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Messages - deathguppie

Pages: [1]
Share your creative ideas / Re: New: Interrogation room
« on: April 11, 2011, 11:17:28 PM »
I'm actually a pretty good 3d artist myself, so it bothers me more than a but not being able to create my own clothing and such.. that said.

I really believe that the proprietors of this site are cutting themselves out of some good amount of cash by not allowing custom clothing an animations.  T he system they have created will work very nicely for adding both (unlike red light district)  so there is no reason not to have it.  People will buy it if it exists and the game owners are always welcome to their cut. 

Just stating the obvious.  Give me a few pieces of info.  A mesh with a UV, an armature (skeleton) with some vertice weights and some rules for making animations.. then the game owners could decide what was allowed and what wasn't, and people could buy whatever they wanted.. ..

just my 2 cents..

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