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Messages - Bambi_Fawn

Pages: [1] 2
Share your creative ideas / Re: Tina16? Claims to be an admin?
« on: March 04, 2012, 04:00:21 PM »
Thanks for the warning and the evidence....she told me it was a lie...I see she's the liar

FAQ / Re: FAQ - the most common questions and answers
« on: August 16, 2011, 10:53:19 PM »
For the people having issues with items bought from the shop: The shop is a 2 step-check out...you must CONFIRM the check out. Then you must LOG OFF and back in...and as suzy_a mentioned, you must make sure you buy gender correct items....hair styles for woman purchased by men are unusable and cannot be gifted (that i know of, let me know if i'm wrong suzy)

Share your creative ideas / Re: Selective ignore features?
« on: June 27, 2011, 10:49:28 PM »
I can see Apollo's point in selective room bans....like a person that i can talk with just fine but is lousy in the room, i just ban him from rooms instead of ignore him completely....or other numerous reasons to block rooming by user instead of overall

Share your creative ideas / Re: we need more mm and mmm
« on: June 27, 2011, 10:47:53 PM »
About time some guys came forward for the male same sex side of the argument

Share your creative ideas / Re: A MF pose suggestion
« on: June 27, 2011, 10:47:28 PM »
MMMMM, apollo, feel free to do that to me anytime

So I was playing with a regular female lover and noticed that playing with the boobs (having them sucked, etc like the MF) is not a FF pose...also the new MF pose for gentle foreplay where he fingers the girl, etc is also not a FF pose....will they be coming soon? Also, I'd like to see the pussy grinding pose as a missionary style

Share your creative ideas / Re: Dammit!!!!!
« on: May 14, 2011, 10:42:37 PM »
Ah, the bane of the Internet....lost connections.....although it's a bit worse in my case: wireless.....how do you "plug in" when you're using wifi and it dies? Oh, and I hate when AChat says the Internet is lost, but you can still surf other sites (and yes, that does happen to me daily!)

Share your creative ideas / Re: POSES FFF
« on: May 06, 2011, 04:36:31 AM »
Seems all 3 some poses with the exception of DP for MMF is lacking in actually 3 way action.....When I think of a threesome, I DO NOT THINK OF WATCHING....yet that's the bullshit they give us.....anyway, on that note, PLEASE MORE FF/FFF poses! (Actually, anything NOT MF would be nice at this point)

I made a pool about this a LONG time ago: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,676.0.html

I voted/posted on that thread to bring it to the front page

In light of this thread, plus numerous others where we have gathered ideas for what we the users want, I've contacted the Devs directly. I appreciate this has probably been done before, but I thought I'd give it a go...once I get a response (if any) I'll post my message and their reply for you all  :)

Do keep us informed Trumph

OK, I'm posting here since Sandra88 brought it up and I voted....Yes, I think there should be a bot....it also helps separate the lists (everyone before the bot is prem, everyone after isn't; usually).

And they wonder why some of us girls pay for memberships using gifts instead of real credit cards

I don't see a lot of difference with rl sex-dating sites. As soon as you open them up, cocks, pussies and boobs stare you in the face. So it's ok to look at a pixeled cock/pussy/boobs, but a real pic isn't? Even thought the pic might not belong to the member showing it?
I really don't see the difference. But each their own taste..

You don't see the difference? Let me ask you this: if you were going on a date with a girl and you went to pick her up, would you show up butt naked?

Share your creative ideas / What's with all the penis display pics?
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:58:42 PM »
Can someone tell me what the rationale is for posting a picture of your dick for your display? Yes, I'm a girl, and guess what? IT TURNS ME OFF....if i don't want to see it from your "toon", what makes you think I want to see the real thing when we start chatting?

Share your creative ideas / Re: How about a "Tabbed" chat system?
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:56:51 PM »
That sounds really cool, actually

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