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Messages - Kiara_Conach

Pages: [1]
friendly kiss on my cheek ?  she asks ...i promise i behave.  :-X

Share your creative ideas / Re: You Demanded it Guys-New Outfits
« on: October 25, 2010, 11:06:29 AM »
starts to sing "YMCA !!!"  seeing the new outfits for "men".  uhm a nice hot looking tux would do the trick or suit in a few color options.. but then again .. i cant sing either ! ::)

joins in too  asking " where is my kiss ? "  and lifts her chin up in expectations.   ;)

now dont get pissed .. pull a number .. found my warming up for sure :)    a nice cooling down animation is no where to find though  ;D

thanks all for answering me . hahaha almost feel at home now

Im fairly sure many had the same but really it helped already to write it down hahahahaha.. at least they can't say i never said anything about it + the fact this MAYBE gives others a clue about realising this should be fun for all.
Not really helping to call me a c%& and $#%$&#$#& because i don't answer fast enough.
Glad you had a good time reading it  ;D
oh shopping... now there are some nice things outthere on the website so i might going to spend some time trying them all out.

Share your creative ideas / Give a new girl time to get her "hairs" done.
« on: October 24, 2010, 07:50:04 AM »
Oke serious now, a friend told me about Achat so i went to look into it and downloaded the whole bunch when i saw its looked really nice. now  here it comes, i know you have to be logged in to get new clothes things and all that but the minute i did i got swarmed with invites, chats etcetc.. here i was trying to explain some this and getting myself to look "decent" and figuring this program out.
guys really.. if i write i like older guys. look at my age and safe yourself the trouble when youre like 20 years of age to message me. and really there is no need to get all pissed at me when i try to get on the website, get myself premium and dress up incl all the poses you supposely to have or not.
i dont want to look like the basic avatar and i might be a sub but that doesnt mean that im submissive to everything that has a cock... and hetero means NO invites from girls no matter how cute you look.
Alright now i did chat with a few nice ones too but you really expect me to talk to all at the same time ?  im not an octopus or an 8 arms creature and if so i still have only one keyboard  ::)
soooo.. dont get all upset with me if i dont answer right away it means either im already talking with someone, could mean first days i am shopping around *grins* or the simple fact i am not behind my keboard at that moment.
Would you really want to wait for an answer when chatting for minutes ? or like to have all the attention that very moment knowing i dont try to multitaskchat with like 5 others ?

Now i got this off my chest i hope to meet a few of you soon inthere , either in chat or room ... kisses Kiara  :-* 8)

* not here to piss off people but hoping to have a good time so both are happy*

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