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Messages - Brandybee

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In an ideal Achat world, it would be lovely to gift anyone you wanted but the growing prostitution on here would only get worse , I feel , and men would become involved in the pimping of their girls & vice versa .. and I personally think that would be the start of the ruin of Achat as the game I love to take part in.

I also think there are more men here than girls so stopping the gifting to them would prevent girls from becoming premium, and may then,discourage
them from playing. They are the minority and need incentive to join whether we like it or not.

Sorry guys, I think the cost of allowing you to receive AS is just too high a price to pay. However, I would like to buy gifts from the shop for my special man.

I am therefore with Bear on this,   leave the gifting system as it is  , or abolish the whole AS gifting lark and provide gifts you can buy instead for those special friends and lovers. The second option, means members / achat  take the chance and may loose some female members though.

Its a toughy .... Keep smiling guys -  Virtual gifts and appreciation can be fun fun fun too :)

Everything about sex and love / Re: More Social Positions in Rooms
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:44:12 AM »
Hi ya Kadanu, Welcome to the mad house.

Bit breathless,  been chanting and leg kicking lately  hehe.

Hentaiboy is right, we are on a mission for more hugs, cuddles and kisses.

Check out Trading faces for more embraces...  come and join us, the more the merrier.... Hope you can high kick and chant .. oh and bring your pom poms and bunnie costume  if you have them  hehe

Come on ... what you waiting for .... tugging your arm ... come meet the gang :) xxx

Share your creative ideas / Re: For the Easter Season
« on: April 02, 2012, 12:47:31 PM »

Everything about sex and love / Re: Just a goodbye
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:14:24 AM »
Good points Gingerly,    Is it possible Achat Gods? ... can you help with more acceptable payment methods?  Seem we are losing good loyal members here.

I also have an ex prem friend who is having similar problems. Its very frustrating for the persons concerned.

Hope you are back soon Ramrod, Love and luck to you and others who are experiencing the same type issues.

« on: April 02, 2012, 07:46:20 AM »
Hear Hear Adera,  the Achat Gods have and are doing a wonderful job,  I certainly recognise that and all their hard work.And I  love that they are listening to members. And also the fact not all  the poses perhaps are appropriate for such kisses and tenderness.

This is just a bit of fun by members who care about this site as I know most Forum members do.  Hopefully, it brings a smile to their faces as well as other members and good after dinner speeches in business meetings .... "Well our members are chanting and waving banners for more kisses and hugs before, after and during their hot sex sessions "  I certainly would brag with pride over that :)

Shows we care ... Hugs and kisses to the Achat Gods too ....

Now back to my chanting and legs kicks ....   

PS ... Stevemag TY for your campaigning and I look forward to being first in line ..  hehe.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Poses, premium and free users
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:16:38 AM »
From talking to guys who's subs have expired I think all that they enjoyed as a prem is locked away in the cupboard until their account is activated again.
Poses, clothes, backgrounds etc...

When they enter character editor, i think the paid background defaults to a free background.

Their body, hair and clothes that are paid for on their avatar stay, unless, they try and change them... the prem items are then locked away in the cupboard too till the account is activated and only free user items allowed.

In short, they can only use poses, that their chosen room partner has too.

I think that's right. If I've got the wrong impression, I'm sure other members will correct me.

Have fun.  :)

Woman with man in AChat / Re: POSE - AGAINST THE WALL
« on: March 31, 2012, 09:33:05 PM »
oops my typing went to cock lol   but think you can work out the actions for each lol

Woman with man in AChat / POSE - AGAINST THE WALL
« on: March 31, 2012, 09:30:18 PM »
This new pose costs  $AS 249.

Woman :-                                                                                                            Man :-

1   Lick lips                                                                                                           1   Suck finger
2   Leg up                                                                                                            2   Rub clit
3   Spread arms                                                                                                   3   Cock outside
4   Rub clit                                                                                                           4    Grab head
5   Dance                                                                                                             5   Ass lick
6   Legs back                                                                                                       6   Grab shoulders
7   Grab head                                                                                                      7   Grab neck
8   Hand Job                                                                                                        8   Hand on hand
9   Ass back                                                                                                         9   Grab forarm
10  Hip circle                                                                                                       10  Finger pussy
11  Grab ass                                                                                                       11  Lick back
12  Grab tit                                                                                                         12  Pull out
                                                                                                                           13  Anal
2 pleasure faces                                                                                                 14  Massage Tits
                                                                                                                           2 pleasure faces

Is it worth buying ?  Your views count  :)

Personally, I think its a pretty hot pose,  urgent, exciting .. opens up a few role play ideas --  urgent sex in the office, the home, the train home, I'm sure you can think of a few more ..  hehe

Share your creative ideas / Re: The big O!
« on: March 31, 2012, 11:25:08 AM »
Hear, hear ...  I want to crash and thrash over that wonderful precipice in the pose and hot talk my lover and I are in at that moment - and I certainly have my favourites .. mmm  happy memories .. big sigh ...

Anyway , back to the topic ... yeah .. can the default programmes stop ??  Pleasssssssssssssse  Can kinda ruin the moment trying to click back to origin  lol.

I'm sure its the same for the guys too...

Hey Max,  Dont be disheartened fella,  theres a few of us who like chatting just as much as rooming on occasions - check out a few of the threads on here - theres some good ideas on dealing with the rude people.  And posting on here will introduce you to people that in the game, your path may never have crossed.  So, ...  come on ...   dont give up yet huh?  ...  :)  pulling on your sleeve, puppy dog eyes, pouting lip up and down... 

Think mine are about a variation of the same, just less buttons to press :)

1)  Accept all messages and cold invites --- Game on  hehe !!!
2)  Accept messages / invites from  listed Friends / Lovers / Spouse only

3)  Ignore everyone, invites and chat alike - change colour code from yellow - message  " AFK - Away From Keyboard "
4)  Ignore all invites - chat mode only from anyone.

5) Allow personalised text for blocked messages eg   "I'm with my spouse"   " I only room with my Spouse "  "  I'm having a bad day  GRRR .."   

Think that about covers it.  :)

 Have fun Folks ;)    xxx

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Good Bye My Love
« on: March 31, 2012, 09:26:57 AM »
Pafe, what a beautiful  eulogy - and I would never endeavour to better it - it says it all.

Rest in Peace, Davy Jones - you will be missed. You will live on in your music and in the hearts of your fans ... Look down on us, wave and smile once in a while - I for one will wave back and blow you a kiss, as you ride passed on that bright twinkling star  xxx

jeanona31 -  Please dont be disheartened by this post - its  one of the best, because there are strong feelings on both sides and isnt that what part of Forum is all about -  to hear all views - and for members to find the best way forward to improve the game for all of us.

Its best to face a problem head on , and you found on.  To be honest, I didn't  even realise  existed as I choose not to use this button ... but its good, because of this post I now know people do .... and their reasons for it .

And it is good too, because it will probably generate further posts for discussion.  Personally, I think you should be commended on bringing it to Forum's attention.

So, please, take part in all discussions - everyone has a right to speak their mind - opposing views makes the topic interesting - keeps people informed and may bring up things they had never thought about before, even changing their minds on certain aspects.

So Come on girl - Keep Smiling - This was a hell of a successful post - and I for one, look forward to reading and partaking in more.  :)

Everything about sex and love / Re: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:09:00 PM »
Adera,  massive hug girl .... what a complete ass ....  in the UK .. we got some great words that really vent out when the need arises ... best go in a walk in cupboard or something

Shout at the top of your voice  and as many times as you see fit...


Then compose yourself, come out as though nothings happened and carry on  ....   I call it my Tourettes moment ( No offence to any Tourettes sufferers what so ever  ) 

Feel free to add your own ...  and you shoulda named him and shamed him.  PM me -  I'll blast him with BB Bible scriptures - lol

« on: March 30, 2012, 08:48:30 PM »
Sabrina, welcome aboard.  I wondered if you would show especially knowing of your support for Bedtime. TY for that btw.

Romance, Bromance and Doemance for all  :)  Makes the achat world a happy happy place. 

Keep spreading the word ....   hehe

Still  respectfully chanting  Achat Gods  -  Hear our prayers - Mwah xxx


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