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Messages - maggiemay

Pages: [1]
Hi sweeties !
I have a facebook account as my Achat character  "Maggie May"  & have just created a closed Facebook group called
"Achat : Friends & Lovers". It is a closed group so we have some privacy !! - but you have to join !
Why not create an facebook account for your character & join my group ? Maybe we could add some photos,
gossip, wit & humour - the usual fb stuff - but with an Achat slant.
Has to be polite & clean tho, sorry ! - they wont like postings or photos which are too naughty!
I just  wanted a safe  way to contact my Achat  friends & lovers off-forum   - maybe you do too !!
Hope you might like my idea !
lol Maggiemay xx 

A-Team ask you / Re: The dream tits...
« on: September 16, 2011, 06:05:00 AM »
please please please hear me !
I think large breasts are great - my own certainly are - but these ones shown are not real !!
All the front views are just great - but the side views are awful!
Large breasts cannot be this firm - it just isnt humanly possible, nor should they be.
They have to sag quite a lot & they then look & feel soooo much better when they do.
The firm ones shown look rediculous !! Like a rubber dolly. Wrong shape =  wrong feel !
Please, please hear me !!
I would like larger breasts in Achat, but I dont want to be a blow-up plastic doll!
MaggieMay xx

Share your creative ideas / alternative background music.
« on: September 15, 2011, 08:06:06 AM »
I love anything which sounds like Enigma - THE music to make love  to, but just some variations on what we have. xx

Share your creative ideas / Re: Suggestions for a better AChat experience
« on: September 15, 2011, 08:04:18 AM »
more options for background music.  I really like Enigma - but I guess just some different bland tunes .... is enough.
After all we arent there to listen to music xx

Got any problems running AChat? / Offer to help develop
« on: September 15, 2011, 06:29:06 AM »
hi - I have time to do alpha/beta testing or some small developments, if you need people? ( I am also a qualified IT girl
- tho I dont know which teck you use for Achat. Volunteering !!  lol xx

Share your creative ideas / Re: Wearing a condom
« on: September 15, 2011, 06:17:51 AM »
dont enforce it ! Make a condom a male fashion option? - or if you really want to be clever - have condom sex as a LHS button option ...!! xx

would like some sex clothes that we can remove with a button press. e.g go into the room in a long dress then press a button & it disappears !

Share your creative ideas / Re: Costumes
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:43:42 AM »
Hi developers .. can I just have 1 teenyweenie request  pretty please?

I am into Matrix/vampires - can I have a long leather open coat to go with my round sunglasses?
thanks  & lol mags xx

Share your creative ideas / Re: new rooms
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:35:30 AM »
Oh and another really cool room - an S&M room  including black leather bed .... ooooooo .... I could wear my Leather cap maybe ?
lol Mags xx

Share your creative ideas / Re: new rooms
« on: September 09, 2011, 04:47:17 AM »
My first post was OK - so here is my second request !!

Can we have more backgrounds for our initial logon ?
The current ones are a bit sparkly - except for the holiday one.

Maybe a bit too ambitious for us to be able to create our own - or upload a real world photo,
but a virtual real world would work - i.e nightime on a  street, in a bedroom, on a beach, in a forest,
by a riverside, - the possibilities are endless !! lol

Also for new rooms - in an airplane (1st class of course), club & pool table ..., conference room & table ..., varanda ..
phew !!  lol mags xx 

Share your creative ideas / Re: new rooms
« on: September 09, 2011, 04:37:33 AM »
sorry - this is my first post - hope I dont mess it up !

Can we have some outside areas as rooms - ie  on the beach, in a forest, by a stream
it would be so cool to go for a walk on the beach  - then make love ....etc

Pages: [1]