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Messages - Brandybee

Pages: 1 ... 459 460 [461] 462 463 ... 467
Share your creative ideas / Re: For the Easter Season
« on: April 07, 2012, 08:15:16 PM »
Oh my!  the woods are busy busy busy ... hehe  big hunt, big weapons, loaded with lots of ammunition,  bunnys,  hunters ..  and those delicious heavily creamed eggs ... big contented sigh ...  jelly legs huh... exhaustion huh ... mmmmmmmmmm   What a brilliant Easter ...

Enjoy every one hehehe xxx

Oh yeah, and if I forget - condition of entry -  its a must to wear PAFE's  BOUDOIR SHOES !!!  LMAO

Woman with man in AChat / Re: New MF Pose Idea
« on: April 07, 2012, 08:00:00 PM »
Pafe,  I nearly  spurted my tea .... you are killing me girl .... and i love it ...

I agree,  boudoir shoes are an absolute must with the lapdance,and this pose,  and should be added as move 15 on the F actions - looking down by both participants in pure joy & rapture at the shoes on show as the lady slowly , seductively twists her foot to show them off to best effect . :D

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Happy Easter!
« on: April 07, 2012, 09:00:13 AM »
Happy Easter, Happy Passover,  Happy ........   whatever you are celebrating / practicing during this time.

Enjoy your festivities with your family & friends, whether it be chocolate eggs or Bangers and Mash ( I know some folks are only allowed unleavened food at this time but can eat meat and potatoes - the above dish is a firm favourite in the UK world )

Love, Luck and happiness to all. xxx

Share your creative ideas / Re: Now I Want Shoes
« on: April 07, 2012, 08:49:16 AM »
Oh yesssss -  that is the look exactly for that door frame -   to drive your man ( or partner ) wild wild and even more wild ...  oh please Achat Gods here our prayers...

Share your creative ideas / Re: Now I Want Shoes
« on: April 06, 2012, 09:04:19 PM »
OHHHHHHHHHHH  Hentai .. That is just fabulous Darling ...  just love it xxx

Everything about sex and love / Re: Cancellation etiquette?
« on: April 06, 2012, 08:57:57 PM »
Yeah, at some point I guess we all get cancelled or need  to clear house. Sometimes I get an explanation, sometimes I dont. Guess I am as guilty as most, sometimes I give an explanation, sometimes I dont - depending how long its been since we chatted, how deep our friendship is, and how many I clear out. I'm not offended by it  as I presume they have moved on and I guess I presume they know this too if I cancel-  guess it depends on your definition of friend.
If the relationship is resumed then - the friendship option is always there again. 
I have  quite a few friends in the main frame anyway - that are not in any of my lists.
It is very nice of you to respond though, but I think you may be in the minority.  Dont take it personal - its just folks keeping their lists current.
There's loads more friends to make too :)

Share your creative ideas / Re: Now I Want Shoes
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:44:57 PM »
I too would like to thank the Achat Gods for the delightful Easter bunny wear ....   THANK YOU xxxxx   :-*

OMG  yes ... I'm in for the boudoir shoes and ...  I'd like a sexy silky dressing gown for that special  ... " lean on the doorframe of the bedroom with a wicked smile and purposeful flash"  to my man waiting in anticipation on the bed .....  mmm mmmm mmmm


Hey Rukya -  inhospitaler  never heard of it in my English speaking world but hey it sounds fantastic and should be a word -  in fact i have a great definition for it too    :D

Inhospitaler - to have a fondness for hunting and eating bees...  hehe



Share your creative ideas / Re: Body Art an Jewlery
« on: April 05, 2012, 03:08:21 PM »
HB -  TY , that is fabulous but maybe a little big for what I had in mind. TY for taking the time to look. The spider is great too :)

TS -  aww  you found it . TY . Happy memories :) 

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:46:50 PM »
mmmmm  ok ... so slightly different track   ....   Joint effort .....I was brainstorming with Lover  ...

Could it be the sun is briefly shutting her eyes  and  stops shining awhile, like in an eclipse   so we checked on eclipses for 2012

The first Solar eclipse is on 20 May 2012 , ( unfortunately no eclipses are seen by the UK in 2012   -  but thats just being picky  lol ) the sunset time for the 20 May 2012  is  8.53pm

LMAO  -  now Lover is being driven nuts too   :)

Tight, are we even close???  :D

lol.  mmmm you got me there Rukya

Been playing around with it and came up with   Rino  ?    ( as in Rhino   lol  )

PS Lover ...  we call these ....  anagrams :)    Hats off to both of you, for playing in a language thats not your first  ... massive respect :)

Share your creative ideas / Re: For the Easter Season
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:38:51 PM »
He he he  , running through the woods dodging those terrible hunters -  Rukya Fudd and Hentaiboy Fudd  lol   my what bwig weapons you have ....

Gayabik - If I see them in the woods - you got some competition boy  lol 

Nothing like a great chest to snuggle into mmmmmmmmmmm

Anyway, back to the mission in hand ... I have yummy Easter Eggs to find  -  OWOOOOOOOOO calling all those big bad wolves mmmmm wiggling my bobtail as I disappear into the trees....

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: April 03, 2012, 01:56:23 PM »
ok...  mmm  ..  first thoughts ...

Sleeping sun , tired sun, time to got to bed sun , setting sun ,  Tight posted on 2 April 2012  and I have 24 hrs.

Uk (  St Mary's Lighthouse ) -  sunset times for 3 April =   7.38pm.   

Am I even on the right track  lol... 

 or ... Horse

a)  BLEAT   =   

b)  EROS   =

c)  SPAM =

Best I could come up with at short notice  lol 

Share your creative ideas / Re: Body Art an Jewlery
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:35:59 PM »
Great ideas....   piercings, tattoos, different parts of the body ... love it.    And i still want my bumblebee and lily  lol ...  Rukya   ... keep that spider away  lol 


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