Share your creative ideas / Re: Has anyone visited the main page recently?
« on: April 26, 2010, 02:46:41 PM »
* Kaileen is wishing for a better chat interface with the new GUI *
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Share your creative ideas / Re: Has anyone visited the main page recently?« on: April 26, 2010, 02:46:41 PM »
* Kaileen is wishing for a better chat interface with the new GUI *
Share your creative ideas / Re: Has anyone visited the main page recently?« on: April 25, 2010, 09:08:09 PM »Query...GUI? GUI = Graphical User Interface (what you see on your screen, including the chat area, the controls, menues, etc.) 3
Share your creative ideas / Security overhaul needed« on: April 15, 2010, 06:13:40 AM »
I have noticed that passwords are not encrypted, and passwords are passed along to third party companies. My password is visible in plain text as I log on, I would be expected something along the lines of *****. Now, if someone happened to look over my shoulders they would see my password and could then take over my account if they wished. I am guessing the passwords are also stored in plain text in the AChat database, which is quite terrible.
Furthermore, when I paid for premium membership I noticed that my password was visible in the CCBill acoknowledgement form, meaning AChat actually passes my password along to CCBill. This is quite serious, this means AChat has no proper security arrangements in place and their concern for our privacy seems to be lacking (or overlooked). Now I have a password here that I don't use anywhere else, but what if it was a password I used for my mail account or something even more sensitive? I think this is an important issue. It might not affect the sex poses or your overall experience while playing. But as the community grows and more people start getting their accounts hacked I think this will become an extreme problem. It's way better to do something about it now than to wait for the complaints to be raining in. I for one don't like to see my password in plain text as I log in, or to see my password on my CCBill payment acknowledgement. 4
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Account hacked« on: April 15, 2010, 06:06:39 AM »
The security is one thing that has been bothered me. The password is visible in plain text as you log in, not the typical *******. When you go to CCBill to order things the password is there too, meaning AChat actually share your password in plain text with third party companies. I find that quite disturbing. Luckily I cose a password I don't use anywhere else, but if it was one of my standard passwords I'd be quite upset about it.
I think AChat needs to look over the security and privacy arrangements of their software. Things need to be encrypted, having things stored in plain text is not an acceptable option. As the community grows I think this will become even more important. 5
Woman with man in AChat / Re: Update today« on: April 13, 2010, 03:04:36 PM »Gee! An update!... yeah okay maybe a little sarcasm there since it's another position that doesn't have the FF translation. It's because us girls have better imagination than men, so we don't need as many animations *Giggles* 6
Share your creative ideas / Re: About A$« on: April 12, 2010, 11:39:36 AM »what i don't understand is that when i signed up and payed it said i would A$ every month, with my subscription, my husband purchased a year membership, and it said he would get 1000 A$ each month, neither of us got anything, anyone know why they say you will get some monthly and then get nothing? The 1 year subscription only entitles you to a one time sum of 3000 A$. For a monthly 1000 A$ you need to be subscribed on a monthly basis for 4.95 USD (if I remember correctly). 7
Share your creative ideas / Re: Character Search« on: April 08, 2010, 04:28:56 PM »Hm, some of the discussions here are going into a dangerous direction I think. Yes, you are right, usially its free user who do the cold invites again and again. But I think we should not separate premium and free ones. I started as a premium at once. But many people first wanna try and decide after. And remember, a free user just needs a little gift and he becomes a premium. I dont think he/she is another (better) user then. Despite being a free user myself I think it's alright if there are more services directed to the premium users. If the premium users wish to be separated from the free users I think it's alright, though I think it's their loss in many cases. However, as I've stated in several other threads (sorry for being repetative), I think chat rooms or any other form of group chat is essential and should be offered to all members or I think AChat might lose a lot of potential premium members (me included) 8
Share your creative ideas / Re: Urgent: better chat needed« on: April 08, 2010, 03:02:44 AM »The counterpoint dear would be that right now the chat window is small enough to not interfere with the animations. If it's resizable you can use the larger chat window when you're not in a room, and make it smaller in a room when you only have one or two people to chat with anyways. 9
Got any problems running AChat? / Conversation data transmission errors« on: April 06, 2010, 04:29:49 PM »
I seem to have a peculiar problem with AChat conversations. I get messages like "hi" and I kindly reply with "Hello there", then something strange happens to the chat. There must be a problem with the data transmission because I'm fairly certain my "Hello there" must be received as "I'm a horny girl who want you to be rude to me and suggest we have sex without getting to know me at alll, and you should preferably use bad language while doing it". Surely it can't be that 90% of the people who've contacted me in AChat are singleminded perverted jerks, can it? Nah, it must be a software problem, because what sane person would approach a woman with "Hi, I want sex you", "Hi, u fuck room, go go", or "Hi, h r u? U fuck me now?"
What does a girl have to do to find a decent conversation around here? Preferably one that doesn't end with an invitation to sex within the first 4 sentences. Believe it or not, but I kinda like to know the person I'm about to have a real life orgasm with a little before we get to it. It doesn't have to be a lot, just a bit of a connection that's all. You premium users, answer me this... Does it get any better if you upgrade to premium? I'm a free user at the moment and unless the grass is significantly greener on the other side I seriously doubt I will upgrade in the near future. Maybe I should just put everyone that suggests sex within the first 3 minutes on ignore, then in time I'll have everyone except the people worth talking to on ignore... 10
Share your creative ideas / Re: Character Search« on: April 06, 2010, 03:49:28 PM »Thats not my point. I understand the list and how its in order. But there should be a way that the free users cant see the premiums so we can have our peace and quiet without getting cold invites and numerous chats on screen. Most premium users chat/play with other premiums. There should a be a way to make ourselves not seen. Nothing more aannoying than chatting with a few friends and having invites and rude ppl hounding you. Seems in my experience so far that most premium users have respect to others and do not cause problems. Ah, sorry. I see your point now (though I can't really relate since most premium and non-premium members treat me alike - as a person they'd rather just fuck than chatting with). 11
Share your creative ideas / Re: No update this week??« on: April 06, 2010, 08:19:12 AM »
I think we should all respect the easter holidays and simply not expect any updates until the holidays are over.
Woman with man in AChat / Re: Blowjob 1« on: April 05, 2010, 10:28:44 AM »do girls like the cum in their mouth? No, but I liked how happy it made my ex-boyfriend when I allowed him to do that. 13
Share your creative ideas / Re: Character Search« on: April 05, 2010, 10:21:12 AM »
Premium users show up first in the list when you search. Premium users are those with a little star next to their name. If you don't want to contact a person who is not a premium user, then don't scroll down below the names with stars next to their names...
Share your creative ideas / Re: Urgent: better chat needed« on: April 03, 2010, 03:32:04 PM »I agree the chat isnt the best. But usually I dont want to search for compilcated solutions. If you are in a room, the sender gest a message. Why not have a button "Busy". You can chat with a person and any other who starts a conversation AND a cold invite just reads "The user is busy". Well, I actually like chatting with several people at once. I type rather quickly so I can usually keep up with 6 conversations at once. What I hate is to move my hands from my keyboard just to switch who I'm talking to. Oh, and I hate tiny chat windows where I risk missing what people are writing me just because so many different people are writing. I also dislike answering the same questions over and over again which is why I'd love a group chat, not just private chats. A busy button doesn't solve the problems I am having with the chat, that's just like ignoring the problem hoping it'll go away... 15
Share your creative ideas / Re: Suggestions for a better AChat experience« on: April 02, 2010, 03:10:01 PM »If they were on my ignore list I wouldn't want them to be able to watch either, but that's me. While we're making requests on the subject of making it possible for others to watch I think the audience should show up somewhere. As a bit of an exhibitionist I'd love to see a bunch of people in the corner of the screen, knowing that they are watching me having sex. Heck, maybe I could select one from the audience to join, converting a regular two-some to a three-some? |