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Messages - bazzamac

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: Guy's I think there's a glitch
« on: September 25, 2010, 06:27:04 AM »
I'm confused now  :-\

I thought you had to be a premium member to receive gifts??

Share your creative ideas / Re: Possible Chat rooms in Achat??
« on: September 25, 2010, 06:10:11 AM »
yeah Lover, i agree...
I'm sure the admins here arealways looking to improve the site and it needs time (can't be done overnight) and if lots of interest is shown i'm sure they will improve and try again.

In response to Janine.. maybe premium users could buy their room for a small fee. I'd prefer to buy a room compared to a strapon scene! lol
Maybe this way everyone will benefit and Achat can get some more cash this way.

I'm fairly new here and at first i was nieve (need spell check! lol)  and added lots of friends who asked me to add them. i then went through my list and removed people that i never kept in touch with. it was nothing personal to them but i was adding too soon when i didn't know much about them so i couldn't remember previous chats as i had too many people i only chatted one time before. (guess i'm a typical bloke! lol).
Now i just keep and add friends that i regularly chat with as it is meant to work so i was basically just tidying up my list.

I've been removed from peoples lists and had requests refused but don't take it personally. i'm sure there are many different reasons for this and life is too short to waste time chasing people and demanding reasons.


Share your creative ideas / Re: Possible Chat rooms in Achat??
« on: September 24, 2010, 12:24:36 PM »
I think Unhealer and Bear have a good point that it was hidden and not given time to work. I've had a few people on here suggest to me about chat rooms which inspired my post. They also have friends wanting chat rooms, who also have friends..etc

I am sure it will work and already there has been positive responses on here and nothing negative..

Maybe we should get a petician and start a virtual peaceful protest! lol
what do you think Janine?   :D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Possible Chat rooms in Achat??
« on: September 24, 2010, 12:07:35 PM »
Good response from everyone  :)
WoW! A hot tub in Achat! how unique!!  ::)

Was there really a room called "naughty bitches?"  :o  Not surprised it never worked if there was! lol

Another good reason for rooms is that  it's a better way to introduce yourself  to a group rather than 1 to 1 private message. In a room people can just watch the conversation and then join in when they like and you will know the person you are chatting to is available to chat. It's difficult to pm because the person doesn't know what you are like, especially as lots of women get harrassed and also you never know if that person is busy. I always try and add things when i 1st message, trying to relate to their status comments or any details i see. I even try role play introductions if i see they like RP but sometimes i think the receiver just thinks i'm a weirdo!! lol 
But the problem is if no one responds i am never sure if it's because they just ignoor or if they are away at that time. So in a chat room you know they are there.

I definately think user created rooms is the best way. Maybe for example if i created a room i could have chat invitation where i can invite people to my room just for chat? simular to normal invite system but it's just for chat. If someone wants to join my room they can have a request option to join my room where i can accept. And also an option for a user to kick anyone out their room. This way the user can control their room and keep everyone happy.

Hope i'm not getting too far ahead of myself! lol


Share your creative ideas / Re: Possible Chat rooms in Achat??
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:53:16 PM »
I think "Naughty Girls" would have worked better.

LOL..you get the idea Adera

Share your creative ideas / Re: Possible Chat rooms in Achat??
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:49:29 PM »
Thanks for your replies..
Tom...I'm fairly new so i don't think the chat rooms were here when i joined about 2 months ago. Maybe there were less members at that time? I agree with Janine's comment about user created rooms because people will find suitable rooms for their needs. As in real life users here form groups of friends so it would be nice to chat with groups of friends and i'm sure it will be popular. (plus i agree with janine's reasons). I am a memeber of a chat site which has user created rooms and it is very popular and always growing. Not sure if you have tried it this way before but if not maybe it is worth a trial. I know you work hard making this site fun and enjoyable and you do a great job.  Thanks.. Bazzamac.

Janine... It seems you already had the same idea before me and i fully support your idea for user created rooms for the exact reasons you mentioned. Thanks.. Bazzamac

Share your creative ideas / Possible Chat rooms in Achat??
« on: September 23, 2010, 12:01:48 PM »
Hi fellow Achatters. I've not had time to thoroughly read all the topics so my apologies if there is a simular post.
I have been a member now for about 2 months and i find Achat great fun. Recently a "General chat" feature was added but then removed, though i believe it is being restored at a later date.
After participating in the general chat i found it was good fun and great way to interact, though there are some people on general chat who use it completely different to me. (ie advertising for sex etc.)
I completely understand that everyone is different and use this site in many different ways and it is everyones right to do so (though no one has the right to abuse!)
I also believe many users get fed up with chatters who are abusive (sexual or otherwise) so i thought of a suggestion that maybe the administers could give us the option of using different rooms for different discussions which are suitable for the user. Maybe the user can even create his/her own room which is common to a lot of chat sites.
So then for example we could have english,spannish,french room etc. which will solve the language problems. or a clean chat room, joke room...and so on etc.. there can even be a room where people who are incapable of using vocabulary can just ask people to f**k so then they can find their perfect partner without offending anyone! (sorry, had to put that in! lol)
Well i hope maybe it could be possible to do this and please leave comments (in favour or against) and any other suggestions regarding chat rooms that you have. Thanks for your time and sorry to drag on..
Bazzamac x

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