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Messages - Filtereyez

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Multiple accounts allowed?
« on: October 23, 2010, 03:31:30 PM »
I tried a search on this and could not find anything........Is multiple accounts from the same computer allowed? I ask this as I had two accounts in the past, one for me and one for the wife. We left out of country for an extended time due to business and have not used our accounts for quite some time and now that we are back we tried to log in to our accounts and they appear to not be there anymore. I just made a new account but am hesitant to make the wife's account before we find out. Could they have been deleted due to the inactivity?

Thank you in advance for your responses


OK got it fixed......... Just on a whim I tried compatability mode switch. I right clicked the icon and went to properties then compatability and changed it to run in Windows 2000 compat mode and hurray it worked :) Now to play ........


Ok I have updated everything and I still get the error after it loads to 100% so I am at a lost here.........unless someone can give me some new ideas here guess I'll just uninstall and forget about it.

Am I the only one here with this problem?

Thanks for all the help thus far,


Yes all other 3d programs run fine, and I run some pretty intensive graphic programs and games, Directx is up to date but I'm not too sure about my graphics card driver though it has been a while since I updated that so I will go and do that now and see what happens. Thanks for the tips it is very much appreciated :)

So I downloaded the setup and installed and when I launch the program the loading screen comes up and loads all the way up to 100% and then crashes with the dreaded windows error report window. I tried un-installing and re-installing with a new fresh downloaded setup file and still the same problem. I believe my machine far exceeds the requirement to run the software but i will post it's credentials below just in case I', wrong:


Microsoft Windows XP

Media Center Edition

Version 2002

Service Pack 3

Compaq Presario

AMD Athlon 64  Processor 3500+

2.20 GHz , 2.00 GB of Ram

NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS

So if anyone has any suggestions I sure would like to here them or try them cause as it stands I can't get the software to get past the loading screen without crashing..........could it possibly be a problem with the softwares compatibility with AMD processors? I know some programs did have a problem with amd's early on but one would thank that should not be a problem these days. Anyway I sure would like to give this software a spin so anyone help please?

in advance, thanks


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