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Messages - HandsomeDude

Pages: [1]
Erotic Stories / Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
« on: March 17, 2014, 07:09:43 PM »
I pull into the AB&G car lot on my Harley. I heard about the wrestling match and was keen to see the replays of two of the best looking women in Nymphomania.  I enter the bar and see a guy behind the bar. He smiles at me and says "What's you poison Stranger". He introduces himself as Joe and explains the first drink is on the house. I order a glass of wine and sip it, watching the replays of the fight on the screen.

"Give me a bottle of wine, Joe"  I ask,  paying for it, but he waves away from my cash, muttering that he'll put it on Covems open tab. I wondered who this guy Covems was. He's mighty generous for sure.

Then I take my bottle and take it to BrandyBee's corner before getting a good seat at the front to watch the third and final round of the strawberry oil wrestling match.

BrandyBee  8        Stone   8

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