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Messages - bassman

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Not going to bother trying to manually update, support has STILL not gotten back to me.  I'm out, done with this joke of a business.  Would gladly have subscribed for years to come but it seems I'm not very wanted a a customer.  Good luck to all the others here, but I feel I should warn you, the hardest I've been bent over and screwed on this site is by the owners/dev team.  There is plenty of competition in the porn industry, maybe one of them will treat me better.

No offense intended, but if you read my previous post I have been very clear that I have added achat as an exception to both my antivirus and my firewall, and have tried completely turning off both antivirus and firewall. 

Does anybody else use MSE on their computer when running achat ?  Any issues ?  Solutions ?

My pc runs all my other programs just fine, this is the only one that does not work properly and even then, the client works fine it's the updater that is not working.

I tried downloading and installing the hi-res pack hoping maybe some sort of update would be included but no such luck.

There has to be a way to send me the updates and i can manually put the files where they need to go but SOMEBODY FROM SUPPORT needs to get ahold of me in order to do that and they have not made any effort to respond.

I am going to file ANOTHER support request.  If I continue to be blatantly ignored this team will not see another cent from me.  Say goodbye to a long term paying customer.  There is a great user community here I hope to see you all at a competitors' site, because that's where I will be, giving my money to someone who treats customers properly.

What is happening is as follows:
  When I click on the achat shortcut, the updater is the first thing to pop up, tries for maybe 4-5 secs then I get a popup message saying "your internet connection doesn't seem to work", I click "ok" and the updater then closes and the game client starts as normal.  I can log in, browse profiles (some cannot be viewed), invite, and chat.  When I enter a room there is no poses or controls and both users appear naked and melded together like the DaVinci man.

I have tried the following solutions:
  Uninstall followed by manually deleting the folder located at C/users/mypc/Appdata/Local/achat  (why does the uninstaller not delete this folder for me?)
   Have tried launching updater manually from its location in that folder
   Allow exceptions for achat and the updater in windows firewall and MSE (microsoft security essentials).  Have also tried turning off firewall and MSE altogether.
   Have tried running as administrator and have tied several different compatibility modes
   Have tried redownloading the installer several times to make sure it's a complete download (280MB)
   Have filled out a support request using the link at the top of this page ( NOBODY has gotten back to me, this is the part that makes me angry as a long time, heavily paying customer)
   Have tried running task manager and shutting down any unneccessary programs/services
   Have tried different internet connections (not a router issue)

Are there any known programs that conflict with achat that I can try uninstalling ?
Is there ANY way to manually update (copy/paste anything somewhere) ?
I can't see why, but would not having the hi-res add on have anything to do with it ?
Should I be using the uninstaller that comes with achat or the add/remove programs feature of windows ?

I greatly appreciate the effort of the forum mods that are trying to help ( you rock, Lover and Brandybee) but would someone from the support team PLEASE get back to me.  Customer service is the cornerstone of any successful business and it is unacceptable that I am not being helped in a timely manner, this company sure accepts my money in a timely manner.

I have tried a complete uninstall (ran uninstaller and then deleted what was left after)  On that note.... why does the uninstaller leave behind OVER 600 MB of data ?!?!  That seems completely unacceptable and I would say is an unfinished uninstaller.  Please fix this, it seems like the uninstaller only removes the shortcuts.  I have plenty of memory available, 4GB ram installed and I keep everything running lean.  Never had any problems before, even on comps with 1/4 of the specs.   Not about to uninstall half the stuff on my comp to play this game, seems totally unneccessary.  Seems like a problem with the Achat software.  Why can the game client access internet connection with no problems but the updater can't ?  Doesn't make much sense.

Trying to keep a cool head but, in 2 1/2 years as a subscriber I have invested well over $250 into this game.  I think it is reasonable to expect a certain level of service.  Right now my subscription is burning away and all I can do is chat with people, no gameplay :( 

Somebody, anybody, please help me.

Got any problems running AChat? / update problem
« on: July 25, 2013, 11:25:35 AM »
Having problems updating the client.  Immediatley get a message saying " Your internet connection doesn't seem to work."  I can launch the game and browse and chat with people. (internet is working fine)  But if I enter a room the two characters appear to be merged together and I have no poses or controls.  I have tried uninstall/reinstall with most recent installer, turn off firewall, turn of anti-virus, run as admin, run updater from its exe file, turn off all background programs. 

I have been an on and off subscriber for about three years now, and this is the first I have seen of this problem.  Very frustrating seeing as I just paid to renew my sub, and the program is only half usable now.  Tried submitting a support request but nobody has reached me back.  Is there a way to manually update ? (like I said, the client launches and works, but will not update.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Woman with man in AChat / Re: Masturbating
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:20:46 AM »
Just my opinion but i wish there were ways for the woman to use her fingers instead of a dildo for poses like this. 

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