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Messages - devaeryk

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: chat advice?
« on: June 11, 2010, 04:09:37 PM »
i am very skilled and adept in RL situatiuons, its just that i can't get past the akwardness of the whole virtual sex thing, its almost as if the computer puts a damper on my (for lack of a better term) game. but thank you for the advice it is much appreciated.


Share your creative ideas / chat advice?
« on: June 11, 2010, 03:30:00 PM »
hey fellow Achat users, i just joined, i plan on making my profile premium when i get a paycheck that DOESN'T disappear in a day or two to bills, but anywho, i would like to ask a few questions to the users to get a general perspective,

when in Achat (no room) how do people prefer to be spoken to I.E. casual, 24 questions, general?

and also when in a room, how does the general Achat population prefer to be spoken to I.E. (again) general, RP, as if in real life and about to have sex, foreplay, continue the discussion held prior to entering the room, explicit, passionate,

also saying things to simulate pleasure I.E. (once again) "oh my god you're so big"  or  "that feels so good"

of course i know that everyone has their own personal preferance, but if you could state your preferances and maybe some feedback that would be greatly appreciated...

thanks in advance...


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