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Messages - doc1

Pages: [1]
AS i browse users, sometimes i see the simeple message "I Love AChat". Now that i know, i realize thats what Achat shows when they moderate a users real message. The user posts a message like "Hi, I have pics for A$, contact me" and achat censors it to "I Love AChat" without letting the user know.

I always message them and explain, and they are able to fix it to work. What a pain iin the ass just because some developer thiinks this is a good feature. Cummon people, this is an ADULT site. If you want to moderate something, at least tell the user you did.


Share your creative ideas / Re: SCENES WE'D ALL LIKE TO SEE
« on: February 13, 2011, 04:26:46 PM »
I am pretty new, but for a real good roleplay, there should be more scenes of cuddling, kissing and foreplay. Sets the mood up. Not everyone wants to jump straight to hard core fucking in a rp. Seduction and romance are a big part of it too. That is really lacking in my opinion.

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