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Messages - Brandybee

Pages: 1 ... 461 462 [463] 464 465 ... 467
« on: March 29, 2012, 05:16:20 PM »
Hehe Hey Adera , another newby candidate for your tight cheerleaders out fit  mmm mmmm :)

Welcome Stevemag to our campaign ... its nice to see another romantic and fellow Brit.  .... maybe the union jack shorts  and red pom poms.. wiggling my eyesbrows.. hehe

Have fun fella, look forward to reading your posts xxx

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: March 29, 2012, 04:57:22 PM »
Blue,   Hey I'm not sure if ts right, its been driving me crazy since Tight posted. And i let you into a secret - I never heard of it before. Pictures look great though.

Hope you continue to join us on figuring the puzzles out , I like throwing ideas out to crack the riddles - I'm too thick to crack them on my own Hehe ...

Pafe , Lover, same to you ... dont leave me floundering  :)   Please .... 

Welcome Kadanu ,  I hear ya ...

Pity when the guys search for a girl, then a pop up with your post comes up first :)

Bet the guys & co.. would like the same thing too for their preferences  hehe

Would certainly cut down on the colds and make for more interesting conversations...  mmmm ... now theres a thought :)

Enjoy your time here. xx

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: March 29, 2012, 01:28:38 PM »
ok, I googled some variations of the words and got a hit with " Mary" and " bait"   and guess what ... a lighthouse came up ...  yippy yi yay ..

St Mary's Lighthouse, Bait Island, Cullercoats, North end of Whitley Bay. UK.

Its even got a causeway :)   

Tight ,     paranoia .. .... do I make you nervous sweetie ??  Hehe

« on: March 29, 2012, 01:03:00 PM »
Welcome jay9 to the mad house ...  Good to see  new members and your first post is backing the Trading Faces for Embraces Campaign. 

Ok, you do realise that you have to learn Adera's chant and clap on page 1 right ? hehe ....  and wiggle that fine ass ...  lol  We will be checking ...

Enjoy and thank you for  supporting this worthy cause.

mmmmm ....  Are there handbags and hissy fits going on here ....  Come on Folks ...

I read Gingerly's post as everyone is entitled to an opinion and freedom of choice ... thingy  :) and So keep the option of ignoring free members so members can use it if they want to.

Welcome Gingerly

I am one who thinks it should be abolished though. Cold invites are a nuisance ... but I can up with them,  1) to have a bit of fun as outlined in my previous post hehe 2) I have made great friends with free members and members whos subs have expired 3) I dont think Achat can distinguish between cold invites and invites from people you are chatting with, so to have one, you have to have the others 4) Most prems start out as freeusers ( I know there is always exceptions ) and Achat needs to grow. I have no problem with helping with that & it would be nice to think other members feel the same.

Sure I can choose, the option of never using it , if it stays ...  but you can also choose the option of letting the timer run out or declining those red boxes if it doesnt.  So my friend , lets just vote and see which majority rules :)  Isnt that what democracy is all about :)

oh btw, I have this terrific handbag ... black leather with gold studs and a great logo on the side - says in massive gold lettering " Its nice to be nice"  Perhaps I should post it as an accessory  hehe.

Love and luck to all, however you may vote :)

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:26:56 PM »
HEHE  Is that a tantalising clue on your pic  Tight  ?  .... the lighthouse :)   ..... You tease you .. 

Share your creative ideas / Re: [VOTE] For your Favorite MF Pose Idea
« on: March 27, 2012, 06:06:24 PM »
HEHEHE   Thank you NewGurl and Rukya for your support.

Bob- Big sigh ..." are you still annoyed I bet you by one day" ...... Wanna take this to the bedroom ????

Well I think we are  all doing well on this thread , we've got "Pamper girl" and hands variation aka "Against the wall"   How fabulous is that...

Thank you ye Gods of Achat .... Please hear my prayer  " BEDTIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE "   LMAO

Hello Brand-new-here,  I am Brand-y-bee

Let you into a secret, come here , pulling on you arm furtively and whispering in your ear " That Robotgirl is a whoring witch - a thorn in all the girls backsides - seems to have the knack of pulling all the guys - dont get under her spell -  a witch i tell you  - take heed "

Did we have a conversation about time once lol ?????

Welcome to Achat and Forum. Look forward to more of your posts . Enjoy and have fun.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Did not add as a friend
« on: March 27, 2012, 02:21:24 PM »
oops, sorry, forgot to say Greetings to you Southernbell and welcome  :D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Did not add as a friend
« on: March 27, 2012, 02:12:54 PM »
mmm I havent had a stranger appear before .. but i have had old friends who have been dormant for awhile disappear  and then suddenly appear again with out warning . I presume because they have returned to achat but due to time difference, I havent seen them yet... That or the ghosts of achat are messing with me lol. oo oo oooooo  lol.

Share your creative ideas / Re: new rooms
« on: March 26, 2012, 07:07:21 PM »
Hentai,  yes please, looks like  rape to me too.   Best to keep that kind of thing to rp in the room if it floats your boat I think.

Thank you.

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:18:23 PM »
mmmmm  ok..   This is the Where ...

so .. we got      lighthouse on an atol 
                          The Virgin Mary
                          Worms, fisherman's bait 

Does this ring a bell to anyone location wise? 

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Re: Survey Results
« on: March 26, 2012, 07:09:51 AM »
Ingenious - compliments to the Officers concerned.

I think I was contacted by this guy - I certainly remember the WALL- E reference.  I seem to recall a conversation about Forum .....

Anyway, I think 46% is a pretty good result. It shows there are quite a few Premiums willing to at least be open to a chat with free members. Of course its always nice to strive for more :)

Erotic Stories / Re: A Mystery...
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:49:49 PM »
mmmm - I'm presuming this bit is the where? Or is it the when or who?

Mothered without conception, a miracle indeed
A heavenly burden, blessed in her core

Ok, Is this the Virgin Mary, carrying  baby Jesus ?

Wiggled from below the earth
Dangling on a hook, twisting in his wait
Long and slender, without sight, quickly turned into ....         ( bait? )

Sounds like a fisherman's worm?

mmmm Mary and a worm ...  .   Tight you are still driving me nuts lol

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