath easy , no boudoire shoes lol


Lover,  the answer to B is correct and is actually a clue top A   :D

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