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Messages - MaggieMagic

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Tired of AChat Dev Team not listening
« on: August 03, 2010, 03:40:49 PM »
In 3 ways EVERYONE takes part...not one standing and two doing...all three are involved... ;D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Tired of AChat Dev Team not listening
« on: August 02, 2010, 02:19:37 PM »
  >:( it's getting pretty lame here...Silly me joined up for a year after finishing a 3 month gifted membership to find that the cost had doubled for the one year and there were no more positions for female in any situation...I signed up to be with friends I had met, only to have them tell me that they had now  moved over to other game...six of them  all gals all tired of asking for female stuff with no response...having been a member of other game/other game for two years it wasn't a hard choice to go back there and join the friends I had made here.

In the time I was here I have seen so many requests go unanswered not just from ladies but from the membership in general. Well guys get the vaseline out cos the way this seems to be going and with so many dissatisfied females around   it might be that you may all have to turn gay   lol. ;D

This is my first and only post on this forum  I still have 11 months of my new membership left and will prolly check in from time to time just to see if these guys are listening...It's too bad really, they have superb graphics. But customer care seems to be totally messed up.

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